Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    KAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries

    Oh, Sarvi, I am so sorry about the length of the Bubble dress. I think short dresses are adorable on little girls but I understand the very strict dress code. I hope that she can wear the dress at other times. Did the zipper work out on the Fairy Tale?

    Justsewit, I can’t wait to see the smocked goodies you have planned! I tried to find that plate in my AS&E Index for the girls at FrancesSuzanne but missed the ‘Living Dolls’. Did you leave them a note about the plate? I have some smocking to make as gifts this summer, too. I just love that classic look! I will need to get something pleated up to work on when we go out of town for a couple of days.

    I haven’t sewn in the past couple of days but I have plans to do so today. I need to work on a little outfit for another teacher-friend’s little girl for the 4th of July weekend. I believe that I will make a Lazy Day’s skirt. I made one recently for little Chloe and it looked adorable on her. (I need to post that one! It is for the 4th, as well.)

    I did get my very first Ice Cream dress posted on my blog today. It was made for Chloe for Dr. Suess Day in March. http://butterfliesandfaeries.blogspot.com/2015/06/olivers-ice-cream-dress-for-dr-suess-day.html

    Tamara @justsewit

    @KAREN I pulled the issue out and you know I went to their blog but forgot to enter it, thinking I should tell them but I forgot the issue number. I will send a note on to them. I spent much of yesterday afternoon trying to sort out the threads as it seems I don’t have the silk threads in the colours that the magazine has stated. So I will have to improvise. It looks like that I sort of gravitate towards pink alot in what I make because it seems I just cannot get away from that colour. But I do love it on a little gurl anyway so, whatever.

    The plan is to pleat the Living dolls dress front today and then decide which one to make for Sunday – and ultimately get cracking! It will be in corduroy as it will be chilly, even though I did think of winter twill but will keep that to make another dress (Matilda issue 79 I think) and that will probably be for next winter – and I want to make a summer version because I just adore it.

    Anyway that’s the plan!

    KAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries

    I looked up both of your smocking plates, Justsewit, and I love them both. Have you started the smocking on the bonnet? What size dress are you making? You must be very fast at smocking and embroidery to have plans to do so many smocked things by Sunday. You inspire me!

    If you have AS&E#18 ( I don’t have this one), there is a charming set of smocked baby overalls with little puffed sleeved blouses in sizes 3,6,& 12 months called “Bubble and Squeak”. Issue #84 “Tiffany” has a darling little BSY dress with puffed bound sleeves that just happens to be pink in 6, 12, & 18 months. 😉

    I finished the Lazy Days skirt and a little top to go with it today. I want to make something for the little one to wear in her hair with it and maybe a pair of shorts, too, before I give it to Kayla. She is a tall sweetie (39 inches, or 99cm) but she won’t be three until August. She wears size 4 or 6 in RTW depending on style, etc.

    Rest well for those in the States and have a great day for those of you in Australia!

    Tamara @justsewit

    @KAREN yes I have both issue 18 and 84 and I actually used the Tiffany pattern to make a dress for a neibour’s daughter when she turned one year old (she is now turning 7) I was a subscriber so have most of them with only a couple of the early issues missing from the collection. I am making the size 6 months as she still fits this size and the AS&E sizes are bigger – I did contemplate doing the 12 month size but it will soon start to really warm up so it wouldn’t get the wear. Alas it is still chilly and being only just six months it should be ok – I hope. She isn’t as tall or as large as my older two children so this size should do for the few remaining weeks of colder weather (not that its freezing!)

    I haven’t started the embroidery or the bonnet yet and am considering, because of the time situation only doing an unsmocked bonnet instead. I will see how we go with the little white dress that I am using the Living dolls plate on. Totally different colour scheme but I think it will work with the colour scheme.

    Anyway I have gotten as far as pleating the front (half space rows seem to smock faster than full spaced ones) and hope to get onto the actual smocking soon. But the baby has woken up so I may have to postpone that plan for a couple of hours. It looks likely I will be pulling some later than normal hours but hey, I am already exhausted so I won’t see any difference in my alertness levels! This is what happens when you are trying to sew for an event you are organising plus preparing for two lots of relatives coming to visit at separate times over the next fortnight. I will need a holiday from the holiday by the end of it I think!

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    @karen Thank you! I will have a look at that fox dress. Off into town today to see what I can find, ready made or fabric.
    Regarding the Badminton Skort, I have always found it quite true to size. Mine is up on my blog now although I still haven’t had time to photograph it on her.

    KAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries

    Justsewit, The little white dress sounds so pretty. I can’t wait to see photos! My collection of AS&E isn’t as extensive as yours. I am missing most of the issues prior to #21 with just four exceptions. I think that I am going to try to find #18 as that little picture of the romper in the Index has charmed me. You certainly will be busy for the next couple of weeks! I will be sending you good energy vibes to get through it all!!

