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School Photo Tutorial? Pocket pictures?

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    purlknitpurl @purlknitpurl

    Hi there, I am wondering if any of you more expert sewers could lend this beginner sewer a hand? I am so excited to start the school photo dress for my 5 year old but am already intimidated by the assembly of the front pocket. Anyone out there happen to take photos along the way of the front pocket construction? Probably a long shot, but thought I’d ask. Thanks!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Have you had a good read of the instructions? There are pictures in there that demonstrate what to do. Sorry can’t help anymore than suggesting that even though I have made this dress twice. All I can say is it isn’t as tricky as what is seems to be.

    Hopefully someone who has taken photos of the process can help.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have made this dress 5 times but it was before I started blogging thus I don’t have photos.

    The instructions are very very good,if you follow them carefully you should be fine.

    We are here to ‘hold’ your hand.

    purlknitpurl @purlknitpurl

    Thanks! I read the directions when I was very tired last night:) Will read them with fresher eyes tomorrow, but it’s great to know I have virtual support. Thanks for the encouragement!

    pippi @pippi

    I am just working on this and this pocket is CRAZY! I found the directions to be very clear if you read them carefully and really go step by step. The illustrations are great too. I have never done tutorials but I think I have it all set and I can take a couple pictures before I sew it all together in case it might help someone in the future. It must have taken quite a lot of trial and error to figure this pocket construction out!!! Really cool.

    pippi @pippi

    Just another thought… I think the construction of this pocket is so involved… if I posted pictures would I be “giving away” the cool technique that most people can only get when they buy the pattern?

    Liesl Gibson

    We just had a request for a photo tutorial for this pattern, and I wondered if anyone has done one? A sew-along, perhaps? And if not, would anyone be interested in doing one? I need to choose between tutorials and developing some new women’s patterns, since I don’t have enough time for both right now. And the tutorial doesn’t have to done before the holidays or anything crazy like that…it can easily wait until January, if you’re considering.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I could do that! I have been meaning to make another this winter in corduroy for my daughter.


    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    A winter sew-along would be fun. : ) I can host it over on blog if you would like.


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Ooh, this is on my to-sew list as well, I will be awaiting the photos!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I would love to join a sew along for this pattern! It is on my pattern bust list for next year. Now I had better go and choose fabrics 🙂

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Lets set the date for the first week in January then. : )

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Great! And I’ve just remembered I have a vintage sheet put away for this pattern!

    gy17 @gy17

    I have been thinking of sewing this pattern and would enjoy and very much appreciate a sew-along/tutorial. It will be my first three-scissors pattern!

    Liesl Gibson

    Sharon, that would be wonderful! And we’d be thrilled to host it on our blog if you’d like. Whatever you prefer. Thanks so much!

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