Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I’m halfway through a pair of PJs (the pants are done and the pieces for the kimono top are cut out), and am hoping to start on a popover sundress for the sew-along that’s just started. Just need my friends to get me the measurements for their girls — one has a six-year-old that’s a good two inches shorter than the other’s five-year-old. Good thing it’s such a forgiving pattern.

    lattemama @lattemama

    This weekend my baby girl turns 3 years old (how did that happen?) so I don’t think I’ll get much sewing done. But if I do, I’m making a Birthday Party dress using this fabric: http://www.flickr.com/photos/isabeldecibel/2361113120/in/set-72157623953469833/ that’s been in mu stash for little over a year.

    I have a lot of it with a cream background that I plan to use for big sister’s Birthday Party Dress.

    With a bit of luck and discipline I might have them both done by July 15th when big sister turns 6 (even bigger boggle at that number – she was a baby too just last week).

    I love seeing all your creations on the Flickr page. It’s incredibly inspiring and it helps me keep the pace up.

    Happy weekend!

    ckcsbella @ckcsbella

    I cut out three things yesterday and hope to actually plug in the machine today! I cut out an Ice Cream Dress (the youngest is having trouble with the concept that the dress doesn’t actually come with ice cream.) And a top from the same pattern. And a bubble dress. I also have all the fabric for the Sunday Brunch coat and skirt, but haven’t done anything other than wash the fabric. This is for the oldest, and she is resistant to the skirt (she hates skirts and dresses. Fortuneatly for me, her sister will wear a skirt and a dress at the same time.) That should keep me busy for a few days at least.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh no , I love skirts , so far they all still wear them……

    Five Brunch jackets made and three to go,however, they are tiny sizes so they will not take long( have not cut them out yet). I have got a bit behind as Husband needed help fencing, not digging holes ! Just sighting the fence so that it is straight.

    Next on the cutting table is four Play Date dresses in a gorgeous Anna-Maria Horner print, I love these dresses in winter with tights and boots.

    Happy Sewing and/or Dreaming !

    ckcsbella @ckcsbella

    Just posted ice cream dress on Flickr (under cameron_sarah). I’m happy with how it turned out! I’m going to make the blouse now, too.

    The oldest never liked skirts from the time she was old enough to have an opinion. The youngest loves them, and I have a great excuse to make TONS, as I don’t have very many over the 3T size (when I quit buying them). I still love skirts and dresses!

    lattemama @lattemama

    I showed my aunt (the tailor) some of the patterns I bought from here. She flipped through them, then suddenly she gasped and picked out the School Days Jacket pattern.

    You *have* to make this, she said. I nodded and smiled but expressed my doubts (I’m not sure I’m up for it just yet).

    Pft, she said. Make this in a nice wool fabric and the pieces will not move around at all – it will be a breeze.

    She even offered to order some nice wool from a supplier she knows from the theater business! Yay!

    She also showed me how to enlarge patterns – I have loads of nice models that fit my little girl but are becoming too small for my big girl and she showed me the correct way to go about it. I normally just move the pattern piece away from the fold or add a few centimeters around the existing piece. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t.

    I’m so lucky to have that kind of help at hand.

    What resources do you use when you need help with something sewing related? Websites? Books? Magazines?

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Lotta that is very true about the wool – I really enjoyed sewing the melton I used – it was much more forgiving than a woven cotton as the fibers seemed to stretch out or bunch up more easily (I am sure there is a special word for this!) so that you didn’t get puckers as much. The jacket is not so much hard as very time consuming! It starts with the hood though so for a week when that was all I had sewn I would put it on my son and pretend that was all I was going to sew – he was charitable enough to laugh every time 🙂

    Anonymous @

    I just finished a 9′ square canopy for our easy up. I used sunbrella fabric – very stiff and heavy. Had to move the sewing machine to our very long dining room table so I could lay the fabric out on it as I sewed. I have to say I could have done a better job with the fit to the canopy frame, but I’m just glad it’s done!

    Now on to training pants. Hope to get back to some more fun O+S patterns before too long!

    lattemama @lattemama

    I think I have to accept that my big girl needs at least size 9 in clothes and I will have to redraw everything to make it fit.

    I made a mock-up (toile) today for the Music Class Blouse in size 8 and when I compare it to another blouse she wore today (that is a little baggy) it differed with almost 1″ in each side (equalling to 4″ circumference). That is a lot.

    Fingers crossed the blouse I compared with is baggier than I think.

    I ordered some batiste from April1930 that I’m eager to use for the Music Class blouse. Hope it gets here safely.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Halfway through the last 2 jackets, I love this pattern , however I am looking forward to sewing something else !

    I have cut out 2 Playdate dresses, It took a while to try and match up the print as I had a baby hanging on to one leg.

    Next is to cut out 2 more Playdate dresses and 4 Sailboat tops and that is it for the girls holiday clothes. Son&Heir is another story!

    Anonymous @

    I’m really wishing I had the Sunday Brunch Jacket pattern for this Fall. I better wait until I see what else is coming out for Fall, though!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I’ve already been considering what to use for the Sailboat top for fall, but holding out in anticipation for the new fall patterns!

    Getting ready to cut pieces for my first ruffle halter for my little Niblet. Can’t wait!

    ckcsbella @ckcsbella

    I’m dreaming of some corduroy for fall – not sure what I’m going to do with it yet, though. DD #1 wants another Sunday Brunch jacket in a more casual fabric. I think corduroy may be it.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Do try the cord, I love it! It feels so special to touch ,sews like a dream and washes so well.

    I have finished the last of the Sunday Brunch jackets, and just have some skirts to sew. I can not wait to sew the Playdate dresses, I have them laid out on the cutting table and they look so groovy !

    Next on the cutting table is Saiboat tops in Amy Butler, very pretty.

    lattemama @lattemama

    I’m blind-stitching the hemfacing to my Puppet Show Tunic in French General (amazing fabric!)

    It’s gonna be adorable matched with the bloomer shorts in white twill.

    Next up – Music Class Blouse for the big girl.

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