New here? Introduce yourself!
15 years ago LINK
wendyac @wendyac
Hi, my name is Wendy. I live in Tasmania, Australia. I’ve also been sewing for a long time (I started on my grandmothers treadle machine) We have six children 10, 9, 6, and three year old triplets.
The 6 yr old and two of the 3yr olds are girls and they love to go the cupboard and pick a piece of fabric then put in their order for new clothes.
I don’t look forward to the day they choose store bought over mummy made. I do sew for the boys as well, they just aren’t as excited by clothes like the girls are!!!
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Hello, my name is Nicole. I live in rural Australia, and run a Merino ram stud and farm with my darling husband. I have 5 children , 4 girls and 1 boy, aged 12,10,10,6 & 1.I have been sewing since I was a very young girl and I am a complete convert to Oliver patterns. I used to make my own patterns based on adult basic pieces as I could not find childrens patterns that I liked, too fussy or just not suitable for everyday.I predict by this time next year , every piece in my childrens wardrobe will be Oliver+s( except the odd knitted jumper)
14 years ago LINKmadebymum @madebymum
Hi may name is Jacqueline I have 4 children and I love to sew and make things in general. I find it so satisfying and a great confidence boost that you can do thing for yourself. I have just discovered the Oliver + s designs and I love them, I want my kids to be kids as long as possible and dress like kids. Oliver + s does this with lots of style. Please keep the designs coming with some more for older kids particularly the school days jacket (my daughter would love one but she is 10 yrs) I know you have some going up to 12 years now. I love your new line of fabric and can’t wait till its available.
14 years ago LINKsadies closet @sadies closet
Hi, my name is Jenny and I have 4 children (ages 10, 8, 7 and 4). My degree is in costuming for theatre although I have never worked professionally in my field. I have done a lot of sewing as a sideline (wedding parties, curtains, slipcovers and such) but only started making children’s clothing when my own were born. My first three are boys, so while I have done some sewing for them, it was the birth of my fourth, and only daughter, that really inspired me. Why are there so many more cute things to sew for girls? Is it because they appreciate clothing so much more and don’t destroy them as quickly? Hmmm….
Most of my time now is taken in homeschooling but spare moments find me at my sewing machine. There is something very satisfying about creating something unique and well made in our era of mass production and poor quality. I think that it teaches our children as well to be creative and resourceful,take pride in their work, and to slow down and enjoy the process.
I always look forward to your new designs and your new line of fabric was a pleasant surprise. My oldest boy was excited to see your new pattern in a size 12. He is already planning on shirts for fall. He will have me quite busy, I can see.
In my spare time, what there is of it, I like to garden, read, bake, craft and have tea with friends.
14 years ago LINKjanimal @janimal
Hello! I’m Jan. Originally from the UK but now in the US. The Lazy Days skirt was the first garment I have ever made. Next came the Popover Dress. Thanks so much to these free patterns, I fele confident that I can do more. My next project is the pajamas and I can’t wait to “graduate” to 2 scissors! I’m a Mom who also works fulltime, so have precious little time to sew, which makes me grateful for the discovery of Oliver and S. I know my time spent following an O & S pattern won’t be wasted or leave me with frustration because the directions are so terrific. Thanks!
14 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
Hi all, I’m Lotta in Sweden. I have two girls (3 (in a fortnight) and 6 (in a month and a half)) and I love sewing for them. I only recently got into sewing, I’ve been more of a knitter before.
My aunt is a tailor and has been sewing theater clothes and ordinary clothes for as long as I can remember. She is both an inspiration and a helping hand.
I made the Sunday Brunch Jacket this weekend and a Music Skirt, both in size 8 (yes my big girl is a tall, big girl – they turn out that way with a 7′ husband).
So happy to have found Oliver + S. I love how versatile the patterns are. And the attention to detail. It’s a challenge, but the result is worth it.
14 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Hello folks! My name is Sarvi, and I live in Los Angeles with a jolly 7-month-old daughter and patient 33-year-old husband. I’m a film student, and though I’m taking a few terms off to be with my daughter, I still try to keep a hand in on my classmate’s sets, so I wind up having only a few hours max a week to sew. Progress is slow but I love the O + S patterns so much (I think I have bought one of each) that I keep plugging away at it.
I have made one and a half popover sundresses (one by hand, which was actually quite a lot of fun), the bottom half of a set of PJs, and one and a half tea party sundresses. Oddly enough, an inability to sew a straight line has not translated into a superior ability to sew a curved one. On the plus side, being an utter beginner means that every tiny improvement almost doubles my skills.
I love seeing all the photos on the flickr group and am really impressed with everybody’s gorgeous work. The only down side is that every time I look through there I go out and buy more fabric. Looking forward to seeing and reading about everybody’s projects!
14 years ago LINKckcsbella @ckcsbella
Hi, I’m Sarah, from Toronto, Canada. I have been sewing since I was a child, and now that I have children (2 girls) I have models just waiting to happen. Well, almost. DD#1, who is six, is a definite tomboy, and regards clothes as a means to get out of the house without her parents having a rant about public nudity. She doesn’t like dresses or skirts, but likes my handknit socks. She also shocked me by declaring that she wants the Rainy Days coat recently. I’m going to make it for her in the fall. I am about to embark on a Sunday brunch jacket and skirt (she doesn’t know about the skirt yet), as I have decided she has to have one decent outfit in her closet, just in case we have to go to a funeral. It’s extremly difficult to find little girl dress pants, even in sewing patterns. She’s okay with the jacket, and we’ve picked out cool fabric with grasshoppers on it.
