Oliver + S

spring patterns

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    Todd Gibson

    Just a little more patience, and you’ll be rewarded….

    We’ve been promised they will be ready to go before the end of the day today. We’ll get them up on the website just as soon as they are ready.

    KarenK @KarenK

    Sooooo, would that be “the end of the day” as in the business day? 5:00pm EST? We need specifics, Todd. Throw us a bigger bone.


    Maggie @Maggie

    I know. I’m ready to sit on the site hitting refresh until I see it. I have fabric all picked out. 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    That is the lovely thing about the PDF’s,they are instant!

    Todd Gibson

    OK, OK, OK. Patterns are now up on the website! Thanks for your patience. For some reason getting all the logistics lined up for the release this season gave us more trouble than usual.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Thank you Todd, for all your (and the team’s) hard work. What a great start to the morning!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Tough to be so popular!! 🙂 My order is in! And I am psyched b/c the fulfillment center is only 3 hour drive from here, ie. one day in the mail! 🙂

    Reeni @Reeni

    got my digital copy, and once the kids are in bed I’m going to turn on some escapist TV, arm myself with a glue stick and get my pattern assembled. Hope to be sewing soon! thanks Todd and O&S team…

    Tamara @justsewit

    Having a few challenges downloading the Roller skate pattern successfully – could be my snail pace internet!

    Cybele you lucky duck! That is almost driving and collecting distance!

    Aviatrix51 @Aviatrix51

    Just ordered my patterns! Now to wait. Maybe they will be here by Saturday.


    meleliza @meleliza

    My order is in. I’m getting that seriously awesome new Lisette pattern too. I’ll wait for paper partly because I’ve got a ton of stuff to finish before I can start on new ones, but also because shipping from NYC to Philly shouldn’t take too long. 🙂 I just hope your processing and shipping doesn’t break down under all this excitement!

    I think this is a particularly good crop of patterns. Even though my daughter is already in size 3 and the pattern will only lat me this year, I had to buy it. I look forward to using the Roller Skate pattern for some much needed stash busting.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh you did what I did Meleliza! I got the new Lisette one along with the paper patterns (So I can have the different sizes and the digital ones can be just for the size I need). Stash busting will be having all of us really busy – can’t wait. After the second go at downloading one pattern, it has surpassed the “stuck” point so maybe… just maybe I might be able to be cutting it out before the hour strikes 11am.

    I am in love with the green/blue check Ladies Stitching club border fabric for this dress so will run it by miss 10 first to get her approval – it would be a total diaster if I didn’t get approval first!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Yes, approval is necessary! I already have to run stuff by my two year old. She is demanding and spoiled.

    Tamara @justsewit

    No! She’s two! They do that at two! I have already had a slightly amused expression of approval regarding the patterns but she is so at the stage where she says “Do anything mum. I will wear it!” and goes back on her word. So her input is of great necessity!

    As is faster download! (I blame myself for watching Craftsy on the weekend). I have succeeded in downloading, saving and printing the Roller skate dress pattern but I am up to about the 6th go for the Pinwheel pattern – Adobe keeps saying the file is damaged and I know it isn’t true! I refuse to accept that excuse from a computer!

    So I am going for a last ditch attempt in the next hour I am hopeing to have at least the file completely downloaded – not just stopping at 98% with 18 seconds to spare! The Roller skate will be cut out and taped together while waiting for piano practise to finish.

    scgoble @scgoble

    Well, Todd & company, I must say that you made up for the delay with ultra fast shipping response. I placed my order at 9.55 and it shipped at 11.35. Now that’s service! 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 58 total)

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