Oliver + S

tutu cutting .. help!

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    scampana @scampana

    In my haste to get started on a halloween costume (fairy), I grabbed 5 yards each of two different colors of tulle while at the fabric store without thoroughly reading the specific fabric requirements. Also, the tulle is 58″ wide (patterns asks for 108″ w).

    Now I’m at a loss as to how to layout and cut. Has anyone experience and/or words of advice on how to work this tutu?

    Thanks! s

    awedewer @awedewer

    I’m curious, too. I have several yards of 58″ tulle and I’m wondering if it could work for this pattern? Particularly with Halloween fast approaching.

    awedewer @awedewer

    I decided to go for it – black and sparkly yellow for a bumbleebee costume for my 4-year-old – and this pattern worked fine with the “narrow” width tulle. The tutu is not as voluminous as the other beautiful specimens I’ve seen on flickr, etc., but it’s still gorgeous. And, boy, this project was quick from start to finish. Not to mention the dimensions used in the book would make a PERFECT apron for we grownups (yeah, I tried it on!). Thanks for yet another amazing design, Liesl!

    Anonymous @

    I’ve wondered the same thing. I’ve never seen tulle 108″ wide. But then again, the only local fabric store here is JoAnn.

    Liesl Gibson

    I’m sorry I missed this post originally. Yes, thinner widths will work fine–the tutu will just be a little less full. I’m glad you asked–I had only seen it in the wider widths, but New York is always a little different then elsewhere, isn’t it?

    I get mine at B&J here in the city, and they may carry the wider widths because they service the garment district? Not sure, but all widths should be fine.

    Anonymous @

    I think you must have such a wonderful selection of fabrics there, Liesl. I’m jealous!!

    meleliza @meleliza

    I’m looking for fabrics now and don’t see tulle that is 108″ wide. How about adding additional layers to add fullness? Or why not buy a 2 1/2 or 3 yard length and fold it the other way to get the 108″ (or close to it)? Also, should I take care that this is no fray tulle? Or will regular stuff work fine?

    scgoble @scgoble

    I found my 108″ tulle at fabric.com.

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    The only 108″ tulle I could find locally was for weddings (white and off-white), so I used two layers of 54″ tulle for each layer of 108″ that I should have used. It turned out fine, but doesn’t have the same soft drape that the LTTS tutu has in the pictures.

    I think all tulle is no-fray, especially if it’s made from poly.

    emileewells @emileewells

    I made a couple tutus with the 54″ wide tulle. I just bought twice as much, cut each piece in half, widthwise, and sewed them together to make 108″ wide pieces. If you lay one piece on top of the other, not right sides together, but just overlapping, and zigzag the seam, you can make a tutu that is every bit as full. They are so fabulous and fast, however, if you use the 108″ tulle, which is very reasonably priced at fabric.com.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Thanks! I’ve just ordered swatches in every single shade of pink orange and yellow I could find at fabric.com. I know from experience their pictures are not always accurate for color, and I want it to be perfect! This will be for our preschool auction. My cape was such a hit last year that I want to be sure this one is very very nice. I’m copying the layering idea from the book, I think. It gave lots of depth. That way moms who are worn out from the whole princess thing will still like it.

    scgoble @scgoble

    I just made two in shades of pink, rose, peach, etc. and you’re right, it is such a beautiful little skirt that is such a nice departure from the usual princess/ballerina/Disney tutu. I admit to putting it on myself and doing some twirling… 🙂

    meleliza @meleliza

    I kinds want one myself, there’s no doubt. Probably I’ll make two so K can have one as soon as she’s a little steadier on her feet. Oh I’m having so much fun with girly stuff these days! Have you seen Gail’s baby doll diapers? http://probablyactually.wordpress.com/2011/12/12/polka-dotty-dolly-diapers/. I’m itching to make these. And I just bought an adorable baby pram that she’s at least two years too young for but couldnt halep myself.

    Btw, Camille, I’ll be down your way again next week for Christmas. I’m thinking of checking out Gail k fabrics downtown.

    scgoble @scgoble

    I did see those. Too cute! I need to put them on the to-do list.

    Gail K is an experience, I will say that. They have TONS of stuff.

    Elizabeth @Elizabeth

    I made multiple tutus this weekend using 54″ tulle. To get the fullness I wanted I used three full yards of each color and folded it in thirds along the short edge. (This gives you something that is about 108″ by 18″.) I used four colors, so ended up with 12 layers of tulle in each tutu. I think this was a little full and if I did it again, I’d probably go for only three colors, or 9 layers of tulle.

    At any rate, this is a nice way to fold it because you can get the fullness you might want using 54″ tulle and use standard cuts from the fabric store and folding to lay it out which makes it quick and easy. (Well, as easy as working with 12 yards of fabric on your dining room table ever is, anyway!)

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