Oliver + S

Masha Richart

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Mardee isn’t theatre work fabulous?! I worked on a voluntary basis in my late teens for an Opera company and it was the best fun (but unfortunately not in costuming). It can be long days though – my sil studied at NIDA in production management and toured with Cats through Asia (again not with costuming). I just love theatre in general! But what a…[Read more]

  • Sarvi replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Hang in there, @dubhels2003 ! Lively babies grow up to be determined people, I think, and as tough as it is now, you’ll never have to worry about anybody pushing her around later in life 🙂

    What a nuisance for your fabric to arrive with blemishes, I just hate it when that happens. Glad you were able to fit the pieces in just same!

  • Sarvi replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Hang in there, @dubhels2003 ! Lively babies grow up to be determined people, I think, and as tough as it is now, you’ll never have to worry about anybody pushing her around later in life 🙂

    What a nuisance for your fabric to arrive with blemishes, I just hate it when that happens. Glad you were able to fit the pieces in just same!

  • Sarvi replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Ooh, I would love to hear more about your theatre work! My daughter’s ballet school puts on performances at a local theater and they recruit family members who can sew to make their own costumes in house. (My daughter’s not performing, but I love theatrical and film costuming and am always amazed at what they turn out)

  • Sarvi replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Ooh, I would love to hear more about your theatre work! My daughter’s ballet school puts on performances at a local theater and they recruit family members who can sew to make their own costumes in house. (My daughter’s not performing, but I love theatrical and film costuming and am always amazed at what they turn out)

  • Oh, what a pretty dress on such a pretty little girl! You’re a wonderful friend to put so much into this, and you can really see in her smile how great she feels. Well done!

  • Sarvi replied to the topic Sewing with Rayon- Fabric Care in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    I’ll be watching this thread with interest. I have only used rayon once, for the skirt of a dress with a cotton bodice. I had to wash it as I’d dyed it with indigo, and thereafter I machine washed it along with other cottons. I have probably machine dried it by accident once or twice (kids’ clothes always sneak in there) but usually line dry. It…[Read more]

  • Sarvi replied to the topic Sewing with Rayon- Fabric Care in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    I’ll be watching this thread with interest. I have only used rayon once, for the skirt of a dress with a cotton bodice. I had to wash it as I’d dyed it with indigo, and thereafter I machine washed it along with other cottons. I have probably machine dried it by accident once or twice (kids’ clothes always sneak in there) but usually line dry. It…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    @dubhels2003 night feeder here also, so definitely not alone (and again don’t feel lonely). So glad you popped in to say hi and fill us in on what has been happening. Once things settle down further, I am sure sewing will return – everything needs some adjustment time I guess.

  • Tamara replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    @dubhels2003 night feeder here also, so definitely not alone (and again don’t feel lonely). So glad you popped in to say hi and fill us in on what has been happening. Once things settle down further, I am sure sewing will return – everything needs some adjustment time I guess.

  • Nicole replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    @dubhels2003 , I am still night feeding too, don’t feel lonely!

    The party was awesome, huge and a lot of fun.

  • Nicole replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    @dubhels2003 , I am still night feeding too, don’t feel lonely!

    The party was awesome, huge and a lot of fun.

  • Well done, you should feel very proud.

  • She looks gorgeous and so happy 🙂

  • Wow! It looks perfect! So glad the experience was a lot less painful than first thought😀

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Hi Mardee

    Such a lot of wonderful sewing ideas and what a huge project in the quilt! I have quilted table quilts and a bedquilt (which was really a large lap quilt) each for my two older children. It all depends on the design of quilting you go for. I searched through Leah Day’s site (freemotion quilting project) for ideas and tutorials of the…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Hi Mardee

    Such a lot of wonderful sewing ideas and what a huge project in the quilt! I have quilted table quilts and a bedquilt (which was really a large lap quilt) each for my two older children. It all depends on the design of quilting you go for. I searched through Leah Day’s site (freemotion quilting project) for ideas and tutorials of the…[Read more]

  • I am so glad it is all coming together nicely. I hope she loves it feels very pretty in it. Looking firward to seeing the photos.

  • Ok,I think it’s fairly easy to add it to the “tag” section using the phone app.

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    I take it the maiden voyage was a huge success then😜 I am thrilled you have had the chance to sew, let alone finish the project. Hip hip hooray! Have you had the chance to put it on flickr yet? Need to go looksee.

    I have been sewing the two bubble dresses I had planned for this week but hit a slight snag. The front outer skirt was a tad longer…[Read more]

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