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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    The briars are for Imogen @WithloveHeidi. I do not foresee ever fitting into this size range again, or at least not for the foreseeable future. The neck seems to be very big for some reason and they look really long, even though I didn’t cut the cropped version to check for length. I will send it down to her to try on with the other Tania culottes which are absolutely gorgeous btw. I hope to get some modelled photos when she is home for Easter.

    I say make a muslin and go from there. Of course you could adapt any t shirt pattern to emulate the style if you want the easy route. That way you just have to curve the hemline and not worry about anything else.

    I didn’t do a pocket for these ones as I want to gain her opinion first. Then for the cooler weather I can go all out and do the bells and whistles.

    I didn’t get a huge amount of sewing done that I had intended to do this afternoon. Chloë only slept for two hours today so will be heading for bed very shortly and maybe I can have some uninterrupted sewing time (this kid tries to scale the safety gate and I caught her up on my bed this afternoon!) I think I am going to have to be very slippery with my sewing time and try and keep it to her sleeping patterns which unfortunately at the moment are all over the shop. And maybe keep the handstitching to when she is awake as per the method I used when the biggies were little. That way she can feel as though she’s not been usurped for time with the sewing machines😀

    Anyway, I did manage to sew the bottom part of the Teaparty playsuit and got up to sewing the neckband down on one Briar (the neckband has gone awol for the other) and I also got going on the white hide and seek tunic. So pretty successful really but nothing actually finished as yet – that was the goal.

    I want to send the Briar tops down on Wednesday so I will be doing some last minute sewing tomorrow evening after the day’s events.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well, I couldn’t find extra of the print fabric I was using to make the playsuit for Imogen. I may have to just make the bottoms into shorts and not worry about the top. I bought some more pink linen instead – the same colour as I used to make her Bistro dress. I plan to use it to make the pants version of the pattern as the weather is changing and she may not get the use from the short version for long. I am actually hoping she is the same size at the end of the year so that I can still make it in that size but you know teens grow just as fast as the little kids do so …

    Anyway, the day is to be interrupted again so I won’t a great huge chance to sew but will endeavour to keep going on the white hide and seek tunic. It has been sitting there for ages and I just want it made.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I will be sewing Dalmation ears for the school play soon. Not sure once they discover I can sew how much more they will give me.

    The 4th and 5th graders are doing Cruella deVil. My son got a lead- he’s Pongo- the father dog. He’s quite excited!

    Susan @madtownmama

    @cybele7272 Don’t make those Dalmation ears too nice and then you won’t be on the hook for more! Make sure the left is a bit longer than the right…or something like that 🙂

    This week I commandeered our new but unfinished basement room as my sewing space. It’s nice to be able to make a mess where no one cares! I printed out an assembled the Lullaby Layette pattern because I have a new niece due NEXT WEEK. She is the first for my brother and his wife and I’m so excited I can’t stand it. I’m trying to wait until she is born and we know how big she is so I can make the appropriate size for her. My kids are straight up average now, but were huge babies, and you know how babies run through those clothes so fast in the first year! I want to get it right. The other issue is that since this is their first and especially since they’re having a girl, they’ve already gotten TONS of clothes for gifts, so I want the things I make to be worn. I know absolutely they will be appreciated, but I want them to be worn and covered with poop and drool and all the rest.

    Meanwhile, I made an Everyday Skirt for myself. It just needs the hem. I almost never wear skirts, so I have to decide on the length (I’m thinking mid-knee so I don’t look too schoolmarmish, which is what often happens when I wear skirts and why I typically don’t). My kids will need things for summer, so I’m trying to think ahead. Maybe Sunny Day shorts in a pique knit for my sporty son?

    Tamara @justsewit

    @madtownmama congratulations Susan! I say go ahead and make the smallest size now because no matter how big she is, she will fit it well for a good while. My baby was 8lb 10oz at birth and she fit her 0-3 bubble and tops and pants for a good three months, which is always nice to know it will get good useage.

    Elephant Layette bodysuit
    Just to whet your appetite😀

    The bubbke dress is also a really good pattern to use for new baby girls too.

    Have fun sewing for this new little bundle in your family

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh wow I never imagined I would get the pictures to show like that when I linked the album. That is so cool!

    Anyway, I decided to go out on a whim and make something my mind just could not get away from. I did want to make it in the blue and might still yet make one in a bigger size, but I used the pink colourway of Sarah Janes border print Summer night lights from her Wee wander range of fabrics to make a Playdate dress. I have only made one of these before and I remember having issues with the yoke but this time it seemed to go rather smoothly.

    The only issue is that the hole to accommodate the head is too small so I had to do some unpicking of seams and clipping of seam allowances to make it fit.

    It is almost done and looking really how I had imagined (except its pink not blue). I am about to get started on finishing it up as I don’t have a lot left to do on it. It came together fast this time for some reason.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have finished my daughter, Elsa, turn on my #sewingrota http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com.au/2016/03/elsa-round-up.html and now I am onto Zara, her twin.

