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10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Wow, sounds like an interesting method of building construction – it isn’t one of those put a wall up and the house structure up in a week type buildings is it, wit the styrofoam blocks I mean. Didn’t they show something on Grand designs that was similar?
I have the Colette book and the Hawthorn and Negroni pattern but as yet haven’t used them. But was very excited to see new patterns and a new book also about knits! Knit fabrics baffle me. I get so confused as to what really should be used for what so I will pick up a copy on the book for sure and hopefully will help me to see it all a bit clearer.
I’m with you Heidi, alterations can really get one down (especially if you have add alot just to get you body measurements in there). Hopefully they will allow you to not have to do a lot of alterations – it has become second nature for me to just slice the pattern here and there and make it longer. It would be so lovely to just be able to leave it at lengthening. The pattern gets a bit fragile the more you cut into it.
I love the dress they’ve released. That would be a real staple I’d think.
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love HeidiI love sewing and wearing knits. I have a straight stretch denim skirt I bought over 10 years ago that has been very useful over the years and I am currently wearing once a week but I have noticed the fabric is starting to show wear. I have been wanting to replace it and have the fabric but needed a pattern, so I’m hoping it will work OK. Especially given I seem to be a narrow shouldered hourglass and I think Collette is designed for the hourglass shape. I can see why you may have significant difficulty fitting a apple I into an hourglass, Cybele 🙂
And I have just ordered a coverstitch machine 🙂
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5I am coming around to knits, mainly because the ones I sew last longer and don’t twist out of shape. Also, its what my bigger offspring want to wear.
I find if I don’t rush, press well and do quality finishes, they can still be a nice sew.
I am also a believer in Fair Trade clothing. I won’t get on my soap box but the BBC put out a excellent series by the title of ‘Blood, Sweat and T-shirts’, it changed the way we shop and look at cheap clothing.
Heidi, I am thrilled you purchased a cover-stitch machine.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5Happy Easter to those that celebrate.
We stayed home this year and are heading out bush for a campfire later today.
(The roads were too busy to consider the one hour+ drive to the nearest Mass service)
We had porridge and leftover Kedgeree from Good Friday for breakfast and now the Fab Five are bartering eggs.
The Fab Five that will be the Super Six next year. To celebrate Oliver+S releasing a Layette I have decided to have another baby!
(Obviously joking here Chaps, I am dedicated but not that dedicated)
I am due in September so around 19 weeks.
Hugo is desperate for a boy 🙂
10 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727OMG! Congrats! Wow!
10 years ago LINKbren5kids @bren5kidsOh wow, Nicole! Congratulations, that is so exciting!
Will this be the longest break you have had between children? My sixth ( yes I know, I need to change my username) was 5 years behind the rest, that’s the most years between babies that I have had. And it was so easy because all the rest of my children were pretty self-sufficient by then, and I never lacked for anyone to hold the baby. He is 19 mo. now and doesn’t know what it is to have to fight for toys because everybody spoils him completely rotten! Myself included, I can’t seem to find the willpower needed to wean him.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5Thank you Jenny and Bren.
I had the first 3 in 2 years (by accident) but then had 4.5 to 5 years between the others. That worked well for us.
As for weaning, I fed all but Hugo past 3 years of age. (Hugo got booted off when The Twins came along)
I have pretty easy pregnancies, I am very lucky.
Thank you, we are so excited.
10 years ago LINKAmphitecna @AmphitecnaHello everyone!
Nicole- congratulations on your pregnancy! How very exciting. I read up a few posts, and see that you’re where I am with Fair-trade. I haven’t seen the BBC show, but I’ve been trying to make respectful purchases for the past few years in terms of food (local/seasonal produce, organic if possible) and clothing. The latter seems more difficult- when we lived in the UK there were several shops with cute clothing, but here in France finding FT in RTW is more difficult- it seems to be less developed. Or maybe its a language barrier thing- I’ve been here for three years, can communicate reasonably well, but online/written things still seem shrouded in mystery (a bit).
10 years ago LINKNicole, congratulations!! I just saw the news on your blog and came here to see whether you had made an announcement. I’m really excited for you, and you look beautiful in the photo of you in the Cappuccino.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5Thank you Ladies!
(And Masha, that is is kind of you)!
We have had a lovely few days out bush, campfires and walking. Another lovely week of school hols to go.
10 years ago LINKcrissybell @crissybellNicole, congrats on #6! How exciting and great timing with the o+s layette set! 🙂
10 years ago LINKmeleliza @melelizaI commented over on your blog, but yes, Nicole you look beautiful. Maybe that means it’s a boy? Normally, I would day the more girls, the better, but you have enough girls that the testosterone won’t take over like it does at my house. And Hugo would be like a second little dad. How cute!
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5Thank you Crissy and Melanie, what a lovely thing to read.
Hugo does indeed dote on the younger girls already, the Twins, not so much… (their doing, I am afraid)
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewitI just pray you have a healthy little ‘un no matter the gender – and we can pop virtual champagne to “wet” the baby’s head with you once it arrives.
10 years ago LINKmeleliza @melelizaThat is how it works, isn’t it? Philip dotes on Catherine but not on Charlie. They fight most with the ones closest in age to them.
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