News and Current Affairs
10 years ago LINK
Mel @Mel
yes, well, when hockey allegiances are involved, all bets are off! (or is that on, lol?)
Thanks for thinking of us, Carol :). I think for me, although I’m glad it was taken seriously because it was a serious incident, the response made me feel less safe, if that makes any sense. Locking down all gov’t workers no matter where their offices were located had us all thinking that the threat was much more widespread than it turned out to be.
And trying to explain to the kids that they weren’t in danger at any time despite the fact that they knew the secure school restrictions yesterday were for real and not just a drill was hard. At least with my older daughter; she’s very sensitive. My younger daughter didn’t pick up anything, just that they couldn’t go outside for recess “even though it wasn’t raining!”
I’m sure there will be wider implications for the country as a whole (and perhaps for our neighbours to the south?) but it’s hard not to focus on the personal experience of something like this. Thanks for listening
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Not that other kinds of violence are so great, but this was well beyond pointless and senseless. I can’t imagine how it must feel to have a frightened kid, and can’t begin to think about how the soldier’s family must be feeling. Sending a lot of love.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
It is just too terrible.
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I’m just glad your family is safe Mel, despite being rather frightened (believe me you are not alone there). Watching this unfold on the news has given us a sense of the very great need to keep vigilent. Stay calm they say, get on with your day they say but you still just can’t help wondering and feel scared.
As for the young man doing his duty, it devastates me to know he was so young, with a family and doing his duty. That was just cruel!
It could have been much worse! And I am so thankful it wasn’t.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
We had a lovely weekend.
One of Jed’s (my husband) nieces turned 30 and she celebrated it at a gorgeous winery in the Adelaide Hills area.
It was a great concept. It started at midday, and you could choose to have a meal (own cost, no gifts) or come later and have coffee (cake supplied) or just have a glass of wine and nibbles (supplied).
There was plenty of room for children to run around and picnic blankets supplied to sit on, under shady trees.
As it was quite a warm day, all the summer dresses were out in force and it was great to people watch.
Trixie (10 weeks) happily kicked and cooed on a blanket.
It was a really lovely day, very relaxing.
My BIL snapped a picture for us, which was nice, as I usually take them
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
That sounds so lovely!
We had a very nice day here too — celebrated my kid’s 5th birthday with a day at the park, getting grass stains on her new wicking supplex Field Trip Cargos with a few small mods, taking some tips from the great Outdoor Sewing blog posts. Nice big turnout and everybody went home tired and happy.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Happy Birthday to sweet Baby A, Sarvi.
Just popping this up for ideas. We are considering driving to Sydney from country SA for or holiday, next year.
Has anyone done this, and do you have recommendations for places to stay on the way or things to see?
We like nature, coffee and cake and Op Shops. Also, anything a bit museum like and we are always looking for great play grounds.
Thanks in advance!
xx N
10 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
How Terrible!
I am glad to hear that her party went so well Sarvi! Happy 5th birthday A!
I have had a great week, first my husband finally got on full time at his job so a house for us should happen with four-five months now. I even was able to start a new job too, at Ellie Inspired patterns! I will be helping with pattern testing and cover photos for the patterns. Caspian was a few patter covers this past time around even. It was a very exciting week for all of us here.
10 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
Yay you! I hope this relieves some stress in life!
My week is tough. I am prepping for a trial to keep a guy out of jail. It’s a lot of work and when someone’s future hangs in the balance, you feel the pressure. Meantime every other client is like, “where’s my…”
Why didn’t I chose a different profession??
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
E-hugs Jenny, what a huge responsibly.
Sharon, that is awesome, I am so proud of you!.
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Jenny I am absolutely in awe of people who fight for the futures of others who are completely unrelated to them! I am sure you will do an awesome job on this trial! You are perfect for the role!
Glad the party went well Sarvi!
Huge congrats to you Sharon! This is brilliant news all round! Roll on those few months when you get your own nest – so very exciting!
My husband is currently trying to tame the anxiety of the thought of driving around Geraldton in an unfamiliar truck with two trailers! He’s going for his mixed class license today (with a few lessons thrown in for good measure). This will enable him to take the truck in to offload our grain when our other truckie is too busy (because there are slim picking for good drivers we have to share!). It also means he can legally shift the big machinery up the road!
I am just glad he doesn’t have to do this in Perth! But it will be a relief to have it done.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Good luck Murray!
Jed has his articulated heavy vehicle licence so he does the carting during harvest.
Air conditioned rig, local paper, waiting in line…. sounds nice to me in 40 d heat.
I burnt my hand last night, so badly it made me ill!
I was making a honey/soy marinade in a small sauce pan and didn’t notice the cast iron pan handle was in the gas flame, and then I picked up the pan.
Thanks to first aid, it is not too bad today but I had a horrid night with it.
10 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
Good luck to your husband Tamara! I sure he will do great.
Thank you so much Nicole and Tamara! I am so very excited still.
Oh no Niccole! I do pray is heals quickly.
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
All I can say is ouch! I have done that on occassion myself but wasn’t having to nurse a new baby when I did it so I completely understand the huge inconvenience and obvious discomfort. We use Manuka honey alot to heal wounds. I wonder if this will speed up recovery? I know it is great with cuts and blisters and it draws any infection out. In any case I hope it becomes a heck of a lot less painful fast.
Poor dh was worried they’d take a look at his eyes and say he’s too tired to drive! That is after all what comes of doing very long hours and he did a 20 hour day yesterday. I think he will feel better after some lessons but I have told him not to worry if he doesn’t get it first go, we have time to try again. I mean his learner’s permit doesn’t expire until 2017! But he does have trucking experience (some hairy family stories can vouch for that) just not the truck and two trailer type.
He will be more relaxed tomorrow when he is back on the header (combine) doing his usual job.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Thanks Girls, you are kind.
Back from a whirlwind trip to our beach cottage, to deliver the new washing machine and mow the lawns.
The mice had had a field day so it was a bit of a mess. I have brought all the bedding home to wash and we will take it back next weekend.
*Fingers crossed*
It was too fresh for swimming but we love the beach all year ’round.
Sleepy children have been put through a quick shower, I am feeding Trixie and then I shall have a small white wine.
I hope everyone had a good Halloween.
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