Oliver + S

Stupid things I’ve done while sewing O&S patterns

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Sewing an all black messenger bag for my mum for Christmas. I went to see if there was any black bias binding in my stash and happily there was. After sewing it to the pocket flaps I realise I have one small piece of black bias binding and lots of dark brown! Unpicked the bias binding, returned all the brown to the stash and made new black bias binding!
    Moral of the story: check colours more carefully! (or put excess bias binding away labeled with the colour! )

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Oh no, what a lot of work! It’s tricky sewing at night, isn’t it? Cutting at night is always chancy for me — what looks good together under fluorescents can look a bit funky under daylight.

    JWo @JWo

    I was planning on entering the swingset sew-along and contest. I sewed two skirts for my friend’s 5 year old. For the first one I used a pretty blue Lisette fabric and lined it with a matching aqua voile. For the next one I used a denim and appliquéd flowers in rainbow colours on the bottom edge. I used a pink voile for the lining. A Boden skirt was my inspiration http://www.boden.co.uk/en-GB/Girls-1H-12yrs-Skirts/Applique-Skirts/32642/Girls-1H-12yrs-Decorative-Skirt.html I enjoyed pottering away in my sewing room, picking out fabrics and thread as needed, and listening to bad tv and good music. I finally finished them both yesterday evening…. To discover the contest was over!
    Oops! But all is not lost. Ruby has 2 new skirts and I’ve tried out a pattern I haven’t used before. Plus, there’s a teeny tiny dent in the stash….

    cybele727 @cybele727

    About a month ago, I was sewing and my needle got stuck and wouldn’t come up. The needle broke in the bobbin mechanism. Thankfully it was an easy fix by the shop.

    But I am back in the sewing saddle and cross my fingers I haven’t done anything truly stupid!! :).

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Oh @jwo what a bummer. The skirt I saw on Instagram was awesome. I’m sure you’ve applied for extensions on work before, right? 😉

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh no @jwo

    I made Trixie a gorgeous white Hopscotch nightie yesterday which will stay pristine as I used a too firmer knit and it won’t go over her head.
    Le sigh.

    Tamara @justsewit

    @jwo I missed out too but at least you actually made two skirts. Mine were not made at all.

    The latest stupid thing I did was with the Bistro dress. I fused the interfacing to the wrong side of the fabric and attached the zipper perfectly before I realised! Firtunately you cannot see it because I used a narrower strip. But it was still silly!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I am starting to think that this lingering bug is now wreaking havoc with my brain! I gathered up my supplies and patterns in hand decided to set up at the dining table to trace the next size off, 12-18 months whilst Chloë was asleep. I was tracing the sailboat pattern (because the kid has hips and even though I did trace the 6-12 month size in preparation to sew it, it will not go near her now). Anyway, I couldn’t for the life of me think why we had to trace two side panel fronts in this size.

    And then it hit me! I was tracing the next size up aswell!

    Ok that was one blonde moment for the day, could she do another one? You betcha!

    So I go to get the music class pattern out this afternoon, another one I had dabbled with in the smallest size but came up against Grandfather time for completion. Well, here I am talking away to Chloë who is scrutinizing my every move and devouring some fruit, when all of a sudden I went to read the size on the piece I was attempting to trace. Lo and behold I had pulled out the right pattern but in the larger size range!

    Clever mummy cl cl cl ….

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I cut 4 hopscotch several weks ago. I cleand my sewing room in the interim and tossed the scraps. I went to sew one and could not find th neck line binding. YIKES..

    I dumped my sewing scraps pail and found the piece!

    Tamara @justsewit

    @cybele727 that sounds exactly like something I’d be prone to doing. I do that with pattern pieces! And speaking of, I had to go and print out yet another copy of the puppet show shorts today because it seems to have grown legs and walked (again!) one day I will find the hoard of hidden puppet show patterns😜

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I was trying to line the lullaby layette pants but no now I need to unpick 🙁
    Stupid thing 1: sewed while tired and feeling slightly unwell
    Stupid thing 2: sewed after 9pm at night
    Stupid thing 3: did not stop after making first mistake!
    Stupid thing 4: not checking I could turn them through once pinned
    Result: endless loop of pants and lining attached at the hem
    Fix: unpick overlocking, sew at hem WS together, use bias binding to make a neat hem on the inside became I cut off most of the hem allowance.
    Sleep first, fix tomorrow.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh dear Heidi, I do feel for you.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Whilst attaching the skirt to the bodice of the croquet dress I am making today, I discovered that I attached the skirt wrong side out. It happened TWICE!

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    Some items are just doomed!

    I took my sewing machine and the playtime dress away on a girls craft weekend the other week. I discovered I’d forgotten the pattern instructions, so I bought the digital pattern. Then I found I’d forgotten my unpicker. And thread. Then my thread kept getting tangled. The collar top stitching is off. I bought buttons only to get home and find two are the same but one is totally different! Finally trying to finish the thing back home, and I’ve sewn the skirt on back to front with the pockets top stitched to the rear! Aaaargh! I just need to finish it and move on!

    Tamara @justsewit

    @dubhels2003 are you able to laugh about the experience yet?

    I am making the playtime dress at them moment. I went to baste the two backs together and discovered the bodice was totally TWISTED🙄! Nothing a little unpicking couldn’t make right but, it has been a while since I did something silly like that so thought I would share. I am being a sewing snail right now – obviously!

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