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What are you sewing now?

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    Robin @Robin

    Shirring is so fun! Heather Ross has some free sun dress patterns with shirring.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Heidi, the cape is gorgeous!! I never would have thought you used the cape pattern from the LTTS book. I have too take another look at it again!!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Thanks mama_knowles! I only made very minor changes, I shortened it by half and inch and rounded the centre front panel with a large dinner plate 🙂

    I hope your machine works easily for shirring Shelley! If it dose it’s lots of fun 🙂

    I think I’ll make another pair of bloomers, knit with woven ruffles, to see how it works. And more shirring 🙂

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Third pair of bloomers finished, they will be a new baby present for a friend’s baby born last week.


    Tamara @justsewit

    They look fantastic Heidi!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Thanks Tamara 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    Heidi, you should feel very proud of that cape. Beautiful sewing.

    I finally finished the first pair of altered Field Trip cargoes. It was a big job and a serious sew but now we have a lovely groovy pattern that we are all pleased with.

    Now to make another pair for Zara…..

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Ditto to all above for the wedding cape, and the bloomers, H. They look great!! Well done on hard work for big girl cargo pants, N. I really admire your dedication to pushing through fitting/sewing difficulties. Hope you can treat yourself to a glass of something tasty before the next project.

    Nearly finished first Badminton skort (sans culottes) for Miss 6 in Melbourne. Charcoal denim, with beautifully silky black spotted cotton poplin for facings. Scallops look really cool!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Fi. Imogen has suddenly taken a shine to her denim badminton and practically lived in it all holidays. The request is for more which shall happen in due course.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I finished up the hand stitching on my Cloud 9 Chantilly dress so I have the first two days of selfish sewing done, yippy for a finished project!! I didn’t think I was going to finish the baby. : ) Pictures to come after the sun comes back out again.

    Today I will be drafting and sewing up the Deer and Doe Chataigne shorts in a brown hounds tooth pattern twill. (the same fabric as Caspian’s Easter overall’s) I plan on taking my time with these though so maybe two days of sewing this time?

    Tamara @justsewit

    I am still going on these jeans. Had to take a day or two away from sewing for other priorities.

    Since I purchased more denim I might go ahead and cut those jeans for me and then sew them all at one go. It’s getting rather chilly so they are sort of needed.

    I also want to work on the late lunch tunic. I think it would be ideal for our change in weather.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Thanks for all the compliments on the cape 🙂 There’s also been lots from our friends at the wedding and the photographer!

    I broke out my coverstitch and I am making a 2T hopscotch top using 3 rows of top stitching 🙂

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    Everyone has been making such lovely things! That cape! Your dress, Sharon!

    Class just broke for the semester! More sewing time in my future! I cranked out several tops for myself over the last month in lieu of the spring purchasing I do every year at this time to fill out my wardrobe. I also made a few super quick pairs of shorts (not my neatest work) to keep the kids clothed. But, there hasn’t been time for much else.

    Closets have been organized and sorted, and I’m working on a list of what everyone needs for summer attire. This summer will be super casual for us. The first part of our summer the kids have swimming 4 days a week. The second half…Hubby is planning a 25+ day “expedition”. We will be covering the US coast to coast and camping, visiting friends along the way. I need to have a good think over a few pieces for each kid that can be washed and hung out to dry, don’t show stains too badly, and work for a variety of occasions. Anyone have a source for supplex nylon? From what I can tell…that seems to be what most rtw hiking shorts/pants are made from. But, I don’t have the budget or desire to pay 50+$ per kid for one pair of bottoms. I usually buy a stack of tshirts each summer for the kids but am considering putting that money towards the swim lessons fund and embracing my hatred of knits, sizing down some of Dad’s, and digging through the stash.

    I’m also planning on starting on school uniforms much earlier than in the past to have them ready and waiting. I love the predictable o+s sizing. It is so easy to just make the “next size up” and know it will fit when the time comes!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I just hope for your sake your kids don’t grow and jump the next size up Mcholley – my kids have a habit of such and so I am forced to “wait and see”.

    Is supplex nylon like a really thick ripstop? I have personally not heard of it before. But I know ripstop is available at fabric.com (if that helps at all).

    I have a child at home – it is day 2 of term! I was hoping for a much needed mum only day but maybe tomorrow?

    It is not going to stop me from drafting cutting altering and sewing. It’s called a couch and easy to carry homework supplies. The sewing room awaits!

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    *Finally* finished cutting out the Cappuccino tunic I’m sewing for myself this week. Did an FBA to make it usable as a nursing top, really easy with the instructions in the pattern. Cut out a Hide & Seek tunic (finally caved and got this pattern, so excited!) for my toddler as well since I’m using the same fabric for both projects. Should be so pretty – a combo of Kaffe Fassett Millefiore in jade (new print this spring) and shot cotton (my first time working with them, tho I’ve been a bit obsessed ever since seeing that shot cotton pinwheel dress in the Flickr group!). So it looks like I’ll only get one thing made for myself this Selfish Sewing week – but probably better to wait on doing much more anyway til I have a better idea of my postpartum size. Less than a month to go!

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