What are you sewing now?
10 years ago LINK
lilypadmontana @lilypadmontana
Round the world girl – I applaud you for getting some sewing done for your baby! I’ve got a list a mile long for my upcoming boy and have sewn exactly nothing for him as of yet
He’s due mid June so there’s still some time, which is what I keep telling myself and subsequently putting his sewing off! I just need to get Easter outfits done for my son and daughter and then, finally, I’ll sew the lullaby layette for June boy. Really excited to get it sewn since it’s such an adorable pattern!
Nicole – aren’t peacoats a beast? When I sewed my husband one I was sure it would never end. Just cutting it out was a huge task!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Wow babies everywhere! This is wonderful! I am happy to report to all pending and new (and new again) mamas out there that the lullaby layette pattern rocks as pyjamas for a newbie also. I am yet to post the photos of my little one in her new ones but I am ecstatic to report that they worked a treat last night in keeping her warm and she only woke me twice – one 5.5 hour stint followed by a 4 hour! For a breastfed newborn that ain’t too bad at all. I just look forward to the consistency. Oh and she had a sleeping bag (1tog) and swaddle enclosing her arms in (moro reflex is still strong) that helped also.
I have more flannel fabric thanks to the Spotlight sale that will be turned into more for her.
I also found a Simplicity pattern that mirrors the Sleepover pyjama style that I plan to use for the big kids until they finally grow out of it – it has adult sizes!
Right now though it is continuing to work on the three bubbles of which not much has been accomplished in the last two days. That doesn’t mean they won’t be finished though as I plan to spend as much time as possible at the machine tonight and tomorrow.
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Just finished some navy courduroy field trip cargos. I’ve remembered how much I like that pattern
I love all the top stitching!
I’m thinking I’ll make some more elements in the periodic table. Probably H, Li, Na and K (hydrogen, lithium, sodium and potassium). Then I’ll have all the alkali and alkaline metals done9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Congrats on the baby, so exciting!
I finished the peacoat, finally, and Hugo is rapt
My turn next …..
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Exciting Nicole! What are you going to make yourself?
9 years ago LINKjay_1965vw @jay_1965vw
I finished the cot rail protectors yesterday. Yay! Boring stuff finished and I can go on with more fun things.
I cut out Audrey’s Super Cape yesterday, as well as the Roller Skate dress. I also have some seersucker lined up for a shirred romper for Josephine, but I need to measure her before I cut it out.I’ve been enjoying using my new sewing machines, as well as working out their limitations. It hadn’t occurred to me until yesterday that the TL 2000Qi doesn’t have a free arm (well, duh, it is designed for quilting! Silly me!). So that’s another thing I’ll need to switch to the HZL F-300 for.
I’m loving the speed though, and the self threader on the F-300. The self threader on the 2000Qi is another matter though – I spent 10 minutes trying to follow the instructions, and decided it was easier to just thread it by hand! I need to look on YouTube for some instructions.I look forward to seeing what you make for yourself, Nicole!
9 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Can’t wait to see Hugo’s coat!
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I made trixie two sweet little hopscotch day gowns today.
Navy with cream cotton lace.I cut three pairs of sunki leggings for Tilly and ironed a lovely piece of sand washed linen to make myself a lAte lunch tunic
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I am up to handstitching the lining down on two of the three bubble dresses. I have cut another pair of lullaby layette pyjamas and plan to work on them tomorrow before returning to the third bubble.
9 years ago LINKI have been sewing like crazy the last few days. I made a tiny Geranium dress for my due-in-July niece. That was my first time working with that pattern and I was really bummed when I got to the end and saw that there was no overlap for the buttons, so the skirt sort of bunches underneath them. I had expected something like the Bubble Dress.
Moving on, I cut out and sewed a Seashore Sundress for my younger girl. I made so many stupid mistakes – hi pregnancy brain, how are you? – but it is done and she loves it. I have a simple a-line shift cut out of some lovely floral cotton pique for my older girl that I hope to finish tomorrow.
9 years ago LINKJess M. @mommy2maria
The weather is starting to warm up, and I don’t know why that makes me want to SEW ALL THE THINGS! I’m currently piecing some digi patterns and making templates of my paper patternsn in the size I need! I’m gearing up for a Rollerskate, Playdate, Playtime!, Puppet Show, a non-Oliver dress/tunic and like 3 others I can’t remember LOL.
I’m really looking forward to using some of my custom knits on Playtime!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Today I managed to complete these! https://www.flickr.com/photos/justsewit_tk/16295428523/in/pool-oliverands
Tomorrow I plan to finish the tea party dress and two of the three bubble dresses.
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Leggings made and another hopscotch from the jegging scraps
I was able to cut a late lunch and a continental blouse from the linen
While doing some sorting I found some cut Capri pants and a black skirt from when the twins were babies
If I leave the front darts off I think they may still fit me
Fingers crossed9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Ps cute fabric Tamara
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Isn’t it? I want the bunny print from the catalogue also but Chloe was not in the mood to shop so, next time.
I topstitched the teaparty dress and made buttonholes but that is all the actual sewing I did today.
I cut three layette shirts and two bodysuits all with white backgrounds so I can sew them all at the same time.
I also got busy cutting things in denim in preparation for our cool weather expected next week.
All that plus the third bubble will be keeping me occupied!
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