What are you sewing now?
9 years ago LINK
with love Heidi @with love Heidi
Aiming to finish the last of the 4 messenger bags. I need to get them to my friend I the next 2 days as they fly out next week!
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
@with-love-heidiHeidi, I am *finally* about to tackle that pattern. I hope I can call on you if I need to.
I have been sewing for Trixie. A Playtime tunic&leggings, a Bubble dress+bloomers, a Puppet Show+ shorts, a 2+2 blouse and now a Sailboat top and trousers.
I love how quick and rewarding tiny clothes sewing is.
What are the rest of you Lovelies sewing?
xx Nicole
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Please call on me if you need
I have at least one more to make for my mum and I’m thinking I might make another 4 for another family of kids. Partly because I can almost make the patten in my sleep having been unwell and quite stressed I’m loving straight following the pattern and having it already traced out
Don’t forget to check the errata for this pattern, there was an error in the instructions for lining up the back with the front, http://oliverands.com/books/OLV-OS026LIT.html#tab-errata.
I also put my bias binding on backwards so I can control the look on the front and make sure everything is caught.
It’s an amazing bag, it looks so professional and fits so much in!9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
The dress turned out fantastic and she looked very grown up – the Principal even commented on how pretty it was and her shoes! Alas I didn’t get to take a photo – hands full with a wriggly baby. Now it is covered in meatball sauce and needs a wash.
I think I will make it a tiny bit longer next time as she had issues when sitting (it rode up considerably).
I didn’t get my linene pants done. I lost my patience with the family and the many distractions and my nerves over the whole experience were getting the better of my temper. So the patter is only half drafted and altered and waiting for me when we get home, although I may take a week to get to it in order to see to other priorities.
I do have to stitch the buttons on Noah’s shirt (never trust a 10 year old boy to pack his own gear) he has to wear it tomorrow as there is nothing but a pyjama top in the suitcase
So when I get home and after the priorities have been prioritised, I will finish sorting out my pants pattern and sewing that, then sewing some more shirts for the mancub and Murray and then I can finaly get to the pyjama pattern that turned up in the mail the other day. Imogen needs something other than just one ready to wear nightie.
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Glad the dress was done! And how exciting that the Principal noticed how well dressed she was!
9 years ago LINKI hope you will post photos of the dress, Tamara!
Speaking of sewing tiny things, I am knee-deep in doll clothes to accompany the dolls my girls will get for Christmas. There are a billion free patterns for the 18″ dolls online, but as is often the case with free patterns, I am finding them to be hit or miss. I can’t bring myself to pay money for a doll clothing pattern though – that is a bridge too far for this frugal gal.
I had a look in the girls’ pajama drawer tonight and found that both are in dire need of cold-weather pjs. I’ll remedy that using the Playtime leggings and Field Trip raglan patterns. My younger girl also needs new leggings for daywear. Good thing I love sewing that pattern!
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
4 messenger bags done! Including the snaps I add as closures. Yay! And with a couple of days to spare
Just need photos and wrapping.9 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Heidi you’re so blazing fast! Can I rub your sewing machine for good luck? I have only a Lunch Box outfit to get through but I am not feeling too sanguine about my chances of finishing in time for tomorrow.
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Thanks Sarvi! I’ve enjoyed sewing these bags
Onto my 5th one with a slight detour making a different sort of basic bag. The messenger bags are lovley, relaxing to make and look so good.
9 years ago LINKSherry @mim22
Can anyone tell me what would be the perfect material for nighties and pyjamas in an American winter. The grandchildren will be in New York for christmas and I wasn’t sure how cold or hot it would be in an apartment considering they have central heating.
I thought flannelette but my granddaughter is always hot, so what about interlock or would that be not warm enough. Thanks
9 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
New York winters can get COLD — but homes are often heated pretty warmly to make up for it. Can you ask the host? Flannel(ette) or interlock should work fine.
9 years ago LINKSherry @mim22
Thanks Sarvi, maybe I will do one of each for Little Miss and Little Mr. loves his flannelette, would wear it is the summer if he could.
9 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Me too, it’s so cozy!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Sherry, I should think flannelette would be perfect!
9 years ago LINKetc3 @etc3
We’re currently living in Columbus Ohio having moved here earlier in the year from Australia. While it’s really cold outside the house is very warm and my daughter finds flannelette much too warm, she just doesn’t seem to get cold. We’re going to be in NYC for Xmas too and I’m planning to just pack knit pjs.
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