Frances Suzanne replied to the topic What size to make? (the tween dilemna) in the forum liesl + co: gallery tunic + dress 8 years ago
Well that’s the best case scenario {sigh of relief}! Thanks @brenda1652 @justsewit @liesl
Nicole replied to the topic blizzard sewing? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I really enjoyed your description @brenda1652. Our stock is far more at risk of dehydration and bush fires.
cybele727 replied to the topic Holiday Celebrations, Please Share in the forum off topic 10 years ago
@brenda1652 We are just north of the storm. The city proper and northern suburbs don’t have any snow at all. 6 feet in some places south of the city/south part of the city. Sadly for many people, we are expecting 50s on Sunday, so much will melt, and there will be basements flooding.
One of our local customs is the Wednesday before…[Read more]
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