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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I am currently printing and sticking various Jalie pdf patterns together in the hope that I can find something matching Noah’s size. He badly needs winter clothes and his birthday is on Saturday so I thought I would attempt to use these patterns to make him something. If they work, I will be measuring the husband and the workman aswell! There will no longer be. Need to wear shorts in 12 degree weather that way!

    I also have to trace another size of the Jalie jeans for Imogen as the ones I made last year don’t fit (figured there would be a growth spurt somewhere along the line). The. i have to find a shorts pattern and get her prepared for her trip to Ningaloo with the school.

    The pink smocked dress is made and worn and is oodles of room. I might be lucky to have her wear it until the weather warms up again.

    KAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries

    Good Morning/Good Evening!

    Justsewit, will you post pictures somewhere of the pink smocked dress? I would so love to see it! Good luck on the patterns for your son. I admire those of you who make clothing for the older boys and the men in your lives. My little forays into that type of sewing have been unsuccessful and I no longer try.

    Katybellabug, I adore the little fox dress! You did a wonderful job and I am sure that you received many, many compliments on it!

    Heidi, I love your winged badminton skirts! They are darling!

    I didn’t get anything pleated or ready to sew on our little vacation but I have sewn since our return. I made a little sundress, bonnet, and bib set for a friend’s little granddaughter. I have also blogged about the Very Hungry Caterpillar Ice Cream Dress I made Chloe last March (butterfliesandfaeries.blogspot.com). There are so many posts I have to catch up on!

    There will be a little time to sew this afternoon. I have a skirt and a blouse cut out. I cut the Class Picnic Blouse out months ago but didn’t sew it up. Now it is too small for my friend’s granddaughter (Emma) and too big for Chloe. Phoey! I am going to try to re-cut it to fit either Chloe or Kayla. The skirt will be easy to adjust to fit either one of them. I am hoping to make some school clothes to help out both these families.

    Have a wonderful day/evening!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Karen, wouldn’t try and re cut it, just make it and they will grow and fit into it. If it’s only one size to big I’d be tempted to give it to them and they grow into it 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    So I measured the children yesterday – the two biggies that is. I was referring to the body measurements chart on the Jalie patterns I am using to make some warm clothing (Noah in particular). He fits into what is a size 14 for chest and hips but is a small man’s size for the waist. He keeps saying he needs to lose weight but a growth spurt (and not eating so much whiped cream and fizzy drink) will fix that. Imogen has gone from a size zero to a size 6 in 12 months on the Liesl and co patterns in her bust but is still smaller on the bottom half! I just about fell over! They just grow so fast when they do grow. I am yet to compare her size to that of the Jalie jeans. She has requested the higher rise this time as she said she had to keep yanking them up and they felt as though they were always falling down.

    I have half a flannel shirt cut and sewn (literally) as I was using it as my wearable muslin. The checks are printed (woven?) off grain so matching is a devil. This shirt will be strictly for farm use only!

    The jeans will need some waist alterations. I have the pattern laid out but not cut as I did this later last night and realised I needed to do some flat pattern alterations to the waist first. I have a feeling I will be doing several takes with this one. Pants seem to be a real thorn in my side when it comes to sewing them for my boy. Hopefully it will be far easier to alter and we can have a smoother run this time around.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m making a quilt. It’s a little quilt and will probably be a baby present. I’m trying a new technique. I’ve backed the circles with fusible backing and ironed them onto the quilt top. I’ve then made The quilt sandwich and used a large zigzag to sew around the edge of the circles. I’ve used a bright coloured thread on the back so it makes bright outlined quilted circles on the back.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I haven’t been able to sew in months. This week I made a butterfly skirt and a modified garden party. I feel the gray skies lifting. Sewing is so good for my soul. 🙂

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I haven’t been able to sew in months. This week I made a butterfly skirt and a modified garden party. I feel the gray skies lifting. Sewing is so good for my soul. 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I am so glad you have finally had the chance to sew @cybele727.

    KAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries

    Good luck with the quilt, Heidi! I took your advise and didn’the re-cut the class picnic blouse. It was a size 5 and I have been sewing size 4 in O+S for both Chloe and Kaya. I made the blouse shorter by putting tucks above the fancy work of the hem. It came out cute. I also made a sort from another pic I had. I am hoping that this outfit will fit Chloe.

    I have another Lazy Days skirt cut for Kayla using three fabrics and width added for a fuller skirt. I bought a white Izod shirt to go with it that I will hand embroider and change out the buttons.

    I am going to make something for me! I have planned an apron, two tea cozies, and two hot pads out of pretty fabrics. I usually save the really nice materials for others but this time I decided I would cut them for me! An adult apron with a full skirt and bib takes so much fabric. I am so used to cutting out things for little people under size 8 that I was amazed at how much I used!

    I hope you all have a lovely day/evening!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Thanks Karen, I finished the quilt this morning. Now I’m working on a muslin for a friend’s dress.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I haven’t really had the chance to sew alot this past week and with more visitors coming tomorrow, time is running out to whip up something durable for Noah to wear. I am at the moment trying to make a pair of track pants using a pyjama pants pattern. They look huge! But I hope they will fit with room and it doesn’t matter if they are basic, they are supposed to be for the farm anyhow.

    It seems that the weekend will be my next opportunity to really sew something. And here I had plans to do lots of things sewing wise during the holidays. Visitors are always welcome of course but so are the sewing projects!

    I haven’t been enjoying sewing for my son as much as I used to. Probably because the patterns are new to me and I don’t know if they will pass the fit test well enough. Still, he needs clothes like everyone else so the sooner I get something done for him the sooner I can get back to fun little baby sewing.

    Oh and then there is sewing for the trip to Ningaloo – a nearly teen who doesn’t give a precise answer of preference other than “whatever” or “meh” is what I have to sew for these days. Its enough to want to give up entirely!

    I have been looking at purchasing one of those electronic cutters to make my own vinyl transfers for t shirts. We had the idea of fun camping slogans and pictures to take the mickey – having a whale of a time for when she goes on the boat to see the whales etc! Just to put some humour into it. I don’t know about the machine though – it may turn into a fad and end up cluttering up the sewing room!

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara.
    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve just laid out 2m of beautiful black pinstripe probably wool/wool blend suiting I picked up at the Op shop for $5 with the largest size Secert Agent Trench Coat. I’m making my now 11 year old nephew his 3rd one in 4 years. The fabric is beautiful, I’m hoping it’s as easy to work with as it feels. I’m really looking forward to making this tomorrow!

    Jacki @JackiR

    I have just finished my second Red Riding Hood Cape, my first projects from the LTTS book. Love the book and just love the capes. Putting the machine away for a couple of days then into a wee skirt for a friend’s 2 yr old, complete with Dora appliqué. Cross fingers it turns out well. After that…the bear carrier. Can’t wait.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Working on the pinstripe trench coat 🙂

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Love the sound of that trench @with-love-heidi.

    the LTTS book is such a treasure trove. Have fun with it.
    I just got back from the school run and it is soooooo cold. We ride our bikes and now I’m going to knock up some snoods (neckwarmers) out of leftover bits of polar fleece.

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