Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m making myself bathers! Hopefully they will fit.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Without photos it didn’t happen Heidi!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Given I’m adding another 2″ FBA to the 4″ FBA I’d already done . . . they’ll only be photos of the suit 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I was sewing until midnight and stuffed the waistband on one pair of jeans. Total number out of 4 pairs done for our trip today? 0!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Ooh. That late night sewing costs me more in time and productivity.

    I’m working on a jumprope. Slowly.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I managed to correct and finish two pairs – one each for the kids. Imogen’s were perfect on her but Noah’s stretched and he needed to wear a belt. I gently lectured him over the importance of cooperating when measuring him so that he could wear clothes that were just right not too big or small. He has promised to not stick his tummy out purposefully again and to give up “cheesies”! Alot of good that will do too.

    Tomorrow I plan to tidy up before embarking on finishing the last two pairs and then starting some show projects. This year the local Ag society have made an incentive prize in the sewing section and one of the sewing shops has come on board and offered a sewing machine for the prize. My aim is to win it so that there is a second machine there for the children to learn on and should I decide to do things that entail lots of topstitching I can set it up so that I can use two machines not just one.

    The catch is to get “most outstanding” in a machine sewn item in the needlework section. So I have two weeks to put a baby/toddler two piece putfit and an adult garment together.

    I would love to make another jumprope. Looking forward to seeing your cybele727.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I have the collar and placket done. It is lusciously beautiful if I do say so myself. Even my rather critical mother saw the fabric combo and said, “ooh that’s lovely!” High praise indeed! I fiddled just right and feel like a placket rock star! But I am doing it slowly so as not to err in haste.

    , are you using the layette? That would have ample needle work opportunities.

    Tamara @justsewit

    High praise! Wow! Your mum sounds as critical as mine – my mum thinks she can buy clothes for my kids and I won’t mind! I see that as highly insulting!

    In the past I have been successful by entering things with smocking or embroidery (or both) on the baby/toddler items. I know that not alot of people in the area do this so it means that my item is different and judges tend to like different. I could use the layette and add smocking to the top or bodysuit but the category requires it to be only a two piece so I wouldn’t be able to use the jacket (and this would be the piece that would dfeinitely be handy for embroidery).

    I have this vision of a carousel dress in my head that has been evolving for a little while now. I may have to make it in order to clear the way for other imagined creations!

    But then I haven’t really decided on this item yet. For the adultwear I want to make another pair of Jalie jeans and the Gallery top and I will make it for Imogen (because otherwise there will not be room on the table for anyone else’s items!). That way she can have the top she has been wanting and I can have an outfit for the show.

    Looking at the fabric requirements has me surprised though. Do we really need 3.25 yards for a size 6 top? I’m thinking this is way too much but then I am not used to sewing adult sized items for my children so we are yet to find out if it actually true or not.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Just finished my first two Class Picnic tops (sizes 2, and 5), and another Butterfly skirt. CP’s more fiddly than I thought -especially hemming the sleeves – I had to tack them right close to fold so that I could machine sew. I think the wider hem (1 1/2″) inhibits getting in there when it’s pinned. Good news is tacking gives good guide for sewing evenly. B Skirt is a real hoot – found some extremely funky/retro cat advertising fabric at Spotters – of course it was the last piece left. So I’ve made a size 7 for Miss J in Melbourne, carefully saving as much fabric as poss so that I can make a small bag/clutch for cat-mad friend. The pattern is great for fabric you don’t want to cut horizontally. The simple pleats at front lend themselves brilliantly to ‘feature’ fabric.

    Really looking forward to making up the CP shorts for the very littlies here, to wear in our extremely slowly approaching Spring/summer. Right now, starting to sew small pair of Sketchbook shorts (18-24mths) which met same fate as T Party dress – not sewn up in time to fit intended kid. Same kid looks brilliant in orange/navy sprig print Playtime Dress. I may get photo if lucky. How are your thoughts on exhibits for the Show, and the Carousel dress progressing, T?

    Tamara @justsewit

    Progress is slow Fiona due to a multitude of things. Life always seems to get busier when I decide to do something like enter the local show!

    I have cut the pieces and interfaced the parts to be pleated. I have chosen the design and have the threads ready to go. I have coffee dyed the lace edging but not the entredeux.

    It will be completed by the end of the week come hell or high water – I may go crazy by the end of the week also.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I finished the denim quilt top now I need to get some coral fleece for the background. Last time I was at Spotlight there wasn’t much choice 🙁
    I’ve also pinned a quilt sandwich and sewn 4 lines of quilting. This is the last of the 4 quilt tops I made over 4 years ago when my fiend was pregnant with #4!
    Now I’m off to making myself a swim suit. I’ve made the muslin so hopefully this one is use able 🙂

    Maggie @Magonomics

    I’m working on back to school outfits for my 5 & 7 year old nieces. (Can someone tell me how this happened? I could have sworn it was last week I was watching a 2 & 4 year old).

    In the past I’ve done matching dresses but this year both requested skirts and tops. So I’m doing hopscotch in a navy lawn and some of the fabric I was sent by Oliver + S a few months ago!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Lucky nieces and lucky you to have two to sew for!

    Tamara @justsewit

    For so e reaso. The coffee dyed lace turned out slightly ombre! It is currently dipping in white vinegar ready to try again!

    Tamara @justsewit

    For some reason my message above looks garbled!

    Anyway, its Wednesday and I have not started any sewing projects for the show. I think I will have to give it a miss this year. Three kids poorly and myself working hard not to go over the edge with a lurgy also. Not to mention farm issues (shearers not turning up etc). It has turned out to be all a bit much.

    I will still endeavour to make the dress but I won’t be stressing out about finishing it by Friday evening! Besides, a nice little sewing machine for the kids would be great but there is no room to keep it in my all ready chock a block sewing area.

    Oh and that talk of a black and white challenge has me tempted to change the design completely!

    So enough from me. Is anyone else sewing and what are you sewing now?

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