Oliver + S

Sewing the ruffle to the bodice

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    lmorfoot @lmorfoot

    I am stuck on step 4 of attaching the tunic ruffle.

    After I baste the ruffle to the bodice (1/2 inch from the top), how far below that do I sew the actual seam?

    Looking forward to your help.

    Thank you.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    The actual seam should be sewn 1/2″. I won’t lie, I just pinned mine like mad and didn’t do the basting stitching. I did ckeck to make sure everything was in place right first before I moved on. Hope this helps!

    lucegirlsart @lucegirlsart

    I have a question about this step as well. Am I supposed to sew this seam all the way over to the edge or just to the dot that is just past the gathering star? Thanks!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Would this help @lucegirlsart? http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com.au/2011/02/swing-set-for-birthday-girl.html

    if you scroll down you may find the bit your are looking for.

    lucegirlsart @lucegirlsart

    @Nicole, I did use your tutorial yesterday! It was so helpful for the placket bit. Thank you for putting that together!! I’m still not clear on how far to sew the seam that attaches the ruffle portion at the ends. I tried sewing all the way to the end on one side, and tried stopping at the dot on the other. Neither way seems exactly wrong, so I’m curious what the “proper” method would be!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am sorry it is not more clear.
    Looking back at my pictures, which step are you up to?

    I remember this step being a bit fiddly but it helps you achieve a lovely under arm finish.

    lucegirlsart @lucegirlsart

    I can’t figure out how to link to an exact picture, but it’s the part where you sew the ruffle to the top, and my concern is with the edges (by the little stair-stepped edge). I just don’t know how far to sew. Just to the dot, or all the way to the edge? I finished the top, and am starting a second so I’ll fiddle with it again!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Okay, here?

    lucegirlsart @lucegirlsart


    Nicole @motherof5

    I am travelling to the city at present so should have a reasonable internet connection for a bit.

    *From memory*, you sew to the dot, do the next step and then finish sewing that edge? I am sorry not to be more help. I am feeling so frustrated for you.

    lucegirlsart @lucegirlsart

    Thank you so much for your help! I’m guessing that the directions are little bit sparse in the pattern because it is one of the older ones! At least it is working right now!

    Nicole @motherof5

    See here

    Nicole @motherof5

    My pleasure!
    I only wish I could be more help.

    lucegirlsart @lucegirlsart

    I’m working on the same part now on my second top, so I was able to
    snap a picture at this step. (Sew to the dot or beyond to the notch?)

    Edit: oops, my phone pic file is too big!

    Nicole @motherof5

    10th time lucky
    To the dot

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