Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I made myself another Penny pinafore, this time the dress, for book week assembly. I started it after work yesterday and had it finished by bedtime. I love having a TNT pattern for me!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I am still on my jumprope. We went to NYC for the weekend for our anniversary. Bought fabric. Now I’m really behind!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Have finished a pair of Sandbox pants in navy cord, and a Swing skirt for Miss C to wear in Bali. Have just posted latest creations to Flickr. There are rather a lot of pic but I’d really appreciated people’s patience. Not so much industry as very limited download on home computer therefore slow speed in uploading better lit pics to Flickr.

    Next up binding ‘Farm quilt’ for Mr Connor George – first grandchild for some very old friends. Baby now about 4 weeks old and doing very well. After that, LOTS of pants.

    nzsewist @Ann-Maree

    I sorted through my almost four year old’s clothes the other day and realised that once I take out everything that doesn’t fit anymore she is left with very little in her dresser and wardrobe!

    So… I quickly made her a couple of pairs of playtime leggings and started on a sweatshirt using the school bus tee pattern. My first attempt (school bus size 5 made with sweatshirt fleece) is looking good but isn’t going to be wide enough to allow a roomy fit and the armscye isn’t deep enough either so I’m going to move up to a size 6 and add an extra inch of width to the next one.

    I’ve also started on a pink gingham music class blouse for her cowgirl/cowboy birthday party in October. It’s my first time sewing this pattern and I’m only a few steps in but I’m loving it! I’ve got purple gingham to make her little sister one as well and I will definitely be making them each a short sleeved one in some pretty prints for summer.

    I have promised my husband some Thread Theory Jedediah jeans too and need to finish assembling and cutting out the pattern pieces so I can figure out how much denim I will need.

    September is going to be a busy sewing month! I have started managing my project lists for each season on an app on my phone so I can keep track of what everyone needs.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    @ann-maree I”m yet to make that pattern Ann Maree, I’m looking forward to seeing the co-ordinated blouses!

    I have been quilting a couple of cushion covers, the hand sewing makes a really nice change to sitting at the machine, and I can do it in front of the TV!

    I need some inspiration. E is 3 in October and M is one next month. I definitely want to make E a dress, but I really don’t know what to make. I love the garden party and have not made the dress yet. I was going to do an ice-cream dress with Alice in Wonderland Liberty as she is obsessed with AinW at the mo, but I have made that pattern loads. But it is a great pattern to show off a pretty fabric. I don’t know what to do. Any ideas much appreciated! I suppose I could take a pic of some of my fabric stash and maybe you could come up with some inspiration for me?

    Tamara @justsewit

    @dubhels2003 a dress but not a dressup? I am immediately thinking that if your little one is turning three and is obsessed by Alice, why not make her an Alice costume? Or does she have one already? Vothgirl did the same for her miss E who turned three recently – her’s was sleeping beauty I think.

    Do you have enough of the Alice liberty to use with the Fairy tale dress? Then it could be an Alice style dress with Alice on it but not a costume?

    nzsewist @Ann-Maree

    @dubhels2003 I think the roller skate is a great pattern to show off a print fabric since there are so few seams. Or the playtime dress is great for that as well. I have found both patterns to be hard wearing options for my busy and active three year old. As much as she loves dressing up in a pretty dress, any dress also needs to be able to stand up to plenty of running and jumping too! 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have a backlog of things being worked on at the moment. I have a white class picnic top awaiting hems to be sewn a d elastic to be put in. I have a family reunion dress and puppet show dress both in floral lawn of different prints waiting for their sides to be sewn as the sleeve have only just been attached. I have two pairs of jeans to complete for the biggies and of course I have the carousel dress that was intended for the show (that has been and gone) to pleat smock and sew. All the Oliver and s patterns are being made in a size 6-12 momths.

    Sewing is slow until the safety rails arrive as I have a little person who is very interested in my power board!

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    I’m hoping to do some sewing for me shortly, so I can wear something ‘me made’ when I return to work. I’m thinking a city stroll skirt and a passport jacket. I’ve posted a question on the Lisette forum, but it’s not as active a forum as this one. I wonder if anyone would mind having a look to see if you can help?


    Thank you!

    Maggie @Magonomics

    @dubhels2003 I agree with @nzsewist that the roller skate is good for showing off prints. I’ve also done it so the back is a single piece. A sleeveless fairy tail (sans collar) would probably work as well.

    Tamara @justsewit

    @dubhels2003 I just posted an answer for you on the lisette forum. I hope its helpful.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Partially finished two pairs of Sketchbook shorts for separate boys; waiting for fitting feedback/elastic etc before they can be finished. Dug out an After School top (size 2) that I cut out several years ago – I think I gave up because of the more demanding construction of the yoke. Having made the pink version a few weeks ago, I feel more confident, and this one will look very sweet with some orange corduroy After School pants in a size 2. Still a few more pants to make – really hoping for some feedback from my ‘mothers’ c/o of some ‘sample’ pants/pj’s I have made.

    Have finished up the Farm scene quilt- it just needs washing now, but that needs dry weather which Adelaide ain’t had. Better forecast ahead. I have some very sweet ‘cafe latte’ coloured/printed linen which I bought at a Craft Fair; it came in ‘pieces’ so not suitable for a bigger child. However, I thought of the Hide/Seek dress/top. Need to pin the mother to choice. I also a small piece of brown suede-like fabric. A H/S tunic over Sketchbook shorts could look rather chic. I thought of you, and the Alice fabric, dubhels. The panel at the front of the dress could be extend to the hem, and at the back using your novelty fabric, and a contrast fabric for the side pieces, and the sleeves??? BTW, what is it about Alice that is fascinating your girl? My godson was mad about Robin Hood etc at the same age – the principal attraction was the drawstring money-bag worn on the belt. LOL.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I haven’t done a lot of sewing recently. But today I finished the denim quilt I’ve been working on 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes sewing has been attempted but not exactly carried out at this end too! Today however, I managed to sew the side seams on both the family reunion dress and puppet show dress. I am hoping to finish both of them over the weekend.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    @dubhels2003 I thought of you yesterday as I saw a local art space that was being transformed to look like the scene from Alice in Wonderland where Alice meets the knitting sheep and they go boating together (one of my favourite bits for the rowing puns).
    The artist is painting a beautiful life size mural on the walls of the art space. It would make the most fabulous back drop for a photo shoot. I really wished I’d just sewn an Alice dress!
    What am I sewing now? I’ve just cut two pair of Nature Walk pants and two modified Flashback Skinny Ts in grey sweater knit for my son and a classmate who have to bd elephants in next weeks school production

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