Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    I can imagine you smocking Sharon,pity you are not closer,I have a pleater in my boxroom!

    I finished Liddys Pinwheel tunic and slip dress and I am smitten,it is lovely.

    Today I cut a work shirt for Hugo to go with his trousers,seeing he got bumped I thought he could have a 2 for 1.

    Next to cut out is a blazer for Zara in a bright blue cord.

    Would an oliver+s Blazer pattern be just lovely?

    Tamara @justsewit

    I really want to have a bit of a whisper in your darling hubby’s ear Sharon regarding a smocking pleater for Mother’s day, birthday, Christmas or even anniversary?? It would make an excellent gift and well worth the investment – can you please let him know I am doing my long distance “sales pitch”?

    So pleased you got to have some spare time to sew. Windows of opportunity I call them. They will turn out lovely I know they will! Must take pictures of my first smocking to show you – honestly it is worth recording to just see how far you progress but I know you will do an amazing job.

    I cut out and started on N’s denim field trip cargos today but didn’t get very far as I started about two hours before I had to collect the kids.

    I also had a break through with miss 10 choosing some fabric (finally) for her pinwheel tunic and later on I will make the accompanying dress to match. She chose some Kate Spain fabric that looks like stars, seeing as she wants to wear it tomorrow night when we go to look through telescopes at school. I am hoping to whip up a skirt or something to go with it.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Thank you Nicole, I wish I could!

    Tarmara, I sure did pass that along. I wish he would give me one. hint, hint to him. ; )

    Fabric is pleated all I have to do is go pick it up tomorrow afternoon. Smocking here I come!! Also today I got my new patterns. This has been a good day. : )

    sidewalkgoddess @sidewalkgoddess

    I just finished a popover sundress and matching doll dress (pics coming soon) tonight I plan to start my first tea party sundress. I plan to make 2 (plus the matching doll dress from LTTS)

    I also already picked out the fabric for a pair of Bedtime Stories each, but I need to wait for the next paycheck to get it (why do we need to eat again? Lol)

    meleliza @meleliza

    The peeps are a bit of effort, not hard obviously, but cutting them all out and stitching around all those tiny curves. It’s exactly the way Dana shows it. It’s not fast, but I work on it a little here and there in between more interesting stuff. I first thought my 7 year old would help me, but realized if I wanted it to look nice it was a bit beyond him. Maybe I’ll let him stamp the little faces on tomorrow.

    Meanwhile, The hardest part of my Crepe dress is done – the puzzling and reeking out pieces from not quite enough fabric – and I want to blast through it this week so I can’t start on the new Lisette Attaché dress. I’m going to make a good muslin of that because I suspect I will be making that one over and over.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Literally just finished the denim field trip cargos. I was hoping to get them done by lunch time but it is now 4pm and almost time to go collect the kids off the bus.

    Can anyone tell me how long it takes to make the Pinwheel tunic? I doubt it will be ready in an hour and a half so I will just put elastic in the shoulders of the pink and orange spot Class picnic top instead and she can wear her cargos too! The orange spots can be just as “celestial” and act as moons!

    I will make the tunic tomorrow.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I am stalled/brainstorming/letting steep like tea the appliqué I want to do on my roller-skate. A light chambray fabric with the most horrific striped lining. (A purchase that looked much better on line…. I figured it is light and lawn-y and gives me practice laying out and aligning stripes, and no one will see it as a lining.)

    Since her interest in the Hulk is waning, I was thinking flowers as she loves to play in the garden. Plus I don’t have scrap fabric in that enticing shade of green or purple for his pants.

    Tulips are too seasonal specific. Thought about poppies, but I had thought to make a flower big enough to be a pocket and a poppy big enough for a pocket might be too big in scale.

    Saw the pic with the yo-yos on them and said what a cute idea.

    So as I said, I am steeping like a good tea.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Thos field trip pants are just so worth the time and effort! I was tempted to as, miss 10 is she would like a denim pair but I know how she feels about denim. I am really tempted to make her a pair of after school trousers in denim though. They’d look so good on her.

    But first though I will make that tunic I promised yesterday

    Nicole @motherof5

    I finished Hugo’s trousers,a bit big but that is better then too small and a belt will hold them. I am guessing after a few hot washes they will be perfect.

    I finished a tute for the Pinwheel dress. I shall make the Tunic again for Tildy to wear to kindy and make a tutorial for that piece then.

    I am halfway through cutting Zara’s blazer,she is still trying to decide what to use for the lining.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well the promised tunic wasn’t sewn yesterday, I fumbled and bumbled yesterday – sometimes the call just doesn’t grab! Instead I made a list of things I would like to get done before the school holidays. It worked out to be ten items each and I have 37 days until holidays start! Should be able to do that and everything else I think and it will give me time over the holidays and sit with the children and have the, sew something. I want to finish miss 10’s quilt then too, it is dragging on too long and I have N’s to quilt.

    I will do the tunic though and probably team it with the dress and she can wear it for our only Easter service (on Good Friday) and I will most likely get started on this today along with cutting out some more field trip pants for N seeing as the denim ones were so successful.

    Lots to do.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I am sitting here drinking a great cup of coffee then off to finish Caspian’s Easter bubble. I finished the smocking last night on his. I just couldn’t stop till I was done with it. It’s not perfect but I do love it! I am hoping to get a lot sewn on it today if not al of it done today. I am so excited to see his first Easter outfit! : D

    cybele727 @cybele727

    That applique process is still steeping for me! 🙂 I finally drew some flowers of various shapes and sizes and now am considering layout. Do I want a cluster like bouquet? Do I want a neat row? Something random?

    So many choices… sigh….

    Clearly I haven’t done this before because I am belaboring every option. Argh..


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Contemplation is part of the fun, I hope!

    Excited to see Caspian’s outfit too, your smocking and embroidery is looking great, Sharon!

    meleliza @meleliza

    I can’t wait to see the Easter smocking, Sharon!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Nor can I! It will be rather beautiful I think.

    Heidi I tried the two thread topstitching method out and I think I will use this instead of the topstitch from now on – that stuff may look great but you cant auto knot it and so it is very likely to come undone – as is evident from the pair of After school jeans I mad N last year!

    I cut the Pinwheel tunic out yesterday and managed to sew just the flounce and am now up to stitching the bias down. I will work on the rest today.

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