    Today I started a knit jacket with welt pockets. The instructions were very scant so I pulled out my Art Museum pattern.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have completed the playdate dress and am now handkering to make more! It is so cute!

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    I realise I have been stalking and reading threads without comments for far too long!

    I’m dreading being asked to sew for school productions. I selfishly feel like I only want to sew what I want to sew, which isn’t generous or community spirited. Maybe I’ll feel differently if the time comes! Congrats to your son though, guess he’s going to be practicing lines for a while!

    I love the layette pattern. My younger daughter has just turned 18 months and I’m going to make every variation of the pattern before she outgrows it! Each item is pretty quick so you should get it whipped up before the granddaughter arrives 😉

    The playdate is very cute. I’ve got a made up one with no buttons on that’s never been worn and is now too small! Oh well…

    I’m patch working my daughter a duvet cover from old sheets. Just squares, nothing flash. Her room is our new loft room, which is starting to look like a gorgeous kid space. I’ve also got a playtime dress cut out in a light blue and white seersucker with thin red and black stripes running though it. It’s lovely fabric and will hopefully suit the girl who only wants to wear dresses!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have been up very very early this morning thanks to an insomniac toddler who thought 3.30 was get up time – oi! Thankfully she is now back in bed and I can continue to encourage the boy that it is actually get up and get ready for school time, all whilst cutting out more playdates.

    I have two cut and a third in the wings! I think I am addicted!

    I also realise that I need typing lessons to get rid of stray letters that make my posts look disgusting with misspelled words😜

    patch duvet cover sounds wonderful. I saw one in Spotliht the other day that was printed of course but it had the little pixel effect happening. I was going to buy one for my eldest daughter’s room but they didn’t have the size I wanted. An alternative could be sitting down and sewing all the charm squares one owns together and then backing that with a sheet before sewing it into a giant pillow case with poppers.

    I am now off to have coffee number three for the day and continue cutting.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara.
    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    I’m working on 2 blouses for myself right now. One is a modern Simplicity that is very similar to a favorite peplum blouse of mine from Anthropology in a vintage wienie dog knit, the 2nd is a vintage McCall’s summer blouse in a green sateen cotton with tiny white polka dots. Of course, I went to JoAnn’s yesterday and snatched up a hot new Vogue American designer blouse pattern that is begging to be made up in Fabric Tradition’s Gertie Yellow Rose rayon challis, but is has to wait for the fabric (my JoAnn’s doesn’t get many appearal fabrics in stock) to arrive, so I WILL finish the 2 on my sewing desk.

    I’m super excited for warm weather to arrive and stay, and I am determined to have lots of new wardrobe pieces to celebrate the sunshine.

    (I also need to make my daughter’s Easter/Confirmation dress, but clearly, I am dragging my feet on that one. Having a super terribe cold hasn’t been conductive to intense fittings and sewing for a preteen)

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Everyone is so busy with great projects!!!

    I bought some Gertie Sateen Rose Garden Yellow, and am awaiting the spring patterns. It has a border print and while I’d love to do it in the birthday party pattern, my girl is too big to lay the pattern that way. So now I need a dress with a waist seam to take advantage of the border print. So here I wait trying to be patient, drumming my fingers. (I’m lookin’ at you, Liesl!!) 🙂

    I am already beginning to regret my volunteerism and we haven’t started yet. It might have to do with the fact that one of the volunteers on the email keeps replying all to demand to know expectations and scheduling for sewing RIGHT NOW because SHE works full time, and has to adjust her schedule and has to … whatever… I can’t keep up. It has been less than 24 hours since the first email saying who the costume coordinator was.

    Her last email was like- someone please call me to discuss this. I am so tempted to call and be like, “Let’s talk” and then be silent on the phone just because it is childish and she is driving me crazy. Plus I am naturally snarky, so…. I’m really holding it in check.

    Ok.. vent over… still patiently drumming my fingers for that new dress pattern, I hope to see…. 😉

    Tamara @justsewit

    Early morning posting is quite a novelty I really need to not do. But I can’t sleep at the moment!

    I ended up cutting three Playdate dresses but due to a very early wake up call, I really didn’t get far. The yokes have the minipiping added but not finished off and all the other pieces are stitched and ready to sew to completion. I plan to spend today completing these. Then I really must get on with Easter sewing.

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    I went upstairs to sew, and the house phone started ringing off the hook. The paper made a misprint of the phone number in a listing featuring hay for sale. I keep having to explain that I do not have any hay and that this is the wrong number, and I can’t not answer the phone because I agreed to take registration for a church event. I did call the paper and the error is being fixed.

    Since I’m getting no sewing done between phone calls, I’m cleaning and reorganizing my studio. It seems like I always have new toys to put away, lol

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh no @thejennigirl, it is funny to read but not so funny to deal with, I am sure.

    I finished a hooded top for my daughter and now I am on to a denim skirt.

    My baby girl loves the outside so I am not getting as much sewing done, my garden looks lovely though 😉

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