News and Current Affairs
11 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
Ah! Camille wonderful to hear from you! What are the chances they will wrangle the cast into doing a live show? The soundtrack is fabulous although I only have three songs and unfortunately Disney haven’t released any sheet music just yet. I was hoping to get some easy piano versions to encourage school holiday practise.
I love how Elsa makes her own gown in the castle building scene as she is singing let it go. But I think the traditional aspects of Anna’s dress design would be a lot easier to achieve – time to either employ the needle and thread or an embroidery machine.
Its funny how you dreamed of the fabric during surgery. I have heard people have some amazing dreams in the operating theatre.
Katy I think they based their facial features on Tinkerbell but of course gave them normal ears. Maybe it is their interpretation of the 21st century princess in a story? Or someone different is animating and doing both characters.
11 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Frozen sounds amazing, The Snow Queen was one of my favourite books as a young primary schooler π
I have a busy sewing year ahead of me. I just found out that as well as the wedding I knew about, there is now an new engagement and wedding! π As well as three babies due to my friends in the first part of next year! The babies are easy with Oliver and S, but I’m not so sure about weddings.
Oh, and Happy New Year!
11 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
Yeah, what is with the big eye thing? It’s starting to get weird. We’re selective too. Last year, I got hubby tickets to see Skyfall in the theaters and I wondered when it happened that going to the movies is a $100 evening. We could go out for a nice dinner instead, so it has to be worth it. (Skyfall was absolutely worth it) Remember when we were young and movies were a cheap entertainment? Of course, if all you need is one ticket, it is cheap. But whether we take the kids or hire a sitter, it’s definitely a big expense. Sometimes, we split up if not everyone is super interested. It’s nice also to have individual time with them. Sometimes, we see movies when were staying with my parents and force them to babysit.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I remember in my younger days we could use our health card (private health called HBF) to get a discount but it is only at the big city cinemas that this happens. You could get a concession if you were on a benefit but then to spend close to $80 for a family to go to a movie whilst on a benefit defeats the purpose – it would be your week’s worth of benefit going on the movies!
We havent been to see an adult movie since before the kids. But I remember being the babysitter in the combination of other couples going to the movies and while I was really cheap, they were able to go to a movie AND have dinner too!
To see a movie in 3D is amazing but even that has a tarrif on top – but you hang onto the glasses from last time and reuse them. We didn’t see this in 3D because it didn’t show more than once that day. We would have had it been shown more often. However, it is also great to see it in 2d because after all this is how you’d see it on the dvd at home.
We never went to the movies as kids but we hope to adopt this experience in the kids that it is great to go and see a movie once in a while as a form of fun that doesnt require destructive behaviour and you actually kearn something. It fuels their imaginations and my daughter is intent on doing something in the film industry – along with being a fashion designer so maybe she will be the one designing the future princess outfits.
Heidi, I bought this beautifully illustrated version of the Snow Queen for Imogen a couple of years ago. She wasnt in the frame of mind at the time to read it so it went in the book shelf. Since the movie though she has been interested. Unfortunately the book is no where to be found. It is a beautiful story and I am so glad Disney managed to pull off a fantastic adaptation.
Sounds like you are going to be busy sewing for babies and weddings Heidi! Two very wonderful occasions to sew for.
Happy new year to all of you.
11 years ago LINKOck Du Spock @Ock Du Spock
hello my lovelies! logging in under a new name now π hubby finally took a holiday and decided to make me a blog. i think he was sick of hearing me moan about the new flickr! so i guess my latest news is apparently i have a blog now… let’s see if i can ever manage to write on it π x
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Congrats V! It’ll be great to read up on what’s happening in your neck of the woods. I do have a question though, how’d you come up with the new name? I need to hear the backstory.
My sil and niece are over from Victoria for fil’s nuptials next week. They are going to pay us a visit tomorrow which will be nice. We haven’t seen them in two years.
11 years ago LINKOck Du Spock @Ock Du Spock
Tamara- The name is a nickname we used in our family π
11 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I was wondering about the name too! π
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Aaaaah! Well there you go. I thought it had something to do with Star Trek characters!
11 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
So pleased you are blogging V. Jed loves looking at your gardening photos.
11 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Wow, I’ve just been putting together all my Flicker photos from 2013 together, I have over 40! And there are at least 6 Pettiskirts, 4 items for me plus another at least 5 Oliver and S items missing! ! ! That makes it more like 55 items, that’s like one a week! I didn’t realise just how much I had made this year!
11 years ago LINKjuliamom2009 @juliamom2009
So this has nothing whatsoever to do with sewing…’s just a “my kid cracks me up” story….
Our cat apparently had a hairball. So, he coughed it up, on the floor. My husband immediately cleaned it up.
Well, Julia saw the whole thing. She got to work – got out her markers, construction paper, staples and a stick. She made a sign to announce to everyone that they should be cautious and avoid the spot where the hairball got hocked up….she stood there, Norma Rae style, holding the sign for a while. Then, she got sick of that, and made a little stand out of a pillow and some cardboard for her “caution” sign.
Needless to say, we’ve all been cracking up about the “be careful of the hairball spot” sign.
Enjoy these kids – they’re only little and cute for a while!!!
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Janice that is the cutest story. I hope you have written it down and taken photographic evidence of the cuteness for future reference. It is such a pity they don’t stay that cute forever – says the parent who is listening to bored siblings screaming at each other.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I was informed yesterday by my sil who is over from Melbourne for fil’s nuptials, that it might have to be down to us to initiate this supposed move and start helping fil shift.
She offered to help her dad out and shift the things out of the end room so they have space to replace the windows (louvers at the side aren’t being replace unfortunately but the windows are at a height and open out which is dangerous for children). So she has basically said that we need to do it or this move will go on forever.
This is where I do a big almighty groan!
We have three weeks of the school holidays left in which we can all pitch in and work on this project. That doesn’t include the week we are shearing. It might not be enough time to get things done considering we have other jobs to do also.
Insert another big fat groan here.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I have been hunting around looking online at “things” and came across this amazing website called I literally spent the day watching how to videos on how to do braids with bows and up dos and things that are different to the average ponytail or plait. I am on a mission to help my daughter do her hair solo this year as she won’t let me do her hair much anymore and there have been not so good comments coming back.
We are still a few weeks out from school starting again so we have some time to practise and get into hairdoing mode for school. She especially wants to try the Lady Gaga bow! I should think it would be rather cool going into school with that hairstyle.
During the brainstorming session, it was announced by my daughter that we have to do different ones every day and change completely the next month. I don’t know how this is going to go because we do have to factor in the “running late for school” moments. We have both agreed though that updo’s can be for days with sport and woodwork and the down do’s for the other days. I have a feeling though we will need to be tweaking the down do’s due to school policy. But it is a fun exercise and a great excuse for more mother daughter time.
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