Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    EllenMCM @EllenMCM

    I’m in aaaaargh mode. I have a stack of UFOs that need things like hemming, sewing down the free end of the neckline facings, and buttons. DD is particularly adamant that I finish a shirt with unicorns on it. And I’m facing a deadline on a writing project. So, naturally, last night seemed like a great time to trace a pattern for me and try to start the FBA. I should have realized this was a bad idea the third time I had to re-trace a piece because I couldn’t get the pattern to stay still, but I persevered. And then forgot to include SA when I when I attempted the FBA, so I have to start over. But not this weekend, because I have to write instead.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    That is very frustrating to have to redo the changes 🙁 But at least once you get down to the nearly finished pile hopefully you’ll see results fairly quickly 🙂

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m making myself another pair of leggings with a matching Colette Mabel Skirt. I’ve discovered now that the temperature has dropped I don’t quite have enough leggings to last all week. Now I’ll have 4 different sets of matching leggings and Mabels, teal, burgandy, black and this charchol/navyish set, and they all mix and match 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Heidi did you recieve an email regarding some sort of bungle with one of the Colette patterns? A scam or something? I didn’t read it properly because time has been lacking of late.

    On my sewing table are still the hopscotch dresses still to be hemmed and also some pairs of playtime leggings, mostly in different shade of pink because I want to decrease the scrap stash.

    I hope to complete them today and then I can change threads (I think) and work on something not with a base colour of pink, like the music class shirt and 2+2 top.

    The aim is to complete these items by the end of the weekend – which is a long one!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Not that I know of Tamara, although I think there may have been a correction put out regarding the Mabel waistband.
    I finished my leggings with matching skirt as well as fixing the fleece Mabel I made last week.
    It was to restricting so I cut 6″ off the bottom and added a ruffle instead. Now it’s wearable and doesn’t restrict my movement 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I am enjoying my self imposed blindness to the state of my house and having a long weekend of sewing bliss! Who cares? it will be here Tuesday!

    Anyway, I have successfully completed the hopscotch dresses and promptly dressed Chloe in the pink striped one with a freshly sewn pair of pink leggings (playtime) after she woke from her morning nap.

    Unfortunately she woke up to my mad zigzagging in completing the rest of the leggings so was restrained in the swing and made to listen to the machine while I finished the last two legs – baby torture that simply doesn’t work as she loves it!

    So now I am up to threading elastic, after clever little old me zigzagged around a whole waist and neglected the opening! Of course I have unpicked a space. Also in the basket is the music class skirt and hopscotch skirt that both needed elastic in order to be worn.

    Then later this afternoon when she is again slumbering (we hope this time for longer), I plan on quiet sewing – cutting out and prepping a few more things to keep the sewing machine chugging along.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    T, that poor baby is going to need the sound of a sewing machine recorded so she can develop good sleep patterns.Lol. Are all these outfits you’ve detailed in the last zillion posts, ALL for Chloe?

    Finished yet another Popover – size 4 lengthened – in autumn colours, and nearly finished a size 5 Hopscotch Skirt with a frill to lengthen it. (Do not try this at home!) A serious amount of gathering involved, but it does look good. Too many other projects to list here. Back to grindstone, including cheeky x-stitch for coffee dependent friend whose 60th birthday is being celebrated with HIGH TEA next Sunday.

    PS: Check out Julia’sMom gorgeous appliqued Swing set skirt in Flickr group.

    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    Just cut out a pair of Sunny Day shorts for DS and a metro tee for me.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh she is used to it Fiona! And she actually sleeps well through it. I just got carried away when she wasn’t in deep sleep either that or she didn’t go to sleep – which happens occasionally.

    Yes they are all for her because my big kids have outgrown Oliver and s and right now are preferring bought things (if I can find them to fit) but I hope to change that soon.

    Last night I traced the puppet show pattern in the 6-12 month size. Today I plan to cut out a dress and tunic to put aside for when I have sewn the other two items.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Today I plan to modify my TNT Penny pinafore Tee into a jumper (hoodie)/jacket Pattern.

    Tamara @justsewit

    This morning I made a start on the 2+2 blouse while Chloe was enjoying herself practising her new trick on the floor – rolling over slowly without surprise but with big smiles.

    I was planning to take a photo of her wearing her (mismatched) rainbow hopscotch dress and hot pink playtime leggings, but I realised I had only stuck the label on. So I stitched it on before popping it in the wash because it was soiled – what a surprise!

    We plan to have another play session in the sewing room shortly.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Still plugging away at Elsa’s coat. Not so pleasant to sew wool with a stuffy nose and head cold.
    Sewing for babies sounds much more fun but I have Zara, Hugo, Me, Jed and Gifts before it is sweet Trixie’s turn again.
    It doesn’t stop me planning…..

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’m up to the ties on the 2+2 and I think I might bind the sleeve seams as I did this on the Apple picking dress and it turned out lovely. Besides it will save me changing threads on the overlocker straight away.

    I hope to complete it tonight but am not sure if this will happen as little miss sleeping beauty slept late and so will hit the hay later than usual.

    There is always tomorrow….

    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    Finished the Sunny Day shorts yesterday. Used a cute train print and the beach bum pocket hack as DS likes his pockets. DS put them on right away!

    Finished my Metro tee this morning. Kaufman Laguna in black. Very comfy.

    Now, working on a duvet cover in superhero print for eldest DD.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Are they girl super heroes or boys? My eldest daughter loves superheroes too – Batman and the like.

    Today I hope to complete the 2+2 top and at least make a start on the music class shirt. We shall see.

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