Oliver + S

Oliver and S Book!

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    freyiris @freyiris

    Me too!

    *Another spoiler*

    I remembered reading about the new fabric line ‘Modern Workshop” in Lisel’s Q & A with Amy at Badskirt. If you search the O + S site for modern workshop you should come up with a short piece describing the new fabric line, the book and the 3 new patterns.

    Justine J @justmejay

    *someone* just sent me a link to the O+S wholesale newsletter – it tells about the book, the new fabric (from the tiny pic, I’m loving it!!!!) and describes the 3 new patterns – with a pic of one of them


    JohannaO @JohannaO

    I’m grinning with joy! I’m going to the Houston Quilt show. And I think the book will be there? And I’ll get to see it! Who-Hoo! That’s going to make me happy for a while. Anyone want to join me next weekend? There have to be other Houston Oliver and S fans.

    babyjoy @babyjoy

    YES! JohannaO, I’m planning to be there (hubbie promised) do you live in houston? I do. Will there be an O+S booth?

    babyjoy @babyjoy

    OMG OMG I just read the newsletter and O + S will be at booth 1920… Can’t wait to see the debut of the new fabric. Will try to post pics next week.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Any juicy details you guys can legitimately post will be eagerly awaited! This is better than a mystery novel.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Where are you ladies pre-ordering from? Husband says once or twice before he’s known of an issue where Amazon didn’t get enough books to fill a pre-order demand and I would HATE for that to happen! Waiting anxiously for this one (oh, the vest, the poncho!)!!!!

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    Babyjoy, I’m up in Humble, but my son goes to school downtown, so there will be plenty of chances for me to go! Yippie. When will you be there? I was thinking of going sometime in the day on Friday, but we also go to church downtown, so I was thinking of going noon-ish on Sunday too.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    How can you find out if there is a market being held in/around your area? I would love to go and drool over the new goodies!

    JohannaO @JohannaO


    I think there are three exhibitions each year- The calendar says Cincinnati, Long Beach, Salt Lake, but doesn’t have Houston for 2011. I don’t think that can be right though, because I’ve been for five or six years in a row now. If they are leaving Houston, I might have to make a fuss. (Not that that would matter, but it might make me feel better.)

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    I just read that there is also a quilt market/show in Chicago every year.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Boo, Long Beach isn’t until Summer 2011.

    aegean17 @aegean17

    I’ll be getting the blouse and shorts outfit!

    I might have to check out the long beach exhibition – will O+S be there?

    eblythebrown @eblythebrown

    Those new designs are totally making me impatient! I cant wait…as I wasnt the biggest fan of the winter collection….

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I’m looking forward to seeing more about these new shorts. I can’t decide from the picture. I’ll get the pattern no matter what though because the blouse is amazing! And just when I thought more dress patterns weren’t practical for me (my girl) new ones are released that I love! Sheesh. There is really not enough time to do all the sewing I want to do…

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