What are you sewing now?
8 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
Con denim still hasn’t arrived!
I am continuing on with my kwik sew tailored rayon shirt.
8 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
Well as of yesterday I was back to sewing a bit. I am so close to finishing up Caspian’s quilt top and really want to see it finished too. Poor fellow has four more he is awaiting for mommy to finish as well. Two are sail boats which are so quick to sew and the other sketchbook which are quick as well.i plan on layering all of his sketchbook shirts with sweaters and sail boat shirts for fall and winter. We are both excited about his new clothes. I just wish my body would decide to get with it so I can get back to life though! (More Health issues and scares, when will it ever end??)
8 years ago LINKavashmava @avashmava
Hello everyone!
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted….what a year!
I am happy to be back to work on a double pinwheel quilt for youngest son (10) in black/hot red/neon green. Sounds hideous, but the sample blocks look great!
Next is some maternity items for ME! These will occupy me until my order for Woodland Clearing fabric comes in to make up a baby girl layette!!!
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
How exciting @avashmava! I love baby girls and their layettes
having a recent one myself who is now a toddler and in need of size 2 (already?) clothes she’s tall for her 21 months of age but slimmer than my two older children (and has waaay more of an outdoorsy nature to boot!)
The kwiksew 3586 was really quite blousy for my taste – I will use it for those “fat” days.
I have to whip up something to wear to a funeral later this week.
I am thinking a white rayon and a tencel Harrison shirt would be nicer additions to my somwhat bereft wardrobe. Team one of them with a skirt and we have a simple neat and tidy, not too much outfit for said funeral.
The tall skinny toddler needs a nice playtime dress to wear to said funeral.
And my cone denim STILL has not arrived so no jeans sewing again until next week when I will be bogged down with trying to get something together for a 14 year old’s birthday.
8 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I’ve been making Kwiksew 4000, shirtdress with princess seams. Beautiful dress but I’m having trouble moving my arms forward
So I needed a mindless project, I’ve chosen to make a bookshelf quilt. It’s nice mindless piecing and if it works I’ll have a baby gift for a friend. If not it’s kept me nicely occupied8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Sounds lovely Heidi.
I am still making my Harrison shirt in tencel denim and also my cone denim Gingers are almost complete.
I have Afterschool pants to hem and thread elastic into.
The hot weather is about to hit so I am preparing to sew t shirts, skirts, sundresses and shorts etc for myself and the girls. And I am thinking Christmas….
7 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Woo hoo!
Hello lovely Peeps, we have joined the rest of the world and now have decent internet so I can finally access the forum again.
I have felt terrible wanting to help people but unable to reply.I am not sewing, we are off on Hol’s, so I have tidied my sewing room in anticipation for my return (I will be hitting the Melbourne fabric shops)
My las O+S sew was the gorgeous School Days coat in Alpaca. I made Tildy the size 8, it is huge on her but the cloth was so expensive I wanted it to have a lot of wear.
My very last sew was a pair of Vado jeans for me in black, coated denim.
Anyone sewn the new Liesl+Co button up? Is it roomy? I am tossing around sewing up a size 6 or 8 in chambray…. it will fit one of the Twins if not me….
What are you sewing?
7 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
I was just thinking of this thread recently. Thanks for refreshing it.
I hope you’ll say hello when you’re in Melbourne, Nicole. If the planets align I might just find myself with time to browse a fabric shop
For three days now I haven’t worked on anything. May and June was like a manic sewing bender at my place. Finally I’ve packed everything up and paused for breath.
Now I’m planning a fancy dress for a winter Dressmaker’s dinner, and wondering which Lisette coat to make before winter gets past me again.
Of course the kids will probably throw last minute ideas at me too, but it’s feeling like my turn in July.
I haven’t made the Liesl + Co shirt yet but have you seen Inder’s? She nailed the narrow shoulders, big bust fitting so check out her fit tips.7 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Melbourne fabric shops – sigh!
My most recent Oliver and s make has been the playtime dress for a Teddy Bear’s picnic. I also made the cozy bear hood in faux fur and I am currently working on fixing/ finishing the forest path cape in the same faux fur.
Nicole is the coated denim under another description at all? My server obviously has language issues over the search term.
7 years ago LINKOh, I’m glad to see you here! I was a little worried that everyone had moved exclusively to the Facebook group, but this is such a nice community I hope you’ll stay. I just finished sewing all the samples for our fall photo shoot last weekend, and now I’m catching up on email before I dive into spring pattern development. Somehow I want to fit in a little fun sewing, too.
7 years ago LINKElizabeth Montgomery @LizM
I just ordered some red faille and some cream wool to make a Christmas dress and coat for the new granddaughter. I’ll line the coat in the fallle too. Still looking for the right lace for the trim
7 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Faux fur and my machine doing buttonholes do NOT mix! Neither party is cooperating! Am contemplating magnetic bag snaps instead! Have to get this done before it heats up again (likely by the looks of the forecast to be next weekend
). So much for winter weather!
Have a super long list on the to do. Next is an applepicking dress.
7 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Good to hear from you Nicole, I’m glad you’re internet has improved. I’ve been enjoying your makes over on patternreview. I just bought some duckling fabric which I think is the equivalent of the velour rabbit fabric you used for L,T and B.
I’ve been making lots of LTTS drawstring bags, it’s a fantastic way to use up my practice embroidery pieces from my embroidery machine. The bags are so nice and useful too
I’ve been sewing a lot of Jalie and Lutterloh (I bought the system in Feb, it’s fantastic!). But I needed an easy/follow the instructions make last week and made up the SeaShore sundress. I was reminded just how much I enjoy sewing Oliver and S patterns. Unfortunately my older 3 boys I sew for are outside the size range
It’s lovely to hear from you guys again!7 years ago LINKmarycds @marycds
Working on my 5th pair of Sketchbook Shorts. I also just finished a pair of Sunny Day shorts that I added the pockets (with a bit of piping) from the Sketchbook.
7 years ago LINKgokathymac @gokathymac
I was planning to order this material:
To line this fabric:
https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/5464080/il_570xN.333093034.jpgTo make this dress:
https://oliverands.com/shop/garden-party-dress-blouse-sewing-pattern.htmlWhich seems to be a great version of this dress for my 5 year old niece who is apparently a big Hamilton fan:
http://kollaboration.org/content/uploads/2016/03/Hamilton_Broadway_6_embed.jpgDoes anyone have any tips on how best to incorporate the blue voile underneath the Dotted Veiling? Do I just sew two layers together as one? I’m not really sure how best to start.
Thanks for any tips or helpful advice.
~ Kathy
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