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Help Me Design An Outfit- Any Pattern-All Input Welcome.

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    Nicole @motherof5

    I love playing designer, anyone else?

    MC is wondering what to make for her daughter for Easter. Here is my five cents worth.

    MC, I did answer on your photo. First up, I LOVE doing this! I never mind if you take my suggestions (I have teenage daughters, I am used to that).

    I agree with the Wren suggestion, but I do think the Garden Party could work. Perhaps if you underline, maybe with a slightly gold coloured lining and add extra fullness to the skirts and have long sleeves. Pipe the front and back yokes and waist bands. I think it could have a Grecian feel and be very elegant.

    Particularly if you plait her hair and find some wee gold flowers on hair pins and trailing gold ribbons. Did you know you can bake ribbons in the oven, wrapped around pencils and they will stay curly?


    (Edited to add) How about sheer long sleeves, with a piped cuff band?

    I love the idea of sleeveless too, I was just wondering about the weather.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    My two cents is the garden party dress too, and no I didn’t read Nicole’s suggestion first πŸ™‚ The fabric looks like it would fall in beautiful gathers. Gold piping on self a fabric for the “belt” and top yoke and maybe the straps with no sleeves. I was also thinking that if you did the front belt, yoke and sleeves with no piping maybe you could add the fairytale sash to the back for interest.

    Oh, and pair it with a gorgeous neutral Red Riding Hood Cape πŸ™‚

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Nothing to add except that I love the garden party suggestion, and what a great thread!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Whilst you are thinking of ideas for MC, may you help me choose some buttons?

    Help me choose the buttons!

    Its for a Hide-and-Seek dress for Liddy. Its purple linen and velvet trimmed with aqua.

    The timber button are not actually the ones I will use but very similar. The actual ones are being oiled so they will be washable.

    They will be threaded with aqua embroidery thread.

    Thank you!

    All opinions gratefully received.

    Justine J @justmejay

    I shall repeat my Clever Charlotte Wren suggestion here πŸ˜‰

    It would look lovely in your fabric MC, and I love it on girls of all ages. It is also a surprisingly simple and easy sew too

    Nicole – as much as I love those wooden buttons (am hoarding mine), I vote purple MOP

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I with Justine on the Wren dress! I can just see it finished up already, and those shoes are so lovely too!

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    I love hearing all the input too, Nicole. So. long as people aren’t offended if it goes another direction.

    So I didn’t care for the garden party dress but just saw Tildy in her’s modeled, and I like it more now. I’m not a huge fan of the sleeves on the pattern (don’t judge) and I finished a croquet dress with bias to make it sleeveless last year and thought it made it look too “homemade.”

    I didn’t even think about the wren! Yes, it does drape nicely. I don’t have that pattern yet but that could be easy to remedy. πŸ™‚

    I was looking at Hucklebones and Marie Chantal websites last night and am wondering if I could do a shell top of some sort and a fluffy skirt all in the same fabric, with some gold-ish buttons up the back. I have the perfect color dressy chambray to match the piping. I was saving it for my boy but could consider ordering some more.

    decisions, decisions!

    I vote timber buttons.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Eeep , it neck on neck MOP and timber….

    I finished the dress bar the buttonholes. It is a lovely sew. That Liesl is clever!

    MC, do you have some links to what you fancy?

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    My first thought when I saw the fabric was something straight due to the geometric pattern. Personally, I’d do a lined Music Box with gold piping at the waist.

    But your mention of shell top with fluffy skirt sounds like a bubble dress to me. How about the bodice of that, lengthened slightly with a gold belt like the fairy tale and a fuller skirt (maybe without the bubble)

    Nicole I vote the wood/aqua.

    (and yes, I don’t care at all if my suggestions are scoffed at πŸ™‚ )

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Love purple and aqua together, N. I bought some amethyst wide wale cord, and a retro grey/white and aqua floral cotton in Spotters recently. I think the colours will suit many different complexions.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I’m going to vote for MOP! Although I love me a timber button.

    Nicole @motherof5

    So still a tie?

    I will get the kiddywinks off to school, do a final tally and then decide. I have NO idea, that doesn’t happen often :).

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    MC, what’s a shell top? I’ve not heard the term before.

    Nicole, which buttons dose Liddy want? πŸ™‚

    Nicole @motherof5

    Liddy is an angel. She never minds Heidi. She says ‘What ever you like Mummy’

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    That sweet girl melts my heart. What a kind soul.

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