    Katybellabug, I just went ’round to check your blog and see your pretties! You did a great job with making everything possible from the pattern. Thank you for the info on the skort. That is something I want to make for Chloe for school.

    I have gotten a ‘wild hair’ to make another little blouse for Kayla to wear with the skirt I made yesterday. This one could be worn to school, making the skirt more usable. I also have cut out a Children’s Corner ‘Hilary’ for her this morning. I have no idea why that seemed so important to me to do when I got up! This dress and blouse are not on my list of things to make her!

    Sandra Hartwig @SandraHartwig

    I have just finished a birthday party dress for my 2 year old granddaughter Nova, The main part is in a navy cotton with tiny white daisies with red, and yellow centres, and tiny green leaves. and the pleated portion is in a navy/white checked fabric with tiny splashes of the same colours as the main fabric in the centre of each square. The best thing is that the squares fitted perfectly with the pleating lines making it sooo easy. My first ever O&S garment was also the birthday party dress, but in my hurry to get it made in a 12mths size I didn’t check the 1 ” square grid after printing it out. so it is now a dolls dress.
    Other O&S patterns sewn so far include roller skate dress, Book report dress, seashore dress, 3 hula hoop skirts, garden party dress,3 pair puppet show shorts, 3 pair of pyjamas and the sketchbook shirt (Which I would make longer next time) The instructions are sooo easy to follow.
    My next planned makes include library dress and family reunion dress (before my granddaughter grows out of smaller size range). Does any one else suffer from an addiction to fabric and patterns??? LOL

    Tamara @justsewit

    Sandra I have the Birthday party dress pattern but as yet have not used it. I look forward to doing so after hearing about your sweet creations.

    I spent a couple of hours at the machine last noght sewing up the pink smocked dress. I just handstitching to do now which will have to happen today (this evening) as tomorrow it has to be worn.

    The white dress is in bits still. I kept making mistakes with the smocking so it will have to be completed after the event as I just don’t have time now. I am hoping to have enough energy to pick it up tomorrow evening to start fixing up.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m making another upcycled playtime tunic. I’ve used an old tshirt for the bodice and sleeves and a piece of yardage for the skirt.

    Sandra Hartwig @SandraHartwig

    Awesome about the birthday party dress, just read the instructions as you go and it will all go together beautifully. I plan to do at least one smocked dress for my granddaughter, and she has inherited one that my mother made for my youngest daughter 20 years ago and one that I made for my niece who was a flower girl for my daughter.

    KAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries

    Sandra, the Birthday Party Dress sounds so pretty. Will you show pictures in the Flicker account? I have a Flicker account but have forgotten my user name and password and how to use it. I am hoping my daughter will have time to figure it out and to reteach me this weekend.

    Justsewit, you are almost finished with the pink smocked dress! Will she wear it for tomorrow? Will you show pictures, please? I feel for you about the white dress. It has happened to me. It takes longer to smock a row than it does to un-smock it!

    My husband and I have taken a little holiday the past couple of days so no new sewing but I did manage to get little Kayla’s three pieces for this holiday weekend blogged before I left. It was scheduled to be posted this morning at http://butterfliesandfaeries.blogs pot.com/2015/07/olivers-lazy-days-skirt-for-kaylas.html . The pieces included a little Lazy Days Skirt made out of a fabric I just love.

    Have a wonderful day/evening sewing everyone!

    Sandra Hartwig @SandraHartwig

    I hope to figure out the flickr thing too. My daughter and wee family are coming next week , so I m sure shell know how to upload photos etc. I just tried to sign up , but having difficulty in getting all my details accepted

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I hope you work flicker out Sandra.
    I’m making a winged badminton skirt. I made a number of these 3 years ago and my niece asked for another one as she had outgrown the first. I appreciate the time I took to make proper patterns of the wings and appliqués and label everything so I could very easily pull out the pieces I needed in the correct size 🙂

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Tonight I made a Sunday Brunch skirt. Old school Oliver + S!!
    I knocked up a quick one in some drill I was gifted in a stomach churning shade of pink. I’m sure she’ll love it and mostly I just wanted to check the fit and construction before I start fiddling with it….
    I’m thinking a mini City Stroll wrap skirt using the Sunday Brunch as the foundation. When she saw mine she wanted one and it seems like a fun idea.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m loving the idea of a mini city stroll skirt!
    I spent the day with a friend making a pattern for a dress for her. She has some lovely vintage fabric with large yellow roses. She has chosen a fitted princess seamed bodice with pleated Aline skirt with 3/4 length sleeves. Thankfully the dress is one Ottobre pattern and the sleeves are another, so minimal drafting. I really appreciate working with someone whose measurements fall pretty much into only one size 🙂
    I did discover it’s much harder to concentrate on tracing Ottobre patterns when 4 children are singing the Lava/love song from the short movie shown with Insideout. I’ll be very happy never to hear the song again!

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