Oliver + S

skip the lining on swingset skirt?

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    ljmonchik @ljmonchik

    Looking to make a very light-weight skirt for these hot days– lazy day skirt is great but too bunchy for my skinny girl. Can I make the swingset set without the lining? Sorry to be so cautious! I’m still new to this! (I’ve made 2 swing set skirts so far)

    thank you!

    Liesl Gibson

    The lining forms the waistband for this skirt, so you would need to made some modifications in order to sew it without a lining. It could certainly be done if you’re willing to fiddle with it a bit.

    claireabel @claireabel

    What about using a very light fabric for the skirt and lining? I haven’t made this skirt yet, but wonder if double-gauze might be suited to it? Or one of the Anna Maria Horner voiles?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Just what I was thinking , perhaps muslin for the overskirt?

    Anonymous @

    By the way – what is double gauze? I was just looking at some online and wondering what it is?

    claireabel @claireabel

    Sahm, double gauze is basically two layers of fine gauze (with a relatively loose weave) that are sewn together using tiny little stitches. There’s a good explanation here: http://www.superbuzzy.com/?p=147.

    It is WONDERFUL! So soft and drapey and a dream to sew. I have 6 yards of it here waiting for the (Australian) summer.

    My favourite is by Nani Iro. If you get the opportunity to buy double gauze then do, because it is so lovely 🙂

    Liesl Gibson

    I’m just about to make S an Ice Cream Dress with some of Heather Ross’s Far Far Away double gauze. It has a strong tendency to ravel, so keep that it mind when you’re cutting and preparing to sew. But it’s very cool in the summer and has a really nice hand.

    The two layers that comprise the fabric are actually woven together. Here is a post we wrote about it:


    April Henry @April1930s

    I made this denim swingset skirt without a lining – the only ‘lining’ perse’ was the wide casing to enclose all the elastic pieces and tie. Using the skirt as my guide, I cut a waistband piece to accommodate.

    Oliver + S Swingset Tunic & Skirt

    Oliver + S Swingset Tunic & Skirt

    Nicole @motherof5

    April saves the day, again!!!!!

    Is there any pattern she has not mastered?

    April Henry @April1930s

    Thank you for the compliment! Oliver + S is my all-time favorite pattern company; Liesl designs with details that hook me with each new pattern. I should have been a Home Economics teacher, I think, because I love sharing anything related to sewing and helping others learn, too.

    (retreating to my turtle shell now) 😉

    Anonymous @

    I’m definitely going to have to try some double gauze. Sounds like the perfect fabric for our hot summers!

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