DD#2(who just turned three) is a different story. She’s a total girl – seriously, she’ll wear a dress and a skirt at the same time. I’m currently sewing an Ice Cream dress for her (she thinks it comes with ice cream. She is going to be sadly disapointed.) I’m also going to make a Bubble dress for her. I made her one last year, and wasn’t totally happy with it (a combination of the fabric choice, and the fact I completly messed up the elastic insert thinking I could do it better my way. I was wrong.) I have made her two of the ruffle halters, one in blue and one in pink gingham. I made DD#1 a ruffle halter in green, but she hasn’t worn it yet.
I’m enjoying checking out the Flicker feed. I’m getting lots of inspiration!
14 years ago LINKmylittlegirlscloset @mylittlegirlscloset
Hi, I’m Kathy, I’m from Ottawa Canada but I’m in New Jersey these days. I became hooked on Oliver and S patterns after I found the popover sundress on Burdastyle. I ogled the patterns on here wishing I could afford them and then one day I got a shipping confirmation saying the Puppet Show dress pattern was on its way! My best friend decided to surprise me with it. 😀
So I made a couple from that pattern and have since moved on to the Ice Cream Dress and the Jump Rope dress.
I’ve even added a couple ice cream dresses and blouses to my etsy shop.
I’m hosting a Popover sundress Sew Along on my blog. Some of my friends are just learning to sew and the instructions on the pattern are so fabulous I’m confident they will barely need my support.
14 years ago LINKRebecca W @craftalittle
Hi! I am Rebecca and I live in Minnesota. I have a 2.5 year old daughter and I am pregnant with our second (don’t know boy or girl yet) due in August. I have only been sewing for about a year and a half now and the Oliver and S Tea Party dress was the first that I tackled last summer- and I have been hooked ever since! I have a stack of patterns that my mom gave me for Christmas and I am working my way through those. And every time I think that I have caught up and have a bunch of patterns- Leisel comes out with more that I NEED! Haha. I plan to embark on a School days jacket and coat- soon…I need them ready for this fall/winter! I have been addicted to flickr, but hadn’t really used the forums before. Today I was reading them and realized that they really do have a bit of useful information and I should participate more! So here I am!
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Hello there! I’m Mel, from South Carolina. I have a sweet little girl (the Niblet) who’s 16M. I’ve been sewing for nearly 2 years now. I fell in love with the idea of making clothes for my children after seeing photos of myself wearing made-by-Mama goodies. My husband gifted me sewing lessons for my birthday a couple years ago and I haven’t stopped since. My first pattern was the Teaparty Sundress and, like most others, I fell in love with O+S. I have other commercial patterns, but I keep coming back to the O+S. They’re charming and well written, perfect for someone learning who also wants to create unique outfits!
Like some others have said, I too am increasing my learning and skills with the ‘scissors’. I’m having loads of fun and love hearing compliments about what I’ve made for my daughter!
14 years ago LINKnikki @nikki
Hi, I’m Nikki from Canberra, Australia. I have been following these forums with interest for the past year and decided it was time I introduced myself. I have two daughters, Isabella (nearly 4) and Amelia (3 months). I stumbled across O+S patterns at the local fabric store just over 12 months ago. I was looking for fabric for a craft project I was doing. Prior to that I had never had any real sewing training apart from my mother showing me how to thread her machine as a child and a clumsy attempt at a beanbag several years ago. I was given my grandmother’s 20 year old Bernina six years ago and it had sat, unused until last year.
I was so taken with O+S patterns that I decided to try them for myself. I started on your 2+2 pattern and was hooked! I have since made the Sunday Brunch, Tea party, Sailboat and Birthday dress patterns. I am on maternity leave until 2012 and now that I am out of the newborn haze, I have decided to devote my spare time to sewing my daughters’ clothes using these fabulous patterns. I really want to try the school days jacket but am a little daunted – I think I will get my confidence up on the puppet show pattern first.
14 years ago LINKWelcome, Nikki, and it’s nice to “meet” you. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the patterns, and if you’ve sewn all those other patterns I think you’ll do fine with the School Days jacket. Keep us posted, ok?
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
Hi all – I’ve been around for a few months but just now realized I might introduce myself. My name is Sandi and I live in northern Colorado in view of the Rockies. I have a 2.5 yr old boy and a 4 yr old girl. I’ve been sewing since I was little, but never could do much with clothing until I found Oliver + S. Ever since, all housework, scrapbooking, and much of the cooking has been neglected around here! I’m excited to get started on my kids’ Fall clothes in the next week or so.
14 years ago LINKRpankow @excytin
Hello Everyone, My name is Rebecca and I live in Northeast Iowa in limestone bluff country. I have a tall 3 year old daughter, a wonderful husband of 8 years and 2 spunky Vizsla dogs. I grew up with a mother who did it all, sewed, knitted, crocheted,cross stitch, etc. I remember my mother making all my formal dresses for special events. I’m in awe of her sewing abilities knowing that she spliced 2, sometimes 3 patterns together to make my dress. I’m finding myself to become addicted to sewing since it gives me the creative outlet I’ve realized I need. I’ve been hooked on O + S eversince I’ve done my first popover and lazy days. I find myself that I don’t even look at my other slew of patterns. Liesl’s designed are simplistically interesting and always look great on my daughter. I get so many compliments and “you made that?” I consider myself an intermediate and do things unconventionally. With Liesl’s patterns I never worry about what level the design is, I know I can get through them. Thanks everyone for letting me drag on like this, I have a tendency to do that at times! 🙂
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