What are you sewing now?
14 years ago LINK
Nicole @motherof5
I have not made this one yet, however, I really want to!
I am sure you will be fine, just take your time and read your instructions carefully.
I am looking forward to seeing it finished.
14 years ago LINKckcsbella @ckcsbella
My patterns arrived yesterday and I hope to get some sewing done this week. I’m starting with a Music Class blouse, and then a Birthday party dress. Or at least, that’s the plan!
14 years ago LINKToyota888 @Toyota888
Phew, I just finished a little run of 3 little jumpsuits for gifts – a bit like the O&S playsuit but from a thrifted vintage pattern. I have been really wanting to get those out of the way as I am going back to my home state soon and there have been a spate of births among my old school friends.
I am now looking forward to tracing out size 2 of the Village Frock pattern which I have been waiting for a year for my girl to grow into (it starts at 2T). I am thinking some sort of linen as all the linen versions in that Flikr group look amazing. Then on to the Puppet Show in size 2 – definitely the shorts but not sure whether to make dress or tunic length? Probably tunic so the shorts can go with as they are so cute!
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
I’m tracing the Puppet Show right now too. I can’t decide on dress or tunic either so I’ve decided to trace everything! I figure since I’m leaning towards dress at the moment I can still make shorts to wear with other things and if I choose tunic at the last minute then I still have the shorts pieces! Win, win, right?
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Only finished 1 shirt for Son&Heir, half way through the other, I need to finish packing. I’m pretty disappointed not to complete my goal , but I am so tired I will mess it up!
Husband thinks I will go through withdrawal, no sewing or O+S for 10 days.
I cannot wait to see T888’s and Maraya’s Puppet Show outfits . I would draft both as well !( tunic and dress)
It will be exciting to see all the lovely things when I get back.
14 years ago LINKToyota888 @Toyota888
Nicole if I sewed at my slow pace all the outfits you have made over the past few months it would take me 2 years!!
Good idea Maraya I am going to do the same – I am guessing most of the pieces are the same anyway and it’s always quicker to sew something twice in a row…
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Nearly 1 am , I am off to bed, should get about 1 hours sleep before baby wakes for a feed.
Speak to you all in a week or so, Happy Sewing !
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Nicole, glad to know I’m not the only one with a 16M who still nurses at night (her dr shakes her head, telling me ‘no, no’. bah!) or that I’m the only one who works until she’s waking for that midnight feed!
Enjoy your Holiday!
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Thank goodness, I thought you must all think I was a crazy Australian ! By the time you have your 5 th you really do not mind what other people think.( And I can eat cake and not gain weight)
Thanks for your best wishes, Husband doing a stock,water run,and we are off!
14 years ago LINKToyota888 @Toyota888
He he – you go Nicole – I only have 3 but am SO with you – with each child I got more relaxed! For the record the WHO recommends bf til 2 (not that I ever managed that mind you but just so you don’t take any grief!).
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Hah, thanks for the encouragement T888. My daughter’s dr frets over that midnight feeding because she says I’ll rot daughter’s teeth out. Bah, I’ve just decided to do what feels best and right to me. Wish I could’ve been relaxed from the beginning. So many people (family especially, argh) want to tell you how you need to do this or that. Very frustrating.
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
OH! The reason I popped over (hehe)… Fabric finally arrived! Hooray! Now I’ll set to work on the 2 ruffle tops I’m gifting. Was planning then to work on that just traced Puppet Show dress, but I fear the Ice Cream Social will distract me again! Ack! I can’t resist; sounds too fun. Just ordered my pattern today (along with the Swingset Tunic – afraid that one might be phased out and I’d hate to miss it) and actually looking forward to tracing!
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
Just ignore the know-it-alls when it comes to the nursing. Most of those ideas came from men who didn’t know anything about it. Remember, they used to tell MY mom that formula was better for me than what nature designed. Give them all the cuddles and breastmilk you can!
14 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
maraya, definitely trust yourself, especially if your instinct is to nurse your child! Maybe don’t trust yourself if your instinct is to kick your doctor in the pants, but continuing to nurse if both you and your daughter want to, that’s wonderful and good for both of you. Do you use one of those little fingertip baby toothbrushes? It’s like a little plastic finger puppet, almost. You can scrub her teeth & gums after you nurse her. My kid actually seems to like it; maybe it feels good on itchy gums since she’s teething.
I finished 3 of the 5 coordinating popovers I was planning, now waiting to get size info for the next one. Next up for me is the Ice Cream dress sew-along. I traced the view A pattern (and also part of view B since I wasn’t paying attention). Now I’m going through my stash and trying to pick out fabrics. I usually don’t have too much trouble with this part, but for some reason this time I’m kind of stuck. I made myself swear I would stay strictly within my stash since I, uh, had a post-baby hormone surge … yeah, that’s what it was. I definitely didn’t irresponsibly buy more fabric than I needed just because it looked so soft and pretty.
Nervous, I’ve never tried a 2-scissors pattern or even all of the 1-scissors ones. Having a group to sew with makes it seem more approachable.
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Thanks Sarvi! Yes, we have the fingertip brush and a baby toothbrush. She likes both and only sometimes bites down in my finger. :).
Wow, post baby hormones – that’s perfect! I’ll give that one to my husband the next time he mentions my fabric stash…nevermind that I’ve made several purchases since she’s been born! Hehe. I haven’t tried any of the 2 scissors patterns either. The group will be a nice comfort if I get stuck.
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