What are you sewing now?
9 years ago LINK
EllenMCM @EllenMCM
Justsewit, I like the Music Class. It’s a super-cute classic piece.
I need advice. I pushed ahead on the shirt last night, flat-felling seams with a sort of minimal degree of competence. I may prefer french seaming for side seams. Anyway, I got the cuffs on. They look fine from the outside, and hideous from the inside. Pick off and try again, or leave well enough alone? Any suggestions on cuffs that are neat from both sides?
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
How messy is messy Ellen?
When I apply a cuff, I attach it from the inside and the topstitch it from the right side.
I can find a picture if you need.
I got a good start on Elsa’s (15) trench coat, so far it is going together nicely.
We are having a ‘discussion’ about the length. She wanted in long but now would like me to chop a lot off.
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Like this Ellen
and a wee link http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/sketchbook-shirt-tutorial-part-2.html
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
Nicole. Reason: added a link
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I have decided to jump ahead to the next pattern I want to use and am making headway in tracing the apple picking dress. The ironing board is now covered in “candidates”!
I don’t think I will cut any fabric right now though. I just don’t want to have heaps on the go and find I can’t sew it all in good time. Its just a bit busy around here at the moment.
The health nurse was so enamoured with the carousel dress Chloe was wearing yesterday, she had to take a photo for her wall, and emailed it to me! I put it in the group.
I am thinking of making another the same only blue, or white – of both!
9 years ago LINKEllenMCM @EllenMCM
Nicole, messy is MESSY. From the outside, it’s neat. On the inside, I have one point where the topstitching is an inch away from the stitching attaching the cuff to the sleeve, and the cuff is wrinkled up. I like your method better. I think I’m going to re-cut the cuffs entirely.
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Ellen, if it bugs you, fix it. I have embraced my quick unpick (it helps that is is a natty little number I purchased in the O+S store).
I just accept it as part of good sewing now.
Much less angst. 🙂9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Ok, I went back on my word and cut an apple picking dress anyway. I decided on the pink check winter twill for it – no one will believe me if I say “it” decided it had to be chosen! Anyway, I am looking forward to finishing it as I belive the fabric choice was perfect – screams classic little girl dress! I have only made this dress once before and I believe I hit the same snag then as I have again tonight – the skinny placket is sewn upside down so it looks totally wrong. I have done two and both are backward. So tomorrow I will work on this dress and get the skinny placket jolly well right!
Then it will be focussing on sewing the liberty music class and the wee wander 2+2 blouse. It means changing colour thread to sew them so will do them both together.
Then I will sew a pile of buttons on a pile of things to finally complete them.
Tomorrow is a sewing only day!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Well as luck would have it I have discovered that I attached the plackets the wrong way around – majoy unpicking effort later, everything is rectified. i still have two skinny plackets sitting there doing nothing but also a fat one has joined the pile too! One of the biggest ditziest moments of my sewing life!
I am now up to hand stitching the neckline of the tie down – in between consoling the baby who has conveniently forgotten that she can so roll back onto her back again!
When she goes for another nap the plan is to sew the skirts and sleeves on. But first its the buttonholes!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Well the apple picking dress is now done and now I am on to making some last minute hopscotch tops and dresses. I have three on the go and am sewing the assembly style.
You can see the apple picking dress here.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Well that was clever! The link didn’t work! Oh well.
9 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Ellen, I agree with Nicole. I usually let things slide, and it’s fine while it’s just me — but that garment has a life after your kid’s use of it. I find I am too embarrassed to give away some outgrown clothes because of those moments that I didn’t go back and unpick. I have the same exact problem with stitch-in-the-ditch and insides wrinkling/getting out of alignment. There’s that stuff you can use to fuse the cuff down — it’s sort of like using just the gluey bit from fusible web — and that works much better than pins, but it does change the feel of the fabric a bit, in a way I don’t always like.
Congratulations, @jax! Twins, how wonderful.
9 years ago LINKEllenMCM @EllenMCM
I unpicked. It’s still not perfect, but it’s a lot better. I need to sew buttons on the shirt now, and I need to finish a top for dd, who has decided that little pin-tucked peasant tops are the best thing to wear.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
May I suggest using wondertape. I have had this stuff in my stash for a while and never thought to use it until last night whilst sewing the knits. It was an absolute godsend because it stuck the two pueces together while stabilising it so tge fabric didn’t stretch or anything. I used the 1/4 inch width but I think you can get it wider. It says that it disappears after the first wash so we shall see.
I completed the hopscotch top last night and the dresses are still there waiting. Chloe is wearing the top with the 2+2 skirt today.
I hope to complete the dresses tonight so she can wear one tomorrow (instead of yet another pyjama day) and then I can sew up the rainbow leggings aswell.
9 years ago LINKHarmony @Harmony
Sewed up a pair of lengthened Sunny Day shorts in chambray with embroidered anchors and a Colette Sorbetto top for me, me, ME!!!
The lengthened Sunny Day shorts don’t want to be sewn in navy linen. This makes twice now. For the sake of my sanity, I’m going to respect their decision.
Ruffled halters are up next…
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Don’t you love when the fabric gets to decide?
After a busy few days I am still yet to complete the hopscotch dresses. Just the hems to do though.
I pulled out my basket of knit remnants and have been fishing through sorting them out by colour. It is the project for the long weekend, to try and use up as much of it as I can with the playtime leggings and hopscotch top patterns. I haven’t traced the fieldtrip top pattern yet so I suppose I will have to save some for that one.
Lots to do…
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