Oliver + S

Oliver and S Book!

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    nancy @dollfancier

    Pre-ordered – thanks to you all! ((tee hee)) How fun is this?!!!

    xoxx, Nancy

    Nicole @motherof5
    Justine J @justmejay

    Thanks Nicole! I really want to make the cape!

    babyjoy @babyjoy

    JohannaO, did you make it to the festival yesterday? I’m going today!!! so excited!

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    I went, and the quilts are wonderful. I found a great booth selling pre-cut yards x3 for either 10, 15 or 24 for three yards of coordinating fabric, so I picked up some things I liked plus some Nicey Jane. Oliver and S couldn’t be found, so I think they were at the market, but not the festival. I had a very animated 2 year old with me, which limited my movements, so I’m hoping to go again after church tomorrow. It was so crowded, I didn’t even attempt some areas of the marketplace with the streams of shoppers.

    Nicole @motherof5
    babyjoy @babyjoy

    WOW, I’m beat…(sigh) That’s a lot of walking!Chugging along a double stroller…not fun.

    I was so sad that O + S was not there, I asked at the MODA booth and they said they were there last week.

    I did find some random booths selling O + S kits.

    I bought some 1/4 yd bundles (3 yds total) for 7.95. Thought that was good.

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I feel like I am cheating, getting all of this info so soon before it is officially announced! Thanks everyone for sharing!

Viewing 8 posts - 46 through 53 (of 53 total)

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