krisherber replied to the topic is there a sleeve that fits well on the birthday party dress? in the forum oliver + s: birthday party 5 years ago
Thank you very much… I did not think of the shoulder/armhole not being drafted the same… eeekkkk…. I will see what I can come up with… you are so full of knowledge! thanks!
krisherber started the topic is there a sleeve that fits well on the birthday party dress? in the forum oliver + s: birthday party 5 years ago
I own just about every single oliver+s pattern… can someone tell me what sleeve will work the best with the birthday party dress? short sleeve preferred.. thanks for any suggestions!
krisherber replied to the topic hide and seek dress/tunic in the forum oliver + s: hide-and-seek 5 years ago
Thank you.. it does help… I had made it several times and was not sure so I adjusted shoulder everytime.. and it just never looked quite right.. I am cutting one today as designed and I betcha it will be perfect.. thank you much!
krisherber started the topic hide and seek dress/tunic in the forum oliver + s: hide-and-seek 5 years ago
HI.. hide and seek dress/tunic are the sleeves supposed to be drop shoulder? or no? it seems like the sleeves always fall quite a ways down from shoulder so I ask… thanks..
krisherber replied to the topic General book posts in the forum oliver + s: building block dress 7 years ago
Well they sure are! Thank you…. I will be doing so much more than skimming the book. I feel pretty silly for not looking thru page by page before asking! It is a great book!and sure to be one I will use often!
krisherber replied to the topic General book posts in the forum oliver + s: building block dress 7 years ago
Are the body measurements for the basic pattern somewhere? Are they needed? I just skimmed the book and pattern and was not sure yet. But oh my the sleeve alterations instructions alone make this book a must to own! Thanks
krisherber replied to the topic General book posts in the forum oliver + s: building block dress 7 years ago
Are the body measurements for the basic pattern somewhere? Are they needed? I just skimmed the book and pattern and was not sure yet. But oh my the sleeve alterations instructions alone make this book a must to own! Thanks
krisherber replied to the topic General book posts in the forum oliver + s: building block dress 7 years ago
Are the body measurements for the basic pattern somewhere? Are they needed? Thanks
krisherber started the topic Can I use woven bias fabric to bind edge of knit? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I know I don’t have to bind knit edges, but am wanting to make a lap shoulder baby gown out of knit. Can I use a woven fabric cut on bias to bind edge to add some detail? Would it stretch far enough? I do not want to waste fabric trying it if anyone else has and discovered it won’t work…. ??? Thanks for input!
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