News and Current Affairs
10 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
Well today is camp day for Imogen. I was asked what the time was every five minutes on the way to school she was so excited. It is just an overnight camp but I was loading the shopping in the car when the bus went by and I felt like I needed to cry! It is the first of many steps away for her and I know she will be fine. But will I?
I should have brought the camera!
On the flip side though we get to have Lasagne for tea because she is the only one of us who doesn’t like it so we are going to indulge!
Oh the kids had fun at their halloween party! Noah went as “death” and Imogen made her own costume as a music goddess and won a lollipop for her efforts. It was nice to just have the halloween experience in a party situation. I am not a fan of them trapsing around town trick or treating at strangers’ places.
10 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
I drove to town all by my lonesome last night after dinner and took a stroll in the cemetery to look at the All Hallows Day lights. Since we’ve done our daylight saving it gets dark around 5:30 pm and I was there around that time. The entire cemetery was filled with little twinkling lights and in one area there were what could only be described as mausoleums that were completely filled with lovely flower arrangements and dozens and dozens of candles.
Made me wish I had brought the girls.
I was in town for over an hour, just strolling in the park near the cemetery and it was so nice. Still warm enough to just wear a hoodie. No rain and no wind. Lovely.
But after an hour or so I got a txt from my littlest one asking when I would come home. She was anxious to get a taste of the carrot cake I had made earlier before she had to go to bed.
So I drove home and came home to a spotless kitchen, coffee, and carrot cake.
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Looks like there has been some bought time where this baby is concerned. It now looks likely we have another week up our sleeve. Of course the date is not set in stone, we actually have three to choose from but one is a definite “no way!” We have four weeks to really decide when baby’s birthdate will actually be and then there is no turning back once it is “locked in”. The decision has never been so overwhelming!
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Lotta, that sounds wonderful. The walk was very special but to come home to a clean kitchen and carrot cake it the cherry on top!
Tamara, I hope you find a day that suits.
We had a lovely weekend. On Saturday, the Fab Five and I sprain cleaned the house so it is all shiny now. Tildy went through her toy box and we packed up bags of teddies for the poor children.
On Sunday we took all the bedding back to our beach cottage and re-made the beds for next time. The baits had worked well and there was no further sign of mouse activity.
It was cool but very sunny. Jed and I went for a big walk (with Trixie in her sling) and the Twins donned wet suits and went swimming!
Bonkers, as it was only 16 d.
We had fish and chips at a beach side cafe on the way home.
Today is a pupil free day but the Biggies are attending a drama work shop put on by some visiting actors.
10 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
Well, full disclosure – I had made the carrot cake myself earlier that day but it was still nice to come home to a clean kitchen.
This weekend we had our annual turkey dinner for our parents and everyone was very happy with the food.
Sunday was Father’s Day here and my in-laws invited us to brunch at the coast. It was nice to see everyone, especially my BIL and SIL who have just announced they are expecting. So happy for them.Happy to hear your mouse infestation seems to be removed Nicole. Sounds like such a lovely place to visit for you and your family.
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Lotta how wonderful for you to have a new baby in your extended family! Even more wonderful for someone else to tidy up for you too!
Nicole, I swear by baits! I just wish they would die outside!
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
How wonderful to have a new baby in your extend family Lotta! Even more wonderful for others to clean up for you aswell.
Nicole, I swear by baits! I just wish they would die outside!
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Out of the mouths of babes!
I have a letter written by my Imogen in year one telling me she likes it when I make her dresses! It is intended for a frame and a great deal of preservation.
We are currently sitting in the doctors surgery waiting for our turn. The appointment was for thirty minutes ago and there are six people in front of us. Its going to be a long wait – to get rid of a cough that is used as an excuse to stay home from school and will not go away!
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Very exciting trip to the city today to poke ’round a few salvage yards for materials to start my sewing room storage system.
My husband Jed and son Hugo are building it and both love timber and using recycled items.
I am pretty excited although it won’t be a quick project. Jed takes forever to build stuff but does an awesome job when he gets there.Tamara, did your husband pass his test?
Jenny, how did your case go? I have been thinking of you.
(BTW I lurve the name GiGi, is it a nickname or her real name)10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh yes he did thanks Nicole. Who said it took a week? More like a day.
I spent the week running around after kids – 4and a half hours at the doctor’s waiting for my 10.30 am appointment just to get medication for a recurring cough. Then a trip to the hospital with the other one to get meds for an infection because we had no doctor available.
I predict this week will be another spinner. I have just returned from Geraldton where we visited my fil. I went out to collect sil from the airport and on our return was told that fil had passed away. We of course are all devastated despite the months of knowing. I don’t think anything can be more of a shock.
We feel so very grateful to have had the time and to know that now he suffers no more. The years were good ones overall and he did have a wonderful life. We are just very grateful to have had him as a member of our family.
And just a note, in case anyone doesn’t already know. It is ok to visit with someone who has had chemo whilst pregnant. You just need to be careful with bodily fluids up to a week after treatment. I had the go ahead from the specialist and I am so glad I asked for clarification. Or else the two very precious visits this past fortnight would not have happened.
10 years ago LINKSherry @mim22
Justsewit, so sorry to hear about fil’s passing, such a sad time for you all. Its a shame he didn’t get to meet his newest grandchild.
10 years ago LINKthejennigirl @thejennigirl
The past few months have been a bit of a blur, and now there is snow on the ground and Christmas is 38 or 39 days away (per facebook), we’re in the middle of a remodel, and everything that belongs in the room under construction is in my sewing room. I have hire work to do, but all I want to do is selfish sewing, and no room to do it. Oh, and I have drapes to sew, too.
How do I handle all that? I buy a new sewing machine. Well, a serger. It’s like coming over to the dark side I suppose. I put an embroidery machine on my Christmas wish list, too. Look at me and the modern sewing machines! ::breathes in paper bag::
My New Year’s resolution is going to be no remodeling anything for a year. Wait. Nevermind. We already bought paint, drywall, and removed all the door handles in the 2nd floor hallway. Glutton for punishment, that’s what I am. :/
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Thanks mim22 for your condolences. The funeral will be on Thursday and then we can get back to normal.
Jennigirl I would LOVE to renovate! The laundry first then a much needed update to the bathroom. My poor boy’s bedroom drastically needs a makeover and as for the nursery! Well I think a fresh coat of paint will make it worthy of growing into. Our house has “good bones” but is in desperate need of being bought out of the sixties!
10 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
I’m so sorry for your loss @justsewit.
I’m off on a business trip for the rest of the week. First time in years that I have reason to go away on business and of course Rickard has to go away too. So both girls were shipped off to school this morning and their grandparents will pick them up and have them stay until Saturday. We were there on Sunday and had a de-briefing (seriously felt like it) for all upcoming activities.
Both R and I are back on Friday but we decided on picking them up the next day.
Mostly sad to be missing Isabel’s flute recital on Thursday. I’m sure we’ll see pictures from it but probably no audio.
10 years ago LINKhoneymadeit @honeymadeit
justsewit, So sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with you and your family. Warm hugs coming your way.
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