What are you sewing now?
14 years ago LINK
Nicole @motherof5
Fingers and toes !!
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I have broken my golden rule !
I have started another garment before finishing the latter !!!!
Little One desperately needs a new smart coat, so I have put Son&Heirs shirt on the back-burner . Taking Liesl’s advice( to re-cycle an old coat ) I have cut up an old chocolate brown suede jacket and I am making the School Days Coat .
It has been a little tricky , cutting it out was awkward and I have had to leave existing seams in, as it was a fitted coat, however, with a scrap of suede I already had, I managed to fit the pattern sans pockets.
Wish me luck ! ( lots&lots&lots……)
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Finished ! I can not believe how quickly that pattern went together!
If anyone has even vaguely considered making the School Days Jacket , do, it goes together like a dream.
PS ( Thankyou Darling Twins for cooking supper !)
14 years ago LINKlittlebirdy @littlebirdy
I think the twins must have put kryptonite (sp) in your supper! Can’t believe you’ve finished already!
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
I posted on your photo…I can’t believe how fast you did that!! My word. Gives me hope that maybe I am capable after all.
14 years ago LINKnancy @dollfancier
I’m ‘sewing along’ with the Ice Cream Dress. so fun! it’s my 1st oliver+s adventure. I was feeling a bit behind and then realised those of you in Australia & New Zealand are to Thursday already? (it’s Wednesday morning in California as I write this.) I’m not behind anymore. And the Sew Along is helping me pace my other sewing projects (I’m also finishing up a doll dress…) Life is wonderful!
14 years ago LINKLove the time difference! I’m going to start looking at all my deadlines in Australian time now.
14 years ago LINKbadskirt @badskirt
Admittedly, I’ve been putting my posts up late the night before just to make sure anyone who wakes up before me can start straight away. It’s been quite funny though. I’ve gotten more than a few emails from people apologizing for being tardy.
I write each of them back and let them know that this isn’t a school assignment and whatever pace is right for them is perfect! I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve really enjoyed hosting the sewalong and am so happy with the participation that we’ve had.
Along with ice cream dresses. I’m also sewing a dress, tunic or shirt each weekday for the next two weeks. Yesterday it was my first jumprope dress. Today, I’m revisiting the playdate dress. I have 14 O+S licenses for stock for an upcoming children’s market.
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
Still no sewing going on in this house. My machine is out for service for a couple weeks. Instead, I’m doing lots of cooking and learning how to can and freeze all this wonderful summer produce we keep getting. I’m also washing and drying the fabrics I have lined up for sewing when my machine comes home! sigh.
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
A couple of weeks! Oh my goodness, what happened to it !!!!
Good Idea to fill up the freezer, then you can do lost of sewing when your machine comes home.
I have cut out two more shirts for Son&Heir, and a Sailboat Top for Little One with the scraps, I love it when you are able to use the complete piece of fabric.
Next I want to make the SketchBook Shorts into pants, Husband and Son&Heir are off to a three day Sheepvention, and the lad needs some new moley’s.
14 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
The blouse fit – but she claimed it itched and when I got out of the shower she had taken the blouse off and refused to wear it.
Not a good start on a roadtrip we were taking where I had hoped she would wear it at least one day. Grrr.
Well, we came home again today and I asked her what the problem was and I think I narrowed it down to it being too short, so I’ll add a hem band to it and see if it makes a difference.
Nicole – I saw your suede coat! It’s positively gorgeous. I have that pattern on the back burner for my girls but since we’ve had 30C degree weather I’m not too anxious to get started.
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Bad luck about the shirt, it feels so personal when it is something you have made !
Thanks for your comments on Little Ones Jacket. I decided to have a go after reading your Aunts comments about it going together well, and she was right!
It gave me the confidence to try it, so thank her for me.
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
Nicole – it really just needs to be cleaned and adjusted but it had to be shipped out to a guy certified to work on it. The last time it got a tune-up, it came back messed up.
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
It must be a very flash machine. I hope you get it back soon!
I am still making shirts (Sketchbook), for Son&Heir, I hope to cut out the Puppet Show Tunic for Small One today.
14 years ago LINKckcsbella @ckcsbella
I scored some O+S patterns while I was away. ON SALE! I’m going to be cutting out some pjs today, and hopefully a couple of Jump rope dresses (both views.) I am so glad to be back with my sewing machine. It’s going to be a while until I get to actually sew on it, but it’s nice to have the option!
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