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    Masha Richart

    As I contemplate the back-to-school (or first-time-to-school, as in this case) wardrobe, I am suddenly filled with burning envy of all those whose kids go to uniform schools. I never really understood it until now. How great would it be if she simply could not wear pink and sparkles to school? Then there would be no fighting. :goes back to daydreaming about khaki and navy blue:

    Tamara @justsewit

    I can understand but our school has just introduced the the new uniform and a lot of parents don’t like it yet have no choice (another story beckons on that one). I am “not allowed” to sew the uniforms for my kids as they have logos on everything and if they supplied undies the logo would be on there too! They have gone just slightly overboard. The kids seem under extreme pressure to wear it because the teachers are pushing them. So really, if it isn’t peer pressure it is teacher pressure and you just can’t win!

    If you are able to have school colours to go by and a simple dress code it would be a heck of a lot easier and I think most people not some people would be happy. Pink and sparkly is certainly a fab option for school. I would do it while she can wear it if I were you.

    Masha Richart

    Yes, what I suppose I am envious of is those schools where the uniforms are a little more flexible and mothers can sew them. I would not be happy with synthetic fabrics (as I assume many are made of). But one does tire of sparkly pink when it is the requested attire all.the.time.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    My husband was looking at the music class skirt I made last night and commended “if you had an embroidery machine . . .”

    Tamara @justsewit

    Was that a big fat hint I wonder?!

    The book week parade is done for another year and we will have more recognisable costumes next year – of course no one in this town knows Stink Moody! duh! But we love ‘im. The prizes were rigged as per usual and went to three girls in the one family who wore BOUGHT costumes! Unfair!

    Next year I am thinking of dictating to the children that they HAVE to go as Willy Wonka and Charlotte from Charlotte’s web! At least they aren’t Princesses!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    We’re talked about an embroidery machine for a while and he loves the look of the embroidery and I need a new sewing machine as I’m currently sewing on borrowed one. What I need now is to find a job so we can afford a new sewing machine.

    I suspect if there was an embroidery he may use it too πŸ™‚

    Masha Richart

    How cool that your husband wants to get you another machine … πŸ™‚ Hopefully the money will turn up.

    I woke at 5:45 to feed the baby, and then noticed I didn’t feel so tired after putting him back to bed. So I came down to check on the garden and work some more on my Family Reunion dress. What I SHOULD be doing, though, is babyproofing the living room. Because he began to crawl yesterday, one day shy of six months. Where the heck is the time going to? And why is he crawling so early! πŸ™‚ I did not expect to be worrying about this yet!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Unfortunately, the age to crawl is only an average of what is seen developmentally so your son is in an obvious hurry to get moving! When I was in a parent group as a first time mum, there was a little girl who was walking by 9 months. Having said that everything else in the development department took its time so where they are advanced in one area they are sure to be normal (average) in others or even (dare I say it) behind.

    In my experience it is boys who are bells and whistles kind of children. My son loved doors! so I recommend as soon as you can get to the baby proofing and stick the precious things up high – unless of course at 8 months he starts climbing!

    My middle sil was a climber and the stories of the precious crystal going tinkle tinkle on the floor followed by a giggle were famous!

    My boy received an honour certificate today – the soundway lessons at home are paying off already!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Congratulations N and Tamara!

    My friend and her 2 year old came to visit today and when we got in my car to go and pick up their car from the repair place the 2 year old asks “Did you make your car Heidi?”

    Tamara @justsewit

    Quick! Write it down before dementia sets in! That is just too PRECIOUS! I love how they come out with such corkers!

    “You have to consaturate the Header daddy” (concentrate on driving the tractor dad – Noah aged 3).

    Thankyou Heidi! I was crying with joy this morning when I read the note because I thought he’d never get one with all the complaining the teacher does.

    I bought an ebook called “how to get your child to practise without resorting to violence” I wish it worked but honestly I am getting fat eating these jellybeans that are supposed to be payment! I told “darling” (gritting my teeth) Imogen last night I will call the teacher to tell her she quits and it got her quick to the instrument. Alas the encouraging comments and renditions on the piano of the latest cornet piece has not induced her to play. (In a whining voice) NOONE will PLAY with me! Why does ten minutes always seem an eternity when you have to play an instrument?

    Does anyone have any ideas of how to get this child to practise?

    EllenMCM @EllenMCM

    Justsewit, we set a daily time for violin practice, so it is just the activity that happens at that time. Unless someone has an appointment or things get crazy, in which case it either gets squeezed in later or we skip it. So no, we haven’t figured it out either. It’s frustrating, because I know how much she wants to be able to play the violin, she just doesn’t necessarily want to go through the process of learning how.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Set times around here aaaah! I state she can “choose” when but it has to be done prior to the evening meal and bedtime routine and there is NO TV or internet until it is done. Fair I think yet it is still abandoned. The trouble is getting home so late from school from the bus all they want to do is chill. Which is fair enough and it isn’t as though they have heaps of jobs to do – if any! I give them 15 -20 minutes to “chill” and have a snack and then it is up to them to get their homework and practise out of the way within the hour until dinner.

    I would love to write in the practise book this week “did duet of yellow ribbon part a on cornet with part b on piano and then swapped”. We have until Tuesday next week to get it done and hopefully my initials there more than just the once.

    Thanks EllenMCM

    Tamara @justsewit

    Did anyone see the blue moon on the 20th? I forgot!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Nope, but now I’ve got the song stuck in my head. Thanks πŸ™‚

    Masha Richart

    Ah yes, instrument practice. I remember this well. I begged my parents for piano lessons and then drove them insane by refusing to practice with any diligence whatsoever for seven or eight years. Periodically they would ask me whether I wanted to just quit. I didn’t. My sister did, though. They set a timer but it was a fight. I do have to say I am so glad they continued to put up that fight because I ended up studying music in college and taught piano myself for awhile. I don’t look forward to the fight with my own kids though.

    We are off on an impromptu vacation tomorrow for about 10 days. My older girl has had a nasty case of eczema since she was three months old. Since we moved here, various locals have told me I have to get her to this hot spring a few hours away; it is supposed to be nothing short of miraculous. The season is almost over and the roads will soon be inaccessible, so we are leaving Saturday. My husband will have to return Monday morning for work but I will stay there with the kiddos until the following Sunday. I really hope it helps. And that I don’t go crazy staying in a guest cottage alone with three under 4 in the meantime.

Viewing 15 posts - 661 through 675 (of 1,804 total)

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