’Tis the season to be sewing! How about some holiday sewing for women? Here’s a round up of inspiration to get you in the holiday sewing mood.
the one-week #sweaterchallenge
Liesl wore the same sweater for a full week (and more). Why? And what were the results of this little style experiment?
pattern review: best patterns of 2016
Two of our patterns made it to the Best Patterns List from the Pattern Review: Best Patterns of 2016. Come see which ones they are.
sew + tell: emily’s lisette B6244 coat
See what Emily made using the Lisette for Butterick B6244 coat pattern. It’s beautiful!
2015 in review: new lisette patterns
There were a whopping eight Lisette for Butterick patterns that came out in 2015! With such a sizable amount do you remember them all?
lisette b6244 coat sew-along starts today
Join us for Day 1 of the Lisette B6244 Coat sew-along which is running this week in the discussion forums sew-along group.
lisette for butterick B6244 coat sew along
Liesl is here to walk you through sewing the Lisette for Butterick B6244 coat. It only has three pieces, no linings or facings, and a minimum of seams. So it’s a quick and easy sew that makes a stunning piece of outerwear. We’ve broken the sewing up into three days for you.
announcing the lisette b6244 coat sew-along
We hope you’ll join us for a sew-along of the new Lisette B6244 Coat pattern. The fun starts here on October 14.
introducing the new lisette B6244 for butterick
Liesl introduces you to the first of our two new Lisette styles for fall, Butterick B6244: the multi-media dress and the drapey coat.
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