What are you sewing now?
8 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
It’s a very fun print you’ve chosen @madtownmama
They both look great!
I am still tracing patterns. I got out of bed to feed the baby this morning, thinking it was 5.30am but it was only 2.50am – must’ve had a power failure during the night. Anyway, I got up,mfeeling awake and cut out the traced patterns I had done yesterday so all I have to do is pin cut and sew.
This bathrobe pattern from Lekala looks interesting. The instructions are completely not hand holdy like you say @motherof5. I am wondering if they put a facing in because it doesn’t look it. So we are in for a magical mystery sewing tour with this pattern.
I am currently tracing off the hudson pants – well I have to stick the pdf together first and then trace. I have traced the jalie jeans (for the third time for this girl!) and had to alter to make way for the tum.
After the hudsons I have to do the lisette pyjama pattern (again) because this child has grown so much I am starting to wonder if it is at all worth sewing for her until she slows down. But when that will be I have no clue so why not bite the bullet and get on with it. That way she will have nice clothes that fit for a little while at least.
Once those patterns are traced I can pin cut and sew
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Hit a hige snage! The lisette pj’s is the smaller size and only goes to a 14. I need a 16! Will have to see if I have enough of the rigt fabric to accomodate a onesie instead
8 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
As frustrating as it is to sew for a fast growing/changing body, her having well fitting clothes is a blessing
I’m currently working on pants fitting.
I’ve had to redo my patterns as I’ve lost weight and can’t use my TNT. I was going to wait until I reached my goal weight to do it but the inches have come off much faster than I anticipated and I don’t have many bottoms to wear going into winter.
After trying on some RTW, I concluded it was going to be much easier to make pattern adjustments than try and find pants that fit AND are long enough! Even if I only wear them for a few months it will be worth it8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
The most frustrating part of this exercise is finding out that the patterns you bought when she was in the smallest size are now outgrown and the larger sizes have to be bought
. A similar thing to them outgrowing a size 4 and having to buy the larger size range to still wear the style. The onesie pattern is now too small and I don’t have enough jersey for one for her anyway. So the only other alternative is to see if I can pick up the larger sized lisette pattern at Spotlight. It should be available by now.
In the meantime I can get in with actually cutting out the patterns and sewing them. I have plenty to go on with so it will keep me busy.
This is the fastest growth spurt so far – and I blame boarding school menus
@withloveHeidi Oh the long enough situation! I know that so well. I just naturally alter any pattern that covers the lower area by several inches – or else they’d look like I was a giant midget
The hudson pattern states it is drafted to fit a woman five foot five. Seeing as Immy is now five feet seven, I have now had her join the lengthening ranks where pants are concerned – well I tell a lie, she’s had pants lengthened for quite a while now.
Have you seen the formula for the perfect dress/ skirt length? Very handy.
And as far as weight loss is concerned, it is similar to weight gain (and this little problem of outgrowing patterns). We have to wear clothes that fit while they can. I am happy for you though. It feels good to lose the excess weight.
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
8 years ago LINKJacki @JackiR
The Cosy Winter Hood from the LTTS book. Love it! It’s nearly finished, just trying to make the ears stand up before I embark on two more.
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh yes that hood is a good one!
Today I made three pairs of True bias Hudson pants in size 10 (adult sizes) in grey and black and with two inches added to fit my 5 foot 7inch 13 year old. I also made a start on two pairs of parachute pants, also grey and black in size 18-24 months.
8 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I’ve had a big sewing day replenishing my wardrobe. 2 pairs of self drafted leggings in red and aqua and matching red Mabel skirt (needs coverstitched hem). I also discovered the red leggings go with another Mabel skirt I made previously which was rather a closet orphan, now it has a friend and I have a new outfit
I also made a tiny, size F/2, Jalie spiral skirt 3027 out of the scraps of the same red jersey. This skirt is very cute and I love the way the back yoke is drafted slightly longer than the front. I have one planned for me out of the remains of the aqua knit. The skirt was surprisingly economical on fabric, I only need 1m to make a large adult skirt.
I also started a denim Tea Party playsuit and will do double red topstitching once the coverstitch is threaded with red.8 years ago LINKdubhels2003 @dubhels2003
Right, I’m off to stalk your flicks feeds to see these makes, I hope you’ve been adding them! I’ve lived in Hudson sty;e pants since having baby number two, I really should just make some!
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
@dubhels2003 I haven’t yet but want to grab the chance to blog them. It is so difficult to get modelled photos of Imogen’s newly sewn things these days, that it basically has to be chances taken during visits, long weekends and holidays.
I have just cut out a view b of Butterick 5616 in size 16. We are using light blue denim and even though the weather has cooled, we are keeping the sleeves 3/4 length. I hope to really get cracking on sewing this along with the lisette traveller dress (the view with the curved hem in a 16), the jalie jeans and a tiny pair of afterschool pants. You can tell I am pressed for time
. The tracing of all these patterns was so very time consuming and I have been fighting the first lurgy of the season
8 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I have started my sons blazer and I am grateful for being sleep deprived/fearless/don’t care as there are next to no instructions.
My fabric is a nice wool/poly mix, but not expensive so if it is a cluster it can be donated to the local Am-Dram group.
I am predicting this will be at least a two week sew.
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Slowly making my way through b5616. Really a very straight forward sew, just I decided to distress along the way and very nearly ripped the fabric. Of course it has to have pink topstitching!
Have to find out about the errata if any for afterschool pants as the middle part is a bit long. I think I remember it being mentioned. Never made this size before so maybe it was either my drafting or the fabric has stretched (can’t think why) or its an errata.
Also making a start on the Lisette dress. Because they are all denim coloured it makes things easier to do it this way. I will start on the jalie jeans after these three are done.
8 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Finishing off mending some tops in school uniform pants and shorts. I did all the fusing a couple of d days ago now I it need to satin stitch over the rips.
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Traveller dress needs collar stitched down, buttons and holes and sleeve hems done.
B5616 needs sleeves sewn in waistband on and buttons and holes.
Jalie jeans need topstitching, back pockets and a basic putting together of well, everything!
Nearly there with all three.
8 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Go Tamara!
I finished mending the rips in the school uniforms and moved onto frankenpattening myself some long pants. I sorted out shorts fitting last weekend and was going to frankenpattern them with some Ottobre pants so I could have the front inseam pockets I love from the Colette Iris shorts in my pants. However, disappointingly, the pants I was all ready to use onLy go up to a 44 and I need a 46 in Ottobre
I’ll still make them but I’ve put them aside for now. Luckily it is still unseasonably warm this week and I can still get away with wearing my skirts.
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I managed the jeans but didn’t get the other things done. Have to leave this afternoon so I have no choice but to leave them for when I get back. I will be back in Perth again next week anyhow so hopefully I will have some pj’s and a bathrobe finished in that time also.
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
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