Liesl's new patterns for grown ups
11 years ago LINK
needlewoman @needlewoman
You ladies are always good for a laugh; never had babies but I’m only 5 ft 2″ (3” on a good day), and a generous bust and broad back, with small shoulders. When I put on on weight, I look like a milk bottle – who remembers those? Do you wonder that I sew for children; it’s so much easier! Good on you, Sarvi; give it a go with the skirt, and let the devil take the hindmost!
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh crumbs! You’d need a huge needle to get my thighs through! But I see what you mean “it is all about the body image daaaarling!” Thank God my daughter isn’t like that (yet). Who wants to be a zero anyway?
How’s that dress coming along Nicole?
11 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
Getting dresses this afternoon, I tried a sweater with this long skirt and thought, nope that’s frumptastic. You’d better copyright that word now! It will definately enter my everyday vocabulary.
I found a beautiful quality wool suiting in a tiny houndstooth this afternoon. Lovely drape and soft. I think it will be georgeous for the every day skirt, but it was pricey. I didn’t pick it up yet because I have this habit of making myself stuff I have nothing to wear with. So what do I want to wear with a black and white skirt? Maybe I should look for a camel colored wool instead…..
11 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
If it is a very small houndstooth I would classify it as a neutral and pair it with all sorts. Do you wear florals Melanie? I adore wool paired with Liberty.
I finished the dress yesterday and I adore it. I have another planned already. The pattern is so well shaped and flattering as I am carry a lot of extra weight on my small frame.
If you liked the Portfolio you will love the fit of this!
11 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
I always say frousy. Frumpy and mousy. That’s me.
I can’t wait to see a pic of the every day skirt in wool. I have some wool that might just do the ticket.
11 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
Yes, it’s small and definately qualifies as neutral. Yes I like florals, but I was thinking more of which shoes would work. I am more in need of every day clothes than fancy, so maybe I’m answering my own question re the high end suiting, eh? Though I think the houndstooth would be lovely. I always have this problem in the fall. Fall fabrics are just not suited to my every day life of cleaning house and wrangling little ones.
11 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Post pictures of your shoes, I will play!
I love shoes, I have more shoes then clothes, which is very sad as most days I wear Blunnies! (Work boots)
11 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
I just ordered myself these as a reward for dropping 10 pounds: so should be looking for something to wear with them.
11 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Gorgeous boots and congrats on the weight loss.
My boots are not quite so sexy
11 years ago LINKsosew @sosew
Almost done with the cape, need the right closures for the front.
And one thing I can’t figure out with the buttons on the side, how do you attach them without the stitching showing? The lining seems too thin to hold the buttons but sewing it through the cape will show. Am I missing something?
11 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
You just prompted me to look at mine…
There are little squares of interfacing at the button attachment spots. I’ve sewn the buttons to the lining and interfacing, barely picking up any of the cape fabric at all. the buttons are holding fine but I’ve just noticed the lining has little worn holes around where the stitches are. doesn’t matter but if your lining was prone to fraying it could be problematic.
Most importantly, don’t make those buttonholes too big. Mine keep coming undone all the time. These could actually be fake buttons/buttonholes as the cape can be put on and taken off without them being undone.
11 years ago LINKOoh, those boots are gorgeous Melanie! And feel free to use “frumptastic” with abandon 🙂 I also have a tiny b/w houndstooth (but in a medium-weight cotton shirting) on the way. I planned to use it for a Late Lunch tunic but I am no longer certain. I think a skirt would be great, and it is definitely neutral.
Finished my first tunic. I’m reasonably happy with it though I definitely need to rejigger the bodice area. And since I am in me-sewing mode, I am going to work on a new top the next few days. My very favorite knit top developed a hole in an unfixable location, so I turned it into a pattern and am going to try to replicate it. Wish me luck …
11 years ago LINKRobin @Robin
Oh frumptastic! I know the concept well. Good to have a name for it.
You know what’s not frumptastic? The Everyday Skirt Pattern. It rocks. I bought the pattern even though I’m “above” the size chart. I’m sick to death of making skirts with zippers that don’t fit. The elastic is some kind of secret weapon – it provides great shaping without making me feel like I’m wearing “old lady” clothing. The gathers lay nicely, the pockets are highly functional and it’s really comfortable.
11 years ago LINKCashmama @Cashmama
Hi all! I just got the Everyday Skirt pattern…and I’m wondering–could I leave off the gathering in the front? I really like flat-front skirts…wondering how much to leave out. Has anyone tried this?
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I wish I could see those boots Mel – I just got the ad to get the app! Nicole Blundstones here too – and Rossi’s. For the ladies who can copy Imelda Marcos’ great love of shoes, half your luck! I have to search online to find shoes for me and now the kids as they are in adult sizes. I really wish I could have more than one pair of shoes and buy shoes easily in more than just black!
Mel great job on the weightloss. I think I’m in need of a reward too, 18.7pounds I worked out as of this morning. 1.5kg to go until the first ten. When I hit the mark I will order a pattern I think, you gals are having too much fun without me!
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