Oliver + S

Halloween 2014

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    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    After months of telling me that she wants to be Elsa for Halloween this year, and me telling her about being an individual rather than follow the crowd, my child has said that she wants to be Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus for Halloween. I love Miss Frizzle!

    Is it crazy that I’m so excited about her choice? Google Miss Frizzle if you’re not familiar – it’s a Jump Rope dress (maybe with a circle skirt) with a ton of appliques! I’m thinking about making a School Bus costume for the dog and entering her in our annual Halloween Dog Parade as well!

    Anyone else thinking about Halloween, or is it just me??!!

    Jane @jesims

    What a great costume idea! We love Ms. Frizzle! Did you know Netflix is going to be bringing back The Magic School Bus series?

    Piper would like a cowgirl, Peppa Pig, pirate, Elsa, kitty cat, Princess Leia costume. I’ve got some work to do. Perhaps something where she strips a layer between houses so each different house she trick or treats to she is a different character. 😉


    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Oh I’m totally thinking about Halloween! So far I’ve decided we’re going with Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Bc Ellie has a head full of golden curls, and I can use the cozy winter hood (adapt its size to fit) to make my husband, myself, and baby Olivia into Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear.

    Now I’m going to have to google Miss Frizzle!

    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    Yes, Jane, she’s watching all the episodes on Netflix now, and we’re excited about it returning. It got the approval from her older brothers and sisters (who grew up on it) so now she is sure that science is cool. She’s actually talking about things like bacteria, and gravity, etc. Much better than talking like the Barbie-Girls…..

    Jillls @Jillls

    My youngest wants to be Applejack Equestria Girl. I will be using the Badminton Skort pattern. I am not sure what pattern I’ll be using for the top.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Halloween is such fun! That’s one thing I’m really looking forward to about our posting to DC.

    Love the Goldilocks and the three bears idea!

    Harmony @Harmony

    Oldest wants to be a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who. I probably should have started on her costume sometime last year :-). Youngest keeps changing her mind; first werewolf, now vampire.

    The Three Bears idea is adorable!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    We love miss Frizzle here too, great idea! I hope you start soon because I can’t wait to see it!

    Halloween sewing is my very favorite sewing. Wyatt decided he wants to be a Leprechaun. (he’s my short one) I am going to be using the Art museum pattern and the sketchbook pattern for this. I am going to make a green pants with a green vest and shinny gold buttons. The shirt will just be a plain white long sleeve dress shirt so he can reuse it over again. A top hat and shinny black shoes to boot!

    Sarah wants to be Pinkalious, not really surprised. This is the one she wants me to make here http://urbanmilwaukeedial.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Pinkalicious2-FirstStage.jpg

    I am thinking the Fairy tale dress with a petticoat underneath. It shouldn’t be hard to do at all. We will just need to figure out how the make the wings and crown. The wand will be very easy too to make. The other ones are not sure yet what they want to be yet.

    Jane @jesims


    We found some wings in the dollar section of Target just a couple weeks ago. You could always embellish them as much as you’d like to make the perfect Pink-a-licious.


    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    OH I wished we did live near a Target! Maybe we can find the one in St Louis this weekend. I’ll have to check on it. Thank you Jane!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have made many a pair of wings out of wire coat hangers and pantyhose.

    lilypadmontana @lilypadmontana

    My girl wants to be “Mary Mary quite contrary”.. I’m not complaining 😉

    kgiff @kgiff

    Love these ideas!

    I think we have a Sheriff Callie in this house and I have no idea what direction to go with that…

    Jane @jesims


    Sheriff Callie is great. You could do an Art Museum vest and trousers. Might have to make a top to go under it. P was a cat a couple years ago. I got a set of cheap cat ears/tail from WalMart or Target. I took the ears off of the headband they were on and hand sewed them on to hair barrettes. You could always use the ears from LTTS and make your own ears to sew onto barrettes. Pink cowboy hat, boots and a little face paint and you are good to go. Oh, and don’t forget a sheriff badge! 🙂


    kgiff @kgiff

    Ooo… I didn’t even think about the ears in LTTS!

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