Oliver + S

Masha Richart

  • Ooh, well done @TamaraH! My mom sewed me a very similar prom dress: similar silhouette and fabric, but mine was strapless. I recall multiple fittings and many late nights on her part.

    But think of the great memories she’ll have!

    What’s on your “to tackle” list? Anything you’re really wanting to learn?

  • I’m thinking about looking for a heavy twill when I’m in London next week. I’ve realized there’s an outerwear gap in my closet: winter coats, rain coats, and nothing in between. What do most people wear when the weather turns too cool for a raincoat but before you need a full-on winter coat? I’d like something that travels well (i.e., not too bulky).

  • Yeah, it’s difficult to write a pattern that includes instructions for people with and without a serger. I guess the good news is that you can always draw in a smaller seam allowance if you know you’re going to use the serger/overlock/etc. I’m glad you like the result!

  • And what made it difficult? In the end, was it a triumph or a disaster? Or something in between?

    And as long as I’m asking questions, what’s the next skill or project you want to tackle–but maybe are a little afraid to try?

  • jay_1965vw replied to the topic Imperial v Metric in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Thanks @justsewit I remembered once you wrote that – She was exactly 1kg heavier than Audrey! I’m glad I didn’t know how heavy she was before I gave birth!!

    11lb 3oz…. Eeeek!

  • Tamara replied to the topic Imperial v Metric in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    3926.409 grams according to google 😀 @jay_1965vw

  • Tamara replied to the topic Imperial v Metric in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    @jay_1965vw really??? She was 1/2 an ounce lighter than my baby and she was waaaay lighter than the other two. Funny how it works but if you remember that 2.2 lbs equals 1kg and if 9lb 4oz (the size of my eldest at birth) was 4.095kg and 11lb 3oz (ds’s size😱 i know!!) worked out to be around 5kg, then your little Dottie (I love that you call her…[Read more]

  • jay_1965vw replied to the topic Imperial v Metric in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    @lightningmcstitch you crack me up! That’s hilarious.

    Having just had a baby in the US, I’m totally in pounds right now (8lb 10 1/2oz). I just know she was waaaay heavier than the other tow (2925gm and 3125gm). I can’tr remember what Dot is in gm, and no-one here understands, so there seems little point!

  • Nicole replied to the topic Imperial v Metric in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    @juliamom2009 oh no, Babies MUST be in pounds or I have no idea 😉

  • juliamom2009 replied to the topic Imperial v Metric in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    I moved from the US to Canada after my oldest two kids were born. All I knew was that my two preemie kids were 1150 grams (about 2.5 pounds) and 950 grams (about 2 pounds) at birth. So, when I’d go to the meat counter, I’d have to stop and think – did I want a Nathaniel’s worth of meat, or a Melissa’s worth of meat….I didn’t want to look like…[Read more]

  • Todd Gibson replied to the topic Imperial v Metric in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Well, as a child of the seventies in the US I remember when President Ford announced we would be joining the rest of the world and going metric. And I remember getting a crash course in metric measurement in grade school.

    And then, nothing…. The people spoke and said, “We don’t like change. And we like all this confusing non base ten stuff and…[Read more]

  • Todd Gibson replied to the topic Imperial v Metric in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Well, as a child of the seventies in the US I remember when President Ford announced we would be joining the rest of the world and going metric. And I remember getting a crash course in metric measurement in grade school.

    And then, nothing…. The people spoke and said, “We don’t like change. And we like all this confusing nonn base ten stuff…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    The most frustrating part of this exercise is finding out that the patterns you bought when she was in the smallest size are now outgrown and the larger sizes have to be bought🙄. A similar thing to them outgrowing a size 4 and having to buy the larger size range to still wear the style. The onesie pattern is now too small and I don’t have enough…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    The most frustrating part of this exercise is finding out that the patterns you bought when she was in the smallest size are now outgrown and the larger sizes have to be bought🙄. A similar thing to them outgrowing a size 4 and having to buy the larger size range to still wear the style. The onesie pattern is now too small and I don’t have enough…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    The most frustrating part of this exercise is finding out that the patterns you bought when she was in the smallest size are now outgrown and the larger sizes have to be bought🙄. A similar thing to them outgrowing a size 4 and having to buy the larger size range to still wear the style. The onesie pattern is now too small and I don’t have enough…[Read more]

  • As frustrating as it is to sew for a fast growing/changing body, her having well fitting clothes is a blessing 🙂
    I’m currently working on pants fitting.
    I’ve had to redo my patterns as I’ve lost weight and can’t use my TNT. I was going to wait until I reached my goal weight to do it but the inches have come off much faster than I anticipated and…[Read more]

  • As frustrating as it is to sew for a fast growing/changing body, her having well fitting clothes is a blessing 🙂
    I’m currently working on pants fitting.
    I’ve had to redo my patterns as I’ve lost weight and can’t use my TNT. I was going to wait until I reached my goal weight to do it but the inches have come off much faster than I anticipated and…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Hit a hige snage! The lisette pj’s is the smaller size and only goes to a 14. I need a 16! Will have to see if I have enough of the rigt fabric to accomodate a onesie instead😕

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    Hit a hige snage! The lisette pj’s is the smaller size and only goes to a 14. I need a 16! Will have to see if I have enough of the rigt fabric to accomodate a onesie instead😕

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    It’s a very fun print you’ve chosen @madtownmama😄 They both look great!

    I am still tracing patterns. I got out of bed to feed the baby this morning, thinking it was 5.30am but it was only 2.50am – must’ve had a power failure during the night. Anyway, I got up,mfeeling awake and cut out the traced patterns I had done yesterday so all I have to do…[Read more]

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