Oliver + S

Total shock!

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    littlebirdy @littlebirdy

    I thought so! I’m Robyn . . . mummy to the twins your little boy is coming to look after!!

    Liesl, I’m so impressed by the whole Oliver and S company. It is such a great business. There are so many dubious ones around. It feels personal and friendly, as well as being so creative and inspirational. There’s also a fantastic ‘atmosphere’ to the site and forum. I’m sure you’re absolutely on the ball with the patterns you keep and the ones that have to (sob) go.

    Good luck with it. Can’t wait to see what’s coming next.

    Liesl Gibson

    Robyn, thank you so much for saying that. I appreciate your kind words.

    We feel terrible about taking these patterns out of print and would love to keep them around, believe me. And you never know what may come of them. At worst they could become collector’s items! But there is no shortage of ideas, so don’t despair. I’m confident that our upcoming patterns and ideas will keep you plenty busy, too!

    nancy @dollfancier

    It didn’t sink in until this morning that the patterns listed are being discontinued. I immediately sent in my order! I too look forward to the new patterns. Before that, I want to fill in my o+s collection. What patterns were retired before these?



    (near San Francisco)

    Nicole @motherof5

    Nancy , if you go back through the blog, you will find all the old patterns, I purchased mine from PinkChalk and their p&h was only $4 to Australia (6 patterns!)

    Todd Gibson


    Only two styles have gone out of print to date:

    The Puppet Show Tunic and Shorts: http://www.oliverands.com/patterns/dresses/patterns4a.phtml

    And the Playdate Dress: http://www.oliverands.com/patterns/dresses/patterns4.phtml

    While we never like taking styles out of print, there comes a point (mostly after a style been on sale for two years) that it doesn’t make sense to keep reprinting. We’ll continue to take backlist items out of print in the future, but we’ll keep issuing new patterns. Our plan is to release more new styles each season than we take out of print, so the line will continue to grow.

    nancy @dollfancier

    Thank you Nicole and Todd! Now I am caught up (a bit). I’m having so much fun sewing along with oliver+s!

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