What are you sewing now?
9 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
Dresdens are so much fun! Enjoy them Heidi.
I have cut out two B6296 in size 14 ready to sew. Running behind time and feeling slightly stressed about things.
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Hope you get at least one set of pajamas done before she goes!
I made lovely green dresden plates. We set them out in a number of configurations. I only realised afterwards that my favourite configuration is very reminiscent of “The Very Hungry Catapiller”!9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
It sounds so colourful – it’s a favourite story in our house (even though Chloë prefers Possum Magic right now) – she has a rag book she often “reads”.
I am confident both pairs will be done before Wednesday evening (Friday is departure day) but I am worried there will be other things in dire need at the last minute. Take for instance my request for her to show/ model/ try on her swimsuits – I was met with much hesitation and absolutely no clue as to their whereabouts (they “should” be in their rightful spot)! Shorts are also questionable although I know I made four pairs for camp last year that still fit – I have to send a search party out for them also
. We are currently working to the pack enough for a fortnight principal and the washing won’t be as intensive (and this is what I worry dreams over
). Guess it is the homesickness kicking in for me already (parents get it too apparently).
Once I know the schedules for weekend activities etc, I can do something about the “fun clothes”. I have this great dress I want to make – sort of a bandage type bodice. We need fabric ideas before she leaves or there will be lots of emailing of pictures of “stuff”.
Babbling now. Must be tired. Have started on both sets of pj’s and will work on the bottoms first. Lottie Da fabrics for one and City weekend and Children at play for the other (precious prints for my precious girl). Would love it if my new labels turned up Wednesday then it would top it all off.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Well I spent the morning going hammer and tongs at the sewing machines and have now completed two pairs of pyjama pants view c from Lisette B6296. I made the 14 as per her measurements in her waist (her hips are virtually non existent as yet.) and thought they looked too big once they were made but after she tried them on, they were pronounced perfect and we are all happy with that.
Now I will spend the rest of today sewing the tops, hoping to have a good deal of both completed by bedtime tonight.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I managed to finish just one pyjama top in all that time! My new labels came so they are sitting neatly on them and like I thought, look like something out of a boutique! I finished the Heather Bailey Lottie da ones first, as requested and had to say no to her wearing them last night. We have to wear them at the sleepover and she agreed.
I will finish the other top and send it off to her next week when some other (unmentionables) arrive in the mail, along with possibly another item should I have that much time up my sleeve. I doubt it. This year is going to be very very busy.
9 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
The big navy back to school sewathon was going great guns, but now I’ve had a stuff up.
Somehow, the front waistband of my Class Picnic shorts was too big. My fabric had a bit of stretch, so I made it fit. Doh. Big, sticky out wavy waistband.
It will need to be unpicked, shortened, and reattached.
Nit sure where I went wrong. I’m usually fairly precise, but I can see how a slightly wider facing, overlapping a bit extra, on both sides, would add up.
The Butterfly skirt and Music Class skirt were delightful to sew.
All is not lost. I will resume another day…9 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
I finished a hopscotch which was quickly on its way to becoming a UFO. It only lacked for side seams and hemming. So I pounded it out. Girlfriend has 4 hopscotch now. If I made a 5th she’s wear them exclusively I think.
I was in the principal’s office for a check in on the new placement and she said that she saw her in one of those dresses. She said, “I felt like I was looking at a Hannah Anderson catalogue model.” I said- yep. I’ve made this monster. I did it for sensory issues and now I’ve got a particular fashion maven on my hands.
So now I’m thinking maybe some selfish sewing.
9 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
For the record: If you accidentally trace the size 10 waistband and facing, don’t try and attach it to the size 5 shorts. Doh.
Stuff up resolved.9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I am so pleased Shelley. I have made that size before and it worked so I assumed your fabric must have stretched.
I just need to sew the button hole on Elsa’s blazer and it is done!
Next, a pair of navy Deer and Doe shorts for school.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I have finally had the chance to get some more done on the second lisette pyjamas for my eldest. Need to finish and send as she’ll need them for the “Valentine’s love in” movie night.
I have some Megan neilsen patterns I want to use too so will be busy sewing over the weekend with these.
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I finally finished my BB8 messenger bag
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh goodie! Will have to go check the photos out!
I am still plodding away at the pj’s but will complete them shortly. Then will indulge in some button sewing and catching up on a few loved programs.
I am also tracing some patterns, Megan Nielsen’s Tania culottes view 1 and Simplicity 1158 view a – the short version.
I have been given a list longer than a trip to town of things that I am “allowed” to sew for my boarder
She still loves my sewing and we got some high praise over the chevron comino cap dress too which is awesome! Love the fact that my sewing is admired by her peers – good feelings.
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
That’s great to hear the positive feedback
Espically after struggling all summer to even get her to look at patterns.
I’m struggling with pattern fitting for myself. I’ve lost weight, which is great but now none of my TNT patterns fit! I’m trying to fit a pattern for bathers shorts and I am not finding it easy
Time to put it aside for the day and do something else.9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
It would be a fabulous excuse to look at more ideas and patterns to fit your new body then Heidi! Congratulations on your weightloss. I am looking forward to shedding some kilos also but I find that nursing keeps my weight even so I believe this whole breastfeeding will help shed kilos theory is non existent. So it is still a fact that every pattern I use for myself has to be altered – significantly! I look forward to not having to do so much altering later down the track when the nursing stops.
Forgot to mention, I am tracing Megan Nielsen’s Briar top pattern also. I have some magenta knit with little lines of sequins all over it, which Imogen has specifically requested to have something made from. I think a Briar would be great, either that or a short t shirt dress. It would be perfect for evening outings of the casual kind I am thinking. Either which way, I plan to use this pattern alot with the heat waves that are hitting Perth with full force, she will want something other than a plain t shirt.
I also have the Simplicity 1916 waiting in the wings. But that is reserved for myself. A nice crossover top is handy when still feeding and it looks the part too.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I have finally managed the time to cut out the first (of a few) Tania culottes, a Megan Nielsen pattern. I’m doing the short version for my eldest – because I only bought two metres of fabric – the small size does fit btw but with pattern fiddling and my fabric is only 112cm wide so no doubling up.
Now to see if I have the right sized zipper….
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