Oliver + S

New here? Introduce yourself!

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    Yes, they’re just amazing, I would just like to be able to see them in real!

    I just tried once again to connect on Flickr and this time I succeded! Now I’ll need some free time to load the pictures, but it’ll come!

    knottylady @knottylady

    Hello, my name is Amy and I am just starting out. When I saw the O & S patterns online last week, I was immediately hooked and began rationalizing a massive pattern purchase to my very patient husband. Since I had the same reaction to knitting (we now have a dedicated knitting room) I could see him getting nervous, but he kindly agreed with my lunacy. I’m going to try to learn in order of the pattern difficulty so this weekend is the lazy days skirt, popover dress and tiered baby shirt — all for my one-year-old. When the patterns arrive (including the puppet show pattern — thank you Laura!) I’ll be starting on the tea party dress and work my way through several other patterns all the way up to the school photo dress. I’ll try to keep track of it on my blog and Flicker. Thank you for all your posts — seeing all of you so dedicated and helpful helped me make the plunge.

    millie @millie


    My name is Millie. I live in Ireland with my husband, 8 year old daughter, 6 year old son and 2 and a half year old twin girls, on a dairy farm.

    I have always sewn bits and pieces, but took up sewing clothes two years ago, after having my twins and not being able to find clothes in the shops for them, that weren’t either exactly the same, or one nice one and one horrid one! Also shopping with 4 young children is not my idea of fun!

    Sewing has become my main hobby and I spend pretty much all my time thinking about the current project or the next one. I also help out as much as possible on the farm, I used to farm time before I had children.

    I discovered Oliver + S patterns a while ago and have been hooked ever since! I am slowly building up my patterns.

    I am looking forward to learning plenty from all the experienced seamstresses here.

    I am known as Bred2make on Flickr by the way.


    Nicole @motherof5

    Hi Amy and Millie, very pleased to met you both!

    Welcome to our wonderful sewing adventure.

    x Nicole

    emstone @emstone


    My name is Erin and I live in South Carolina with my very patient husband and 2 little girls ages 2 yrs and 8 months. I just found Oliver + S about a month ago and have slowly worked up the confidence to buy some patterns.

    I am a newish (is that a word?) sewer that has mainly made skirts and pillowcase dresses for my girls. I just purchased the Puppet Show pattern and Bubble dress at a local quilt store in the larger sizes and plan on making several sets of the PS shorts for my 2yo for this summer. I cant wait to see the new patters that are coming out this spring. I already have my MIL hooked. She is a very talented sewer and is chomping at the bit for some new ideas/patterns for my little ones. I already warned my husband that we will be buying several of the spring patterns so that I can sew more clothes for the girls.

    I love to sew, crochet and craft. I have a full time job in sales and come home to a full time job of two little girls. I try to fit in sewing and crafting after my little ones go to sleep so sometimes projects take a little longer than planned. I am so excited to join with you all to discuss and share in something we love.



    sayiamyou @maraya

    Hi Erin, I’m from SC too! Glad you’re here; you’re in for a real treat with O+S. I have to admit I’m a little jealous of your not only having a MIL that is fun to be around, but also that you enjoy crafting with! 😉 Welcome!

    bren5kids @bren5kids

    Hello to all you lovely seamstresses out there! I am a long-time lurker and decided it was time I make myself known. My name is Brenda and I’m from Colorado. I am a 33 yr old Mom to 5 children. My boys are 12, 10, and 7 yrs, and my girls are 5 and 3 yrs.

    I LOVE to sew and have been since I was 12 or 13. I am a conservative Mennonite, which means (among other things:)) that my girls and I only wear dresses. I make all my own dresses and most of my girls’ , especially as they get older. I have sewn a few dress shirts for the men in my life, and have been thinking about trying my hand at polo or golf shirts for my husband and boys. If Leisl would do a polo shirt I would snap it up in a heartbeat!

    I discovered Oliver and S about a year ago and fell in love right away. I like the classic, timeless feel of the patterns and I feel like I’ve learned alot about the “proper” way to construct a garment, I find myself using the same methods even when I’m sewing for myself or using a non-Oliver and S pattern.

    beachmom @beachmom

    Welcome Brenda! “I like the classic, timeless feel of the patterns…” I agree completely with what you said and I too, find myself using methods that Liesl has in the patterns on other projects.

    beachmom @beachmom

    Ha Ha! I just realized that I never posted an intro on here even though I’ve been posting for almost a year. Whoops!

    I’m Cindy and I live on the East Coast of the US, near the beach. I have 4 kids, 3 girls (11, 5, 3) and 1 boy (9). I’m lucky that all 4 are happy to have me sew for them. My middle daughter has become a little more selective so I’ve been trying to include her by letting her choose patterns and fabric.

    I’ve been sewing on and off since I was in my early teens thanks to my wonderful mom. I became serious about sewing again about 3 years ago and haven’t looked back since. I sew mainly for my children but do occasionally make something for myself. This a fantastic group of sewists and I always enjoy my time spent communicating back and forth here.:)

    Nicole @motherof5

    Welcome Cindy,(he he)!

    I love the jacket you have just posted!

    homefire @homefire

    Hello Everyone! I am a SAHM and wife to my three fantastic, crazy, creative and wonderful children and my amazing firefighter hubby. My mom taught me the basics of sewing when I was young and also how to read a pattern but unfortunately, like a lot of preteens and their mothers, neither one of us had the patience for each other. If I could go back and change something I think it would be that. I could have learned so much from her. We have a great relationship now but the 6 hours between us now just isn’t the same. I started really sewing when my oldest dd was about 18m (about 5 yrs. Ago). I found that my taste in girl’s clothing ran on the expensive side so I randomly picked up a New Look pattern at walmart one day and have been slightly obsessed ever since. One of my goals for this year is to work on my craftsmanship so here I am! I also love to read, crafting in general, I have my ASL interpreting license, and we just started home educating our kiddos this year. Anyway, I feel like I’m advertising myself for a personal’s add lol but that’s me in a nutshell. I am already a part of another online sewing community that is a wealth of information but it is a huge community so I’m excited about the personableness of the boards here. Thanks for letting me ramble! P.s. I’m cotton1221 in the flicker group.

    daisygirl78 @daisygirl78

    Hi Homefire! I love the heart argyle skirt you posted recently 🙂

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    I’m Jenn, a homemaker with 3 minions and one police officer husband. We have a big black labador retriever puppy and live in a Victorian oil mansion on top of a mountain in Pleasantville. I am a USAF veteran & former Camp Fire kid who met said husband in the Air Force on a flightline.

    I come from a long line of seamstresses, however, I had very little schooling from family members, just 4 years of Home Ec. Most of my skills have come from trial and error. I prefer vintage machines over modern plastic noisy things. I usually sew on my late grandmother’s 401-A, but several of my other machines (I own well over a dozen!) see plenty of use.

    I enjoy collecting & restoring vintage and antique sewing machines, and I perform most of my own maintainance. I love white chocolate, being warm, fiber arts, and the smell of warm sewing machine oil.

    *waves hi to everyone*

    Nicole @motherof5

    You would have to be a friend to April!

    Welcome Jenn!

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    If I’ve already replied to this way back when, I totally apologize!

    I’m Jessica, a former nurse turned stay at home mom. I have a 21 month old named Maria. She had a few health issues early on, but is doing great now. Our little family recently moved to Washington State from the South due to my husband’s job change, and I’m LOVING it! Nice cool weather, and no bugs and seriously, the people are SO friendly! 🙂

    I totally stalk the O+S Flickr page for inspiration. Seeing all of Nicole’s well dressed kids (and everyone else of course) makes me want to collect all the patterns! I really love these outfits, it’s such a great way to have our kidlet wear unique clothes made with love!

    I love having this forum and being able to get the feedback from other experienced O+S sewists, (I hate typing “sewers” lol), as well as Liesl and the gang! (And for the record, I love your name, Liesl! We have a Sound of Music obsession in my house since I was little & surprisingly we didn’t choose the name Maria for that reason lol but even my daughter loves it, probably because they say “Maria” a bunch), and one of our favorite NICU nurses was named Liesl. It’s a good name! 🙂 ) Whew. That was long winded!

    I can’t wait to get my paws on & start sewing more fabulous patterns!

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