Oliver + S

Where do you buy your labels from (American)?

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    No offense to our Aussie friends here, but I don’t want to pay for shipping from AU to US. 🙂

    I am thinking about getting labels made and sewing them in/on my daughter’s clothes. Does anyone here in the US do that? What website do you use?


    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I live here in the US but I buy my labels from World Wide labels in Hong Kong of Etsy. The labels they make look great and I got a ton of them when I oredered them two years ago and I still have quite a few.


    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m going to jump in on this one and ask where people get labels from if they are in Australia. i have been thinking about this for a while and may be able to do it this year! No offence taken cybele, we understand the hassles of shipping over here too.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I get mine here Heidi. http://www.apparellabels.com.au/

    The site is a bit granny but they are awesome to deal with.


    Maggie @Maggie

    I looked into this, although I haven’t ordered yet. The site Sharon mentioned seemed one of the best.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Thanks! 🙂

    Noodles @Noodles

    I can Second Nicole’s suggestion of http://www.apparellabels.com.au/

    As she said the website isn’t the best, but they do an excellent job, and I had a call from a lovely lady when my order didn’t really make sense (partially because of the website confusion). Prices were good and delivery was quick.

    Frances Suzanne @Frances Suzanne

    We bought our size labels from http://www.customcouturelabelcompany.com and our personal labels (with our logo) from http://www.xpresalabels.com/. Both companies were fine to work with….

    Ohhowsweet @Ohhowsweet

    I buy from here: (in the US)

    http://customlabels4u.com/woven-labels-1.shtml for my size labels and

    http://customlabels4u.com/clothing-labels_satin.shtml for my “name” labels



    ML @ML

    I also got mine from worldwidelabels on etsy. I did try to email an American company first, but they never responded after I told them what I wanted. Maybe I wasn’t ordering enough to make it worth their while? In any case, worldwidelabels takes a little while. Their response time is like 48 hours, which *can* seem like a long time in today’s day and age. 🙂 But they really made sure that they were giving me exactly what I wanted and made changes when I asked. I was happy with the labels I got, and I would use them again. Now, if I could remember to use the labels…

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I have gone to sites and have been overwhelmed by the choices. Any suggestions/advice???

    Maggie @Maggie

    I was thinking a color would give a more custom look than white. I’m planning a grey background with colored text.

    The font choices are many, but there are samples to give you ideas. Do you like something simple and modern or fancy cursive?

    Don’t sweat it. How wrong can you go?

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Mine have the grey back ground with white script on it so that it will match any color of clothes that I sew it too.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    How big are they? Are they finished edges?

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    The ones I have are they are 2″x1/2″ The labels are woven, very nice. 🙂

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