lisette fabric
11 years ago LINK
Ock Du Spock @Ock Du Spock
Thought some of you might want to know, I was in Spotlight today and saw some Lisette fabrics on the clearance rack. If you’ve been looking for some, they might be on your clearance rack as well 🙂 Don’t shoot the messenger ok…
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Heading to Spotlight tomorrow so hopefully….
11 years ago LINKMaggie @Maggie
I bought some of the US Lisette yesterday at Joann’s. It is lovely and smooth. It wasn’t on sale, but I found a coupon on the Joann’s website, and they scanned the barcode right from my phone.
11 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
Pick up some for me Tamara, I be right over to get it. ; )
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Which prints were you after Sharon? And how much per print? I realised I picked some up last time but I will be back for more.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Whoops! Change of plans. Kids staging all out coup so trip to Spotlight is now postponed! Boo! Soooo, still tell me what prints you like Sharon and I can get some for you – dinkum!
11 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
I love the blue plaid and the pink prints if they have any. I think the blue plaid would make a lovely fairy tale dress.
11 years ago LINKBrittney @georgeandizzy
Oh my goodness, it was at my J-A’s today!! It is even cuter in person, I love the new boy prints! I was excited to see how much was already bought off the bolt (as long as the plan to restock, of course!), I picked up a few prints and can’t wait to get started on something.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Ok, I had to get on the home computer to see your reply Sharon. For some reason the ipad has crashed. Anyway, will make a note of the ones you want and keep and eye out. I have the blue plaid – 3m worth as I picked this up last time so will put it aside for you just in case I can’t see more. There will be more than enough to make a Fairy tale dress from. I have the blue and green print that looks like it has little flowers inside of circles also. They are all very pretty. I want to make a couple of shirts (button up) for myself and will use this print I think. It will be nice as a casual shirt I think. I haven’t passed it by the girl yet but will see if she likes the range and maybe we can get her some of the pink stuff too.
How much do you want me to get of the pink? Enough for a Fairy tale again? I will make sure you have plenty as the girls are rather scant in cutting. I have come home with what I thought was 3.5m and was robbed of 20cm! So there will be more than enough. Just let me know your preferred amount and I can translate to metres (as these girls were born knowing only the metric system and most don’t sew a stitch. Isn’t it unfortunate?)
Yay! I can get back on the ipad and fast internet now seeing as it is now uncrashed (had to reboot).
11 years ago LINKIt was all on sale at last time I checked. I am crushing hard on the chambray and the blue and white pique check but I have a huge order coming from Fabric Mart (my new favorite fabric shop, btw) and am trying to resist. I shouldn’t, though – I think that chambray will be a big seller and when I want it it will probably be gone.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I love how there are different ranges for Australia and the US and how there are many possibilities to source each range.
11 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
2Oh thanks Tamara! Two yards of the pink would fine, I want to use it for the music box dress/jumper for a spring outfit. Just email how much and how to pay you, thanks so much!
11 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
I weirdly enjoy shopping for friends even more than for myself. I guess it makes it feel like a party instead of just a hobby I do alone. You can just imagine how excited the other gal will be to open the package. And when I get a package I’m beside myself. I love that we have our own sneakernet exchange!
11 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
Oh yes, like shopping with girlfriends! I so wish we all lived closer.
11 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I always take my Mood bag to Spotters Sarvi and positively swank around with it.
(And If I possibly can, I drop the my girlfriend in LA sent it to me)
Pretentious, who? me?
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