Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    Sob, sob! I give up sob! Another sewing disaster! My hopes of wearing something not black and bought to Chloe’s baptism are now dashed! The top turned out too big somehow and the skirt is still to be handstitched up and the hem done. But I leave for Perth tomorrow so the time has run out and I am truly upset!

    Oh well I will get over it in time! At least the little lady of the day has a dress made by me (and prize winning to boot!)

    Imogen announced that the school ball is in three weeks time! Talk about giving us notice! Can’t even get a pair of shoes made that fast! Thank goodness for silk at Spotlight! I saw the prettiest colour the other week so will try and get some and find a pattern that I won’t stuff up this time!

    Then it will be down to really concetrati g on alteri g the said pattern correctly this time and the others so that I can make some clothes for me and hopefully Noah and then Chloe can have a turn. It might be raining and cold by then.

    Ock Du Spock @Ock Du Spock

    I am feeling pretty excited… I just finished sewing on the last button of a puppet show dress for my little girl that has been quite the laboured affair! I made my own piping (and piping cord) for it and handstitched all the facings/linings as well (which I have not done on previous puppet shows!)… So SO pleased it’s done… looking forward to trying it on her tomorrow (we did some preliminary fittings and it should be a good fit) to see what it looks like all finished up… one last thing to finish for my son for KCW and I am wrapping it up… it’s been a long week!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m making a modified RRH cape from LTTS for my nieces 16th birthday! I have the outer navy cut and sewn as well as the vintage lining. Next up is the fleece interlining 🙂

    Masha Richart

    My plans to make a single swimsuit during Kids Clothes Week turned into a mad rush to complete a million garments – mostly knits. I’ve cut up some old dresses of my mom with sentimental significance and made little sundresses for her granddaughters, made a few pairs of summer pjs for the boy and finished up the baby WIPs that have been sitting in the WIP basket for the last four months. Next up are probably some leggings for my oldest and maybe another pair of pjs or two.

    Nicole @motherof5

    @Ock Du Spock snap! I am sewing one too, but very industrial sewing, lots of topstitching 😉

    @with love Heidi that divine wedding cape you sewed, swoon!

    I am so excited about your baby. I just love seeing babies in the Flickr pool.

    I have the sleeves to go on Beatrix’s Puppet Show dress. I made the size 6-12 months and it is quite long but as I sewed it in Liberty and I wanted in on the big side.

    Next up, a vintage baby pattern I purchased when the Twin’s were babies. I figured I had better sew it up now. It is only one size (6 months). We are so spoilt with O+S’s multi size patterns.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Nicole, I’m using the same pattern I used for the wedding cape and the same blue outer as I had just enough left over 🙂 My niece wore one of the practice ones I made for a week straight when she was with us in January and asked for one in blue for her birthday. This one is lined with a beautiful small floral vintage Viyella I picked up at the thrift store.

    Ock Du Spock @Ock Du Spock

    I finally posted some pictures of the finished puppet show 🙂 Yah!
    Love this pattern!

    Tamara @justsewit

    No sewing today but eventually this week will have me finishing off the corduroy puppet show dress I had started, but not before I do some tidying up in the sewing room first. I tend to get messy when I create!

    Then it is gritting the teeth and getting into “ball dress” making mode. And then I can get back to some fun baby sewing again.

    EllenMCM @EllenMCM

    I’m soooo close to finished with a Music Class blouse. I got the pattern a couple years back, and I’ve been a little scared of the blouse. But this weekend, I pulled out some fabric from my stash and pushed through it. It was not hard. I just have hems and buttonholes left.

    I love it! I think there are more of these in my future.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Ellen the music class blouse was one of the first patterns I used. It was and continues to be a favourite. In fact I have just purchased some Liberty earmarked for a long sleeved version but I have the other things mentioned above to tackle first. I tried making one with bound seams and my machine refused to do some of the buttonholes because it felt uneven. I thought it was my machine but it turned out to be both the machine and the garment not working together. I don’t think I ever properly finished that particular blouse but now that I have another daughter I might and put it away (its a size 12 I think).

    lattemama @lattemama

    I had a much-needed day off from work yesterday after being immersed in a huge project at work since just after New Years. It’s all finally done and I spent the day sewing up a storm.
    I made a Metro tee for a friend, and a skirt and tank top for her daughter as well as a skirt for my girl.

    Then at the very last moment before school pick-up I stitched together an ickle onesie for our new cousin E who was born on Wednesday last week. We were invited to meet him last night so it was a last minute thing to go along with the quilt, wash cloths and burp cloths I had already made.

    I’m making two Metro tees for me next and I have the Parachute pattern after that on the list. I want to make a polo shirt for my little one.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Sounds like you are making the most of a break on the work front, lattem. I look forward to seeing your Parachute shirt, and your Vintage pattern, Nicole.

    I finished 7 Popover Sundresses today, and they are washed and ironed and ready to post to Melbourne tomorrow with an assortment of crafty things as a donation to the Maytime Fair in Kew. I’m very tired right now, but the Sundresses look very sweet (even if I do say so myself). I cut out 4 x size 2, and ditto size 3s but couldn’t manage to finish the last size 3, in time. When I do, it will go in the present/gift drawer (do any of you ladies have one of those – a place where you stash “things” for Xmas, and birthdays, ahead of time?) As usual, I’m running very close to the deadline – always happens no matter how hard I work – but I think the items will sell. After I tidy up a bit, it’s back to the sewing I was doing before this project. I hope you enjoy the pics of the Sundresses in Flickr – should be able to post tomorrow, sometime.

    PS: my aunt/godmother very very pleased with her quilts – especially the single bed one. As I used a “modern quilt” pattern (Horizon by Kate Spain), I wasn’t sure how it would be received so it’s a great relief, and pleasure to know my aunt is happy.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Those quilts were just beautiful Fiona! But I must say any storms happening in and around your area would certainly be sewing ones!

    We have our fabric for this “ball” dress and now we have to figure out how to print the so called printable pattern – simplicity. Then maybe I can get started on a muslin.

    They don’t give us much time, just two weeks to get organised! That isn’t even enough time to send for anything!

    I will be very glad when it is done so that I can get back to other things. The cold weather is going to hit us next week and I feel under prepared!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m very excited, I just bought the parachute pattern in both sizes! I’ve got a great idea to frankenpattern it with the Tea party dress as well as making it as is too 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    I knocked up some very sweet Puppet Show shorts for Trixie in scraps of linen. One pair charcoal and one pearl pink.

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