Oliver + S

Masha Richart

  • Justine J replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Masha – so glad to hear that he is improving – have been thinking of you all. And so good to hear that you have plenty of support x

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Oh yes! @sahmcolarado I did! Thankfully they had put it aside for me. And because there is still 30% off all dress fabrics at Spotlight, I “splurged” and bought a metre of purple double velvet! I’ll make something special but what I am currently unsure.

    Kerrilyn, the music class shirt was for the baby but I will make a note of the pattern you…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Oh yes! @sahmcolarado I did! Thankfully they had put it aside for me. And because there is still 30% off all dress fabrics at Spotlight, I “splurged” and bought a metre of purple double velvet! I’ll make something special but what I am currently unsure.

    Kerrilyn, the music class shirt was for the baby but I will make a note of the pattern you…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Masha, I have been thinking of you constantly since you posted your news. I am so glad there has been improvement and that you seem to have a really awesome network of support. It is probably for the best that Niko is having formula some of the time.

    Of course like Janice has said in her post above, the success rate of recovery from strokes is…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Masha, I have been thinking of you constantly since you posted your news. I am so glad there has been improvement and that you seem to have a really awesome network of support. It is probably for the best that Niko is having formula some of the time.

    Of course like Janice has said in her post above, the success rate of recovery from strokes is…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Masha, I have been thinking of you constantly since you posted your news. I am so glad there has been improvement and that you seem to have a really awesome network of support. It is probably for the best that Niko is having formula some of the time (although, I have never done this and am wondering how it would effect your supply).

    Of course…[Read more]

  • On phone please excuse grammar
    As long as this does not leave the sleeve cap and under arm too tight
    How about two back French darts at the back , below the shoulders and darting the centre back of the sleeve ?

  • Nicole replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    There’s nothing that I would like more
    Then to visit a distant shore

  • Nicole replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    There’s nothing that I would like more
    Then to visit a distant shore

  • Nicole replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I have finally finished my daughters vintage pattern trench coat. (Happy dance)

    I am looking forward to sewing her twin’s Lisette Moto jacket. Far less fabric to negotiate.

  • Nicole replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I have finally finished my daughters vintage pattern trench coat. (Happy dance)

    I am looking forward to sewing her twin’s Lisette Moto jacket. Far less fabric to negotiate.

  • Sarvi replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Oh thank heavens. Fingers crossed he continues to improve and you’re able to sort out what on earth happened. So, so glad to hear you’re surrounded with help!

  • Sarvi replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Oh thank heavens. Fingers crossed he continues to improve and you’re able to sort out what on earth happened. So, so glad to hear you’re surrounded with help!

  • How frustrating Tamara!
    I’m trying my first straight stitch society pattern, I have all the pieces cut for the Have It All Wallet. Now to see if I can find the interfacing!

  • How frustrating Tamara!
    I’m trying my first straight stitch society pattern, I have all the pieces cut for the Have It All Wallet. Now to see if I can find the interfacing!

  • with love Heidi replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Sewing friends sure are the best
    Better than all of the rest
    They’re there every time

  • Really sorry not be able to help more!!

  • Sorry, I don’t know where that 6 came from — “lower side panel” is number 10 for me as well.

    For 10+11 I got 20 5/8″ as well, along the longer edge (right edge of the pattern piece, with the double notches. For piece 9 I’m getting 20 1/16″, so 3/8″ difference — but I’m having to sort of eyeball where the stitching line is for the long edge…[Read more]

  • beachmom replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Oh No! I’m so sorry that you all are having to deal with this, especially with a new baby at home. You, your husband, and the kids are in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs)))

  • beachmom replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Oh No! I’m so sorry that you all are having to deal with this, especially with a new baby at home. You, your husband, and the kids are in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs)))

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