Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    I am finishing up 3 pair of sailboat pants in denim for the older girls. After that , I have 3 brunch jackets to make.
    My next pattern to draft is the brunch jacket in size 5 for Liddy, then cut out 2 for her. I will be making one in a pinwale cord rose pink with a brown floral, the other I am not too sure! She is quite keen on some lilac pinwale that she ferreted out of my stash.
    I didn’t have a overly productive day , sewing wise, Jed decided to empty the fire ash into the paddock next to the house and then took Hugo off to footy. Of course, up goes the fence in flames with the twins, myself and a friend (who luckily called in) trying to put it out with shovels,and buckets of water. The hose did not reach and there was no time to look for an extension!
    Half an hour later , it was under control and we set up the hose and put it out.
    Jed’s comment,” By your message, I thought it was a big fire!”
    I’d rather be sewing!

    madebymum @madebymum

    Hi I have just finished 2 pairs of sandbox pants one in denim and the other pair in red cotton. I am going on to sew 2 sailboat skirts probably in some denim but not quite sure.

    Anonymous @

    Working on some Storytime PJ’s for my little guy – trains and dinosaurs cotton novelty prints here. Hope they fit him right – fabric is so cute.

    sewinginthecity @sewinginthecity

    I just finished my first Sunday Brunch Jacket. I’m really happy with how it turned out. I should have a pic on Flickr by Monday under justswatchme. I made a pj pattern based on the Zutano zutsuit, so I’ll make that next. I promised myself I wouldn’t start new projects until the last one is finished. After that, I think a tea party dress is coming up.

    I’m realizing it’s hard to sew at night because when I’m tired I make dumb mistakes. I made a couple on the jacket, so it took an hour longer to make it than it should have. I don’t have any other time to sew, though.

    Anonymous @

    Yes, SITC, it is easy to make dumb mistakes when sewing at night. I’ve had the same trouble myself!

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    geez motherof5 – you’d never know the bushfire royal commission was still on over here with Mr Relaxed hubby 🙂

    I have just cut out the pattern for my first try at the brunch jacket – is it straightforward? I have just washed a big batch of Denyse Schmidt County Fair home dec fabric and I’ll use two of those for it. I am very excited as they are such lovely prints! I think I’ll use some of the blues while my girl is too small to have an opinion! I have finished my two raincoats and will post the pics onto Flikr soon.

    Anonymous @

    he he he – I hope you don’t have any more fires to put out today, motherof5!

    Anonymous @

    Yesterday, I didn’t get to take my sewing things out until 4pm. By the time I traced the pattern and shortened all the pieces for my very tiny guy, I had to clean up the dining room table for dinner. Needless to say, he slept in his winter jammies again last night. Hopefully I’ll get these put together today!

    lattemama @lattemama

    I just finished a pair of Sailboat pants in size 5 for my little one. (Pictures just posted to the Pool on Flickr).

    I timed it to 2.5 hours in total which (for me) is really fast!. If they fit her (have to try them on tomorrow as she’s asleep now) I’m making at least one more pair.

    Next up is a Sailboat Shirt that I will have to make some alterations to. Size 4 was too small and she says size 5 is too small too so I have to add a little width to the armholes. I got good advice from my aunt (who is a tailor) that I’m trying out, but I’m a bit apprehensive.

    I also have a Music Class Blouse in white seersucker (size 8 or 9) planned for my big girl.

    Wish me luck!

    (Also eagerly anticipating Puppet Show pattern from Amazon and 4 more from this site to come this week!)

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hi everyone, Good luck with your jacket T888, it not too hard at all. Take your time, and read it carefully. If you can make a raincoat out of laminate , you can do anything.

    Showed your comment to Husband, he had the decency to blush! Farmers are so casual( I was a towngirl)

    Thanks Sahm, My brood have been having ‘picnics’ on the sitting room floor for a fortnight! I have claimed the table.

    Baby is asleep, back later, I am off to sew!!!!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Lattemama ,I will look out for your projects! I can not wait to make the puppet show set, but it’s cold here ,so I just can not give in to temptation .

    Anonymous @

    Ha Ha Ha, Mo5 – I can just picture your family “picnicking” on the floor with all your sewing all over the table. Mine often get stuck eating in the kitchen for the same reason.

    Little O’s Bedtime Story PJ’s came out great! He loves them and is so cute in them. I wanted to use snaps instead of ties so it took me a little while to figure out how to do that. Now that I have that worked out, I’m excited to make him a few more sets this week. Of course, he won’t like those as well because they won’t have trains on them!

    Anonymous @

    I’ll have to post a pic of O in his jammies tomorrow when he gets up.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I think you can make anything exciting if you put the right spin on it! Picnic sounds much better than Mummy does not want to clear the table!

    If you have any scraps, applique a train where he can see it, on hie sleeve, double knee’s where ever, this sometimes works.

    Can not wait to see the photos!

    lattemama @lattemama

    I received my 2nd batch of patterns from Oliver + S today. So I have some drafting/tracing to do the coming nights. I got The Sketchbook pattern, Birthday Party Dress, Ice cream dress and 2 + 2 skirt and blouse. I think I’ll start tracing the Ice Cream dress for my big girl. She requested it when she saw it on the website.

    Tonight I hope to get started on a pair of Sailboat pants for her as well. I’ll have to make a toile for her though, cause size 8 may be too small for her. She’s a size 9 for length but that’s usually too big in the waist – size 8 lengthened should be perfect. I hope.

    I also want to try make a Sailboat top in knit for the little one. The fabric is washed, I just have to iron it (and starch as someone recommended) before I get started.

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