Total shock!
14 years ago LINK
littlebirdy @littlebirdy
Anyone else in shock at the patterns that are being discontinued!!!!!! I have changed my clothes to black!
Will need to spend several hours sobbing and then start a detailed plan on what I should buy! At least there’s 20% off!
14 years ago LINKckcsbella @ckcsbella
I was a little shocked too! However, only one of the discontinued patterns is one I must have that I don’t already.
20% off is a nice consolation, anyway.
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
I agree! I can understand how the school days jacket might not be a really big seller because I imagine lots of people would be intimidated by the thought of sewing a coat. The others I just don’t understand. Especially the story time pjs. The jump rope dress has been such a hit too!!
I’ve been waiting to see the new Fall patterns before deciding to order the sunday brunch jacket. I just love that jacket. I may have to grab one before the Fall patterns are revealed next month.
14 years ago LINKI can completely understand your dismay about this. For me it’s a bit like letting a child move away to let some of these patterns go out of print. But they aren’t selling at a rate than makes sense to reprint, so we had to make the difficult decision to let them go. (If someone out there wants to buy them in REALLY large quantities, we’ll certainly reconsider!)
As you know, we’ll continue to offer new patterns to replace the ones that go out of print. This allows us to keep our stock to a manageable level and makes it easier for stores to carry the full line of patterns. Imagine if a store had to stock every pattern we’ve ever printed as we continue to grow!
I’m thrilled that you like the patterns so much, and we really appreciate all the support and kind words you give us. It’s such a thrill to see what you make from our patterns, and I love hearing your feedback about them. So thank you for expressing your disappointment. I’m really glad to know that you like them so much.
14 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
I’m not shocked, exactly, but am kind of bummed — the Bedtime Story and Sunday Brunch especially, since I feel like I’ve seen them so often in the flickr group — maybe not as often recently. I have both of those in the smaller size, so I think I’ll get them in the larger size since I think they’ll look great on an older kid. It’s sad to see these go, though!
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
I picked up the Swingset pattern just last week with my Ice Cream dress pattern because I had a feeling it might be discontinued. But I was totally not expecting all of those to go out of print!! Especially the School Days jacket!
My birthday is coming up so I asked (sent a ‘hint hint’ email) Hubby for the School Days and Jump Rope patterns. I’m not big at all on birthday gifts, but I had to be this year. I can’t let these slip away from me!
Now I just need to get my skills up to 3 scissors before my Niblet grows out of the size ranges I got! 🙂
14 years ago LINKEmily @Emily
Well, I just placed my order. My daughter is still in the smaller size (2/3T) so I have most of those, but I ordered the bigger sizes of everything.
Liesl, it seems like you’re discontinuing some of the more complex patterns – I hope this doesn’t mean that we’ll be seeing mostly 1/2 scissor patterns in the future? The Jump Rope dress especially was one of my favorites – so versatile! Will be be seeing another coat? I’m really pleased with how the one I just made has turned out, and I’d be sad it there weren’t any more. Maybe a little blazer for all the moms doing uniform sewing?
14 years ago LINKEmily, don’t worry. We have a great 3-scissor pattern coming for fall. I love it and hope that you’ll like it, too. And yes, I’m sure we’ll do more coats in the future. I’d love to do a blazer sometime, too. I do think we need to offer a wide variety of difficulty levels, so you’ll be seeing simple items as well as more involved patterns from us–we plan to continue offering patterns at all levels.
14 years ago LINKclaireabel @claireabel
I’m really surprised about this too… I have all but one of those patterns, but will be buying them in the bigger sizes.
Now my only issue is that I’ve been saving for the new Autumn/Fall patterns, but might have to buy these first so I don’t miss out.
Edited to add: I only discovered sewing, and Oliver + S, last year. I feel *really* sorry for all the people who will discover O+S in the future and not be able to get copies of these gorgeous patterns (especially the Jump Rope, which is my favourite).
14 years ago LINKEmily P @Emily P
I was especially sad about the jump rope dress as I was hoping it would come out in a larger size. I loved making this and have two in various stages of completion right now.
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
I’m glad all the upcoming patterns won’t be complex, for the sake of those of us still working through the current patterns to hone our skills. I agree with Claireabel, I do feel bad for future new-comers who will miss out on these patterns and I’m so glad I found O+S when I did! I came late, but have now added all the ones going out of print to my collection. Puppet Show, Swingset and Jump Rope were probably my favorites when I first found O+S and I’ve been working through other patterns in hopes of getting to the 3 scissors patterns (yes, I know the Swingset isn’t 3)!
Still, the Tea Party and Sailboat are personal loves too. It’s my go-to baby shower gift now. A quick sew (because I seem to always find myself procrastinating), but so beautiful! They’re always a hit with the new parents and other guests alike! I hope to see more patterns with this delightful combo.
Can’t wait to see what’s next!
14 years ago LINKbadskirt @badskirt
Don’t forget that many of the discontinued patterns are still available with many independent retailers! Here in Australia, I’ve been able to get some of the first round discontinued patterns from our local distributor to pass on to my customers (for example, I can still get the puppet show and playdate patterns to pass one) I’ll be stocking up on those discontinued this round as well when I reorder next week.
I’m very much looking forward to what’s coming next!
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I can not believe it ! I go bush for one week and look what happens !
I made the decision a few weeks back to purchase all the patterns in case of this happening, but what a shock !
I have packed my other crates of patterns away for now, I was not using them, very much a convert and Liesl , very much looking forward to see what is coming out next.
14 years ago LINKlittlebirdy @littlebirdy
Oh . . . I was sure I’d already bought the swingset and I can’t find it any where. Grrrrr. Maybe I dreamt it.
Mother of 5 – are you Nicole 1974?
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Yes, I’m Nicole, Pleased to meet you !
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