Oliver + S

I'm missing Flickr waffle

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    Nicole @motherof5

    I’ll admit it , I am missing the funny chats we had at Flickr, I feel that I don’t like to make a comment unless it is relevant. That said, I enjoy reading old forums while feeding.

    Todd Gibson

    Please, feel free to have funny chats here. It doesn’t have to be all serious. The more chatting that goes on, the more people will feel free to chat even more. So, please, use these forums for whatever purpose you wish.

    Liesl Gibson

    Yes, we could use some good chatting. Please, feel free!

    I’ll start by telling you that at our house tonight, S is having a friend over for her first sleep-over. Something tells me there won’t be much sleeping…by any of us.

    And on the sewing front, we’re nearly ready for Quilt Market. All the samples are looking terrific, and I can hardly wait to see them all displayed in the booth. Will post photos after the show.

    What are you sewing this weekend?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Sleepovers!, thats why we built our bedroom down the other end of the house. Actually, ‘sleepover’ is an oxymoron when it is in context with children. I saw one of your samples on flickr, so beautiful, your definitely on to a winner there.I am sewing 2 little ice cream dresses in corduroy when the baby is asleep and cutting out bottoms in a beautiful tencil denim when she is up, I’m using the sailboat pants and I have found some large mother of pearl buttons. The ice cream dresses in cord have been a challenge, but I just could’nt wait until Summer to make one. I am needing to bash the seams with my little sewing hammer,but my machine is an old semi-industrial and we are getting there!

    I would love to hear what someone else is sewing(or just dreaming of sewing)

    claireabel @claireabel

    Nicole I’m keen to see how the cord Ice-Cream dress works out (I’m in Aus too so may attempt one too).

    I have a huge list of stuff to sew.

    A Sunday Brunch jacket in fine red gaberdine (fabric washed and ready to cut)

    A Sketch book shirt for my son’s birthday in September

    A bubble dress in 3T for next summer, using Alexander Henry’s Apples and Pears print in light blue

    A popover sundress (never tried this one!) in some cute Navy Kokka.

    Need more hours in the day, and sleepier babies!

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    I am continuing on with the second raincoat using the jacket pattern – hoping to get it finished before the rain really sets in here in Melbourne. Laminates aren’t so bad with a walking foot – but setting in the sleeves is VERY hard with a fabric with no give in it!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Just finished the dresses this afternoon , will post them tonight in offpeak time. The cord is nice but I would only use a pinwale cord, and ease the pockets with the basting stitch the next time I attempt it. I have not purchased the jacket pattern(yet)! That and the sandpit pants are the only 2 I don’t have.

    The jeans are cut out and ready to go, do I use a navy topstitch or a bone? The buttons are mother of pearl , and the tencil has a bone weave showing through , what do you think girls?

    I love your list Claire, make the shorts if you make the shirt, so easy!

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    ooh navy I think… if you are a neater topstitcher than I am! I think it will look crisper than with bone and be a nice contrast to the buttons and weave…

    Nicole @motherof5

    Excellent, I did not think of that. They are for twins , do I do 1 of each?

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    ooo that is a tricky one. I have this conundrum with my 2 boys who are 22 months apart – I often do different but then feel really bad if one looks much better than the other 🙂 but having said that it would be nice for them to be able to tell which one you made for them in particular.

    claireabel @claireabel

    Sunday Brunch jacket is now cut out but I don’t have any matching cotton – boo! Off to the shops tomorrow.

    The jacket pattern is waiting patiently for next Winter. I have chosen the wool I want to use but have to save for the postage – I was quoted $56! My 2 year old daughter and 8 month old son are getting the same mid-blue wool, with different linings. Can’t wait.

    The sketchbook shorts are on my list for Summer. Do you think it’s possible to make them without the pleat in the front?

    Setting in sleeves with a laminate would drive me to drink, I think! Can’t wait to see them.

    As for the jeans, my vote is for bone stitching (but that could have something to do with the fact that I usually have my machine threaded with a neutral thread and am a lazy sewer).

    Looking forward to seeing the dresses Nicole. Actually here’s a question for you, what do your clothing labels say?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thats a hefty p&h!, I like the sound of them, though !. You could make them without the pleat , but its not hard to do. It gives some ease for movement when kneeling, and if its the look that puts you off, if you don’t press the crease in you can barely notice them. I made art smocks ,once out of laminate, I still shiver when I think of it. I ended up sprinkling powder to make it slide easier, and then had to get my machine serviced.Not my cleverest moment!

    I am thinking one in each colour topstitching, they are finally agreeing to dress differently , but I know what you mean T 888, you feel so bad if one looks snappier!

    Claire, my labels are just a bit of fun. One says ‘enfant’ (on phon) or child in french. the other Eglington is an old family name, Son & Heir took umbrage at the child bit. I don’t sell them. Just trying to look a little less home made.

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    I am a whole lot of hand sewing away from finishing my second raincoat so I hope to have a wet photo shoot soon!! This time I didn’t sew big creases into the underneath fabric while setting in the sleeves as I did with the first raincoat… after feeling very pleased with myself for getting that right on the first attempt it dawned on me that I had sewn the sleeve in inside out :<

    Anonymous @

    I just ordered the jacket pattern last week. I’m planning to make my daughter’s winter coat this year. It won’t be for a while but I figured I’d better pick up the pattern. I have a 4 year old girl and a 2 year old boy, so I’ll choose a gender neutral color so that my little guy can have it as a hand-me-down. I’m thinking robins egg blue with chocolate buttons. Also, I think I’ll make a girly quilted liner for my daughter and then make a new boy-ish one when he gets the coat. It’s only on the inside, but at least that will make it more like a new coat for him.

    I haven’t been sewing for several weeks because I’m fighting annoying allergies/sinus headache!! I hope to get back to it tomorrow. My girl needs shorts!!

    Anonymous @

    Oh – I forgot to tell you – I just bought a pattern for “little guy ties” and I’m going to make matching father/son ties for Father’s Day. Should be really cute!

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