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11 years ago LINK
Janice, I’m laughing! Julia sounds like a very bright little girl.
Inspired by Heidi, today I gave the girls a sewing lesson. We made blankets for their dolls. The 4-year-old did very well. She cut out the square (quite a large one, probably about 20″/50cm square) along the lines I drew for her, all by herself. I ironed the seams over and she put the pins in. She had trouble controlling the pedal on my machine – it is a little touchy – so we settled on her guiding the fabric while I pushed the pedal. She can’t wait to make a matching pillow. And I can’t wait to use up the rest of the ghastly Disney princess flannel my MIL sent in a package 😉
11 years ago LINKI broke down and ordered three yards of the Lisette chambray from using a 50% off coupon. Also stocked up on machine needles since they were all 50% off. Now I have to (not-so-) patiently wait three weeks for arrival …
In the meantime, what to make?
11 years ago LINKmeleliza @melelizaLOL! That’s hilarious.
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewitKeep those hands busy while you wait RTWG! I ordered some precuts from Craftsy (because I couldn’t find those particular ones anywhere else) and it seems like they are walking them across from the US. My other parcel is taking a good while also. It was really slow getting from the place of purchase to the post office it seemed. I suppose the weather has really played havoc with the mailing system over there. Hopefully it won’t be too bad for too much longer. It can be a frustrating wait at times especially when you just want to get started on the project.
I decided I was going to get another craftsy class this morning. The new fast track fitting has a part two released just today – I got a heads up from Joi in my frantic messaging moments. I have been watching and enjoying as she clears up alot of the questions I had going through the first class. I want to play around with the method some more to see if I can make it work on me without having to resort to making a duct tape dummy of myself – as I know I won’t have helpers for that. It will probably eventuate that a duct tape replica of my body could come in handy but I am still working on the weight reduction so it wouldn’t be the best time to do one.
10 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitchI was just talking about the duct tape dress form idea with someone today. I’m holding out for a 3D printer that can print me a personalized mannequin. Apparently the chocolate printer already exists!
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewitWhat? Really? I wonder if they make sugar free?
So when d’you think the 3d printer will be released? I have visions of Big bang theory now!
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi3d printers already exist! I think they may print things up to about a foot cubed, with little dobs of plastic 😮
10 years ago LINKmeleliza @melelizaThe weather in the Midwest especially has slowed the mail down, for sure. International delivery is irregular. Often, people don’t know how to mail international shipments correctly and that slows it down. My MIL in England just had to pick up her packet and pay for the postage. It too forever to get tehre too. Of course, Royal Mail has its own issues. In the US, it usually only takes 2 or 3 days to get something.
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewitWell my parcel from is at the post office but the one from craftsy is still wandering around Romulus MI – I really don’t think Australia Post would be the carrier if it was still there so someone needs a tutorial in how to update the status of packages! Considering it was sent (ie, given over to the carrier) on the 30th of last month and my parcel from was sent on the 7th of this month, SURELY it will be sitting there at the post office aswell. One can only hope!
I can usually sing the praises of international delivery from the US to here. They are pretty darn good at getting it here in good time. Often I have my international parcels arriving BEFORE my Aussie post ones from overeast! That says to me it is Australia post that is letting the side down.
When I read your message Heidi, I was imagining feet in the shape of cubes! Why couldn’t they do cubic metres instead? Bet it would cost more than a house to print something off using it though.
Anyway, I think I have decided to do the Passport dress as my “me project”. I remeasured myself again just to make sure they were right (I sacked the husband as he did my back measurements and they just did not correlate at all). I stuck dots in the prominent measuring spots which made the kids think I’d gone crazy – they wanted to pull them all off before I explained what I was trying to do. Hopefully I will have a bit better success at the pattern alterations now (using the Craftsy class method to try it out).
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love HeidiTamara, I’m sure the printer is in metric, I haven’t seen it but I’ve heard about it and seen a couple of the things printed. I love your imagery of cubed feet! 🙂 I used feet because that’s how I think of something 30cm long! Which is hilarious given I grew up with metric, but my parents used both, and some things like gardening it’s easier to measure in feet as you don’t need to find a tape measure just use what’s on the bottom of your legs 🙂
And there’s a lot of Americans here 🙂
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewitYes I work alot in inches when sewing. I just find it easier to convert when the pattern references that measurement instead of metric. My Jalie patterns are here so by the end of it I will be well versed in French and will have to continually remind myself to use only 1cm seam allowance when sewing the jeans. Funny how different pattern companies use different seam allowances. Of course the instructions are in English aswell.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5We have escaped the heat (sort off) and the fires. I would rather hear my house was gone then have the trauma of fighting the fire myself. Many brave people do but there is nothing more precious then life and after the Victorian fires I always choose to leave early.
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewitSo glad you are out of the thick of it Nicole!
10 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemamaI haven’t been back here for a bit while we made a last push to finish the attic conversion. We had a grand opening of the girls’ rooms on Sunday (with bubbly and finger sandwiches). They have slept there since Saturday night and both seem to be very pleased with their new digs.
I’ve gotten started on converting Isabel’s old room into a studio for me. I’m taking down some wall decorations I put up when we moved in 7 years ago (when my big girl was still in diapers – weep) and tonight I’m buying paint to get rid of the turquoise walls.
For anyone interested in the resulting attic rooms you can see them all here:
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love HeidiHow exciting to get the attic finished! And on the way to a new sewing room for you 🙂
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