What are you sewing now?
9 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
I am now about to embark on potentially ruining another pattern
Wish me luck!
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Finally got the bathers top fitted
It works very well. Worth it but tedious and frustrating!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
At least you finally are having some success! I discovered that doing a traditional fba doesn’t warrant for accommodating a larger than normal bicep so I need to redraft the front of the gallery tunic so the armscye can actually match the sleeve – i need two tops by tomorrow morning!
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Hope you get there Tamara!
9 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
How are you attaching the neckband @justsewit ?
Sewing machine or overlocker/coverstitch?
I am like some weird evangelist when it comes to knit fabric, I want the world to share the love!
Happy to help if there’s any way I can.-
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
Lightning McStitch.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
@lightningmcstitch as per instructions and with an overlocker. It is knit fabric fron spotlight – jersey it said- but it has like zero stretch and the neckband turned out rediculous! It went in the bin and I have vowed to look for stretchier stuff once I get to Perth. I also indulged and bought some fabric from girlcharlee (I know! Mad! given the exchange rate at the mo’) but I was desperate to actually get some success which has been like hens off the lay! I have been able to make t shirts in the past but I think even my sewing year is el nino right now!
@withloveHeidi I got the fit done but it was decided the style just doesn’t suit my very heiffer like figure right now. The gallery actually makes me look even bigger
. The girls are just huge and the style just makes me look big all over so its back to the drawing board for me!
When I return and after I have sewn the promised neon pink wrap skirt I will sit down and have a good pep talk to the traveller dress pattern again. Now THAT pattern I can do!
9 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
@justsewit I know the spotlight knits you mean. They are very “stable” which makes them nice to sew and hem, bug I wouldn’t try using them for a neckband. Perhaps a facing, bug not a stretchy neckband.
If you’d consider buying off the internet sight unseen I can strongly recommend the Ottobre ribbings. I’ve bought them from the Ottobre Etsy shop and bundled up half a dozen different colours, each in 10cm lengths.
You’re unlucky to find the exact shade you want, but if you’re happy with funky contrast, the colours are always nice and the quality is superb.9 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
I made a hopscotch and my daughter wore it to school. She was sad that no one told her it was pretty. I said not everyone can be a winner. Lol.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh poor sweetie! If it makes you feel good then that is all that matters, that’s what I say.
@lightningmcstitch stability is the word! They stretch in the shop though! Oh well. I will have a good look at the ottobre ribbing you suggest. The one thing I absolutely crave is good quality. Everything else can look the other way!
So instead of sewing up beautiful tops, I have to force myself to go shopping for tops that hopefully won’t shrink in the wash this time!
I would rather stay home but…. I have to go an see the prize winning crocheted dress mum made
And go on the ghost train
Roll On Saturday when I can reaquaint myself with my lovely mechanical sewing buddies!
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I finished Jed’s polo and should be making him one more garment… but as Hugo’s 18th is looming I have queue jumped the sewing rota and cut him another pair of Jedediah trousers and an Aime Comme Marie Mister shirt and me a pair of Ginger jeans and an Aime Comme Marie Madame shirt for me!
I rarely have this much cut waiting to be sewn, it feels deliciously naughty.
9 years ago LINKMardee @WhereForArt
@justsewit I can second the rec for Ottobre ribbing – I buy it all the time and it’s much better than anything I can find locally.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Thanks @whereforart will certainly take a look.
I am currently altering the b6182 skirt (again) as the first altered version has mysteriously disappeared. I have made this before in a stretch sateen but now am going to use navy linen and light blue denim to make a couple more.
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Birthday shirt sewn, thanks to all the lovely ladies on Instagram for their help with button/thread choice.
We went with red thread, dark buttons, two token red buttonholes on a tan and white striped shirt.Onto my shirt, a blue and white gingham.
Anyone with catering experience, may you check out my post in the baking thread?
Thank you!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Progressing nicely with my skirt. I have the waistband and hem to do and then its done! And then I can make another one!
9 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
Hi everyone, I haven’t been able to contribute to these forums for the last three weeks as I have been house, and dog-sitting. Home today, hurray!! No sewing done during this period whatsoever; but I have been able to trace, draft, and cut out nearly 30 outfits – all neatly packaged in sturdy plastic bags – you know the ones with the press-together closure – bought specifically for the purpose as all my recycled bags have become too fragile. They don’t last forever, I’ve found. The winning pattern has been the Class Picnic blouse as Australia heads steadily towards summer. I think I have cut out about 8 of them in different sizes. So mega-amounts of sewing ahead; hopefully, without too many serious interuptions so that the clothes get to the intended kids before they grow out of the cut size.
I’ve really missed my machine (and my little nest), however, there is something about lots of cutting, and sifting through ones stash that promotes good ideas, and imaginative uses of pattern. For example, I’m wondering if I could put ‘kangaroo’ pockets (a la the Book Report) in View B of the Ice Cream dress? Certainly, they could be inserted in the seams. All this work includes my first Garden Party dress which I’m really looking forward to making up in a size 2. With a lovely printed cotton, and some pique for the horizontal bands, it should look very sweet. As always, I have been sustained by reading these forums, and the wonderful pics on Flickr. As ‘my children’ are really growing up, now; it’s been wonderful to have a large table to draft, and cut out some long overdue size 8 dresses for one of my Melbourne kids. The dog’s parents gave me some lovely ‘catalogues’ from some exhibitions they visited at The Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, Canada. My favourite is entitled “Fashion Victims: the pleasures and perils of dress in the 19th Century” Gorgeous pics, and cartoons. I have to find a way to display it. Off to start sewing gathering threads into all those CP tops.
